संस्कृत संवादः । Sanskrit Samvadah
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The below verse is an excellent example of श्लेषालङ्कारः or double entendre. Here this verse has two meanings.

सूत्रं पाणिनिबद्धं कलयन्पुरुषः समुद्वहति सुदृशम्।
वर्णादीनां धर्मान्बुद्ध्वा विधिवत्प्रेयुङ्क्तेऽसौ॥

Related to Marriage:

सूत्रं - a band (tied during matrimonial ceremony), पाणिनिबद्धं - tied in hand, कलयन्पुरुषः - a man bearing, समुद्वहति - marries well, सुदृशम् - beautiful-eyed girl, वर्णादीनां - of varnas such as Brahmins etc., धर्मान् - duties, बुद्ध्वा - having understood, विधिवत् - accordingly, प्रेयुङ्क्ते - engages, असौ - he

A man wearing a wedding band, tied in his hand, marries well a beautiful-eyed girl. He after understanding the dharma of social classes engages accordingly.

Related to Grammar:

सूत्रं - rule, पाणिनिबद्धं - framed by Maharshi Panini, कलयन्पुरुषः - a person contemplating, समुद्वहति - retains well, सुदृशम् - the correct vision (to understand correct and incorrect usages), वर्णादीनां - of letters etc., धर्मान् - laws, बुद्ध्वा - having understood, विधिवत् - diligently, प्रेयुङ्क्ते - follows, असौ - he

A person contemplating on the sutra of Maharshi Panini retains the correct usage well. He follows them diligently after learning the laws of phonetics.

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विमानोड्डयनघोषणा। #Celebrating_Sanskrit
तया कवितया किं वा किं वा वनितया तया।
पदविन्यासमात्रेण मनो नापहृतं यया॥

~ अज्ञातमूलम्

🌹 This verse implies that whether it is a poem (कविता) or a woman (वनिता), if they do not captivate your heart through their पदविन्यास, they do not hold any great value. The term पदविन्यास can be understood as the fine placement of words in a poem or the graceful gait of a woman.

🌷 इस श्लोक का अर्थ है कि चाहे वह कविता हो या स्त्री, अगर वे अपने पदविन्यास के माध्यम से आपके हृदय को नहीं लुभाती हैं, तो उनमें कोई महानता नहीं है। पदविन्यास का अर्थ कविता में शब्दों की सुन्दर व्यवस्था या स्त्री के चलने के सुन्दर ढंग से है। #Celebrating_Sanskrit
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बालकैः वेदपाठः। #Celebrating_Sanskrit
While you take oath for the 3rd time as the PM of Bharat here is an ashirvachana for you from the Rishi Tradition of Bharat.

यौधिष्ठिरं धैर्यमवाप्नुहि त्वं
भैमं बलं नैपुणमर्जुनस्य।
माद्रीजयोः कान्तिमथाभिरूप्यं
कीर्तिं च कृष्णस्य जगत्प्रियस्य॥

May you inherit the fortitude of Yudhisthira, the strength of Bhima, the skill of Arjuna, the brilliance and charm of the sons of Mādrī (Nakula and Sahadeva), and (above all), the renown of Krishna, the beloved of the world.

» Pancharātram of Bhāsa 2.70 @Sampadananda

आ त्वा गन्राष्ट्रं सह वर्चसोदिहि प्राङ्विशां पतिरेकराट्त्वं वि राज।
सर्वास्त्वा राजन्प्रदिशो ह्वयन्तूपसद्यो नमस्यो भवेह॥

O King, May you shine and rule this Rashtra as sole ruler & protector of the people; and be honoured & revered by people from all the regions.

📍 अथर्ववेदः ३।४।१ ॥ #Celebrating_Sanskrit
🌿साक्षराः विपरीताश्चेद्राक्षसा एव केवलम्।
सरसो विपरीतश्चेत् सरसत्वं न मुञ्चति॥

🌞 अक्षराणां विपर्यस्तविन्यासेन अर्थगौरवं वर्णयति पद्यमिदम्। साक्षराः यदि विपरीतमाचरन्ति तर्हि ते राक्षसाः भवन्ति। किन्तु सरसो विपरीत अपि शब्दक्रमस्य विपर्यासेनापि सरस एव भवति। सरसः व्यक्तिः कदाचित् स्वस्य स्वभावं रसयुक्तत्वं न मुञ्चति।

🌷साक्षर (लोग जो अक्षरज्ञान रखते हैं) वो क्रम विरुद्ध होकर (विपरीताचरण से) राक्षस बन जाते हैं। पर सरस व्यक्ति विपरीतक्रम वाला होकर भी सरसत्व नहीं छोड़ता। वो हर स्थिति में सरस रहता है।

🌹If [the word] साक्षराः (=scholars) become otherwise, they turn to राक्षसाः (=devils). [But] if [the word] सरस (=charming) is reversed, it does not leave out charmingness. This is play on words and meaning.

@Usha411 #Subhashitam #Celebrating_Sanskrit
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देव्याः सुषमायाः सुपुत्र्या बांसुरीदेव्या संस्कृतेन सांसदत्वेन शपथं गृहीतम्।
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विद्यालयैः सर्वैरेवं प्रयत्नीयम्। #celebrating_Sanskrit