संस्कृत संवादः । Sanskrit Samvadah
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२२७. संस्कृत वाक्याभ्यासः

भवतः मुखं तत्र अस्ति
= आपका मुख वहाँ है

अग्रे दृष्ट्वा यानं चालयतु ।
= आगे देखकर वाहन चलाईये

ध्यानं यानचालने एव भवेत्
= ध्यान वाहन चलाने पर ही रहे

यदा यानं चालयति तदा अन्यं कार्यं मा करोतु
= जब वाहन चलाते हैं तब अन्य काम न करें

चलभाषेण वार्तालापः न करणीयः।
= मोबाइल से बातचीत नहीं करनी चाहिये ।

याने चलचित्रं न द्रष्टव्यम्।
= वाहन में फ़िल्म नहीं देखनी चाहिये।

अत्र तत्र न द्रष्टव्यम्।
= यहाँ वहाँ नहीं देखना चाहिये

धूम्रपानं मा कुर्वन्तु।
= धूम्रपान न करें ।

मद्यपानं मा कुर्वन्तु।
= मद्यपान न करें ।

कारयाने पट्टम् अवश्यमेव बध्नातु ।
= कार में बेल्ट अवश्य बाँधिये।

यात्रा सर्वदा सुखेन करणीया ।
= यात्रा हमेशा सुख से करें ।


२२८. संस्कृताभ्यासः

अद्य रविवासरः अस्ति।
= आज रविवार है।

रविवासरे किं करणीयम् ?
= रविवार को क्या करना चाहिए ?

रविवासरे यज्ञरू करणीयः।
= रविवार को यज्ञ करना चाहिये।

रविवासरे स्वाध्यायः करणीयः।
= रविवार को स्वाध्याय करना चाहिये।

रविवासरे संस्कृतं पठनीयम्।
= रविवार को संस्कृत पढ़नी चाहिये।

रविवासरे संस्कृत-सम्भाषणं करणीयम्।
= रविवार को संस्कृत में बातचीत करनी चाहिये।


२२९. संस्कृत वाक्याभ्यासः

मह्यं भोजनं देहि।
= मुझे भोजन दो।

मह्यं भोजनं ददातु।
= मुझे भोजन दीजिये।

भोजनं बहु स्वादिष्टम् अस्ति।
= भोजन बहुत स्वादिष्ट है।

भवान् / भवती अपि खादतु।
= आप भी खाईये।

त्वम् अपि खाद।
= तुम भी खाओ।

अलाबोरू शाकम् इच्छामि।
= लौकी का शाक चाहिये।

न न अद्य पिष्टकम् न इच्छामि।
= नहीं आज पकौड़ा नहीं चाहता हूँ।

पिष्टकम् = पकौड़ा।
पिष्टकानि = पकौड़े।


२३०. संस्कृत वाक्याभ्यासः

अत्र = यहाँ
तत्र = वहाँ
यत्र = जहाँ
कुत्र = कहाँ
सर्वत्र = सब जगह
अन्यत्र = और कहीं

अत्र आम्रफलम् अस्ति।
तत्र कदलीफलम् अस्ति।
यत्र बदरीफलम् अस्ति तत्रैव नारंगफलम् अस्ति।
स्वादुफलं कुत्र अस्ति ?
कर्मफलं सर्वत्र अस्ति।
आनन्दः सर्वत्र अस्ति।

२४१ संस्कृत वाक्याभ्यासः

ह्यः मार्गे हयः आसीत्।
= कल रास्ते में घोड़ा था।

हयं दृष्ट्वा सर्वे यानं मन्दं कृतवन्तः ।
= घोड़े को देखकर सबने वाहन धीमा कर दिया।

मार्गे यदाकदा शशः अपि आगच्छति।
= रास्ते में कभी कभी खरगोश भी आ जाता है।

शशः बहु वेगेन धावति।
= खरगोश बहुत तेज दौड़ता है।

एकः जनः उष्ट्रं नयति स्म।
= एक जन ऊँट ले जा रहा था।

बालकाः उष्ट्रं द्रष्टुं स्थितवन्तः।
= बच्चे ऊँट को देखने खड़े हो गए।

नगरे यदा गजः आगच्छति तदा सम्मर्दः भवति।
= शहर में जब हाथी आता है तो भीड़ हो जाती है।

आं गर्दभं द्रष्टुम् अनेके जनाः तिष्ठन्ति।
= हाँ , गधा देखने के लिये अनेक लोग खड़े हो जाते हैं।

यदा धेनुः मिलति तदा सर्वे किमपि खादयन्ति।
= जब गाय मिलती है तब सभी कुछ खिलाते हैं ।

मार्जारी तु गृहे भवति एव।
= बिल्ली तो घर में होती ही है।

आं सिंहं द्रष्टुं वनं गच्छन्तु।
= हाँ शेर देखने के लिये जंगल जाईये ।

२४२ संस्कृत वाक्याभ्यासः

अद्य सः अनशनं करिष्यति।
= आज वह अनशन करेगा।

अन+अशनम् = भोजन न करना
सः सत्यमेव किमपि न खादिष्यति।
= वह सचमुच में कुछ नहीं खाएगा।

आदिनं आहारं विना एव यापयिष्यति।
= पूरा दिन आहार बिना के बिताएगा।

उपवासकाले अपि सः कार्यं तु करिष्यति एव।
= उपवास के समय भी वह काम तो करेगा ही।

केचन जनाः उपवासं तु कुर्वन्ति
= कुछ लोग उपवास तो करते हैं

मध्ये मध्ये चणकपूरिकां खादन्ति।
= बीच बीच में छोले भटूरे खाते हैं

रसं पिबन्ति।
= जूस पीते हैं ।

तेषामेव उपवासस्य प्रचारः भवति।
= उनके ही उपवास का प्रचार होता है।

श्रद्धया उपवासः करणीयः।
= श्रद्धा से उपवास करना चाहिये।

अनशनस्य किमपि ध्येयं भवेत्।
= अनशन का कोई ध्येय होना चाहिये।

व्यर्थमेव जनान् आकर्ष्टुम् उपवासः न करणीयः ।
= बेकार में लोगों को आकर्षित करने के लिये उपवास नहीं करना चाहिये

(23 October 1923 - 25 May 2021)
(23 October 1923 - 25 May 2021)
The Sahṛdaya Jñānopayogī Scholar Who Never Lost His Sense Of Wonder

World-renowned scholar Dr Padmanabh S. Jaini breathed his last on May 25, 2021. Dr Jaini was a veritable encyclopedia of Indian philosophy, and one of the world’s leading scholars of Jainism and Buddhism. An indologist who mastered several languages, Dr Jaini wrote largely on Buddhism and Jainism. He was Professor Emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley, where he taught for nearly a quarter of a century.

Dr Jaini was born in a Tulu Jain family at his maternal grandmother’s home in Belthangady Jain Pete (Karnataka) on Monday, October 23, 1923. His mother was a devotee of Padmāvatī Devī and named him Padmanabh. His father Śrī Nellikar Shreevarma Shetty and his mother Śrīmatī Rajamati (known as Radhamma) were both educated, well-read Jain householders who gave their son sound values and an excellent education steeped in tradition.Dr Jaini was blessed with three brothers and three sisters.

Dr Jaini’s education began at age 3 when his mother made him memorise the nakṣatras and the names of the three caubīsīs. His father taught him to read English and Hindi, and hoped that he would grow up to become a scholar like Jugmandar Lal Jaini, knowing both Sanskrit and English. Being the son of a dedicated and disciplined teacher, Dr Jaini completed his primary school at age 9 and was then sent to the Gurukula established by Muni Samantabhadra in Karanja (Maharashtra) where he completed his matriculation. After this, Dr. Jaini attended college in Nashik, where he completed his BA (Honours) in Sanskrit and Prakrit.

A short trip to Mumbai led to Dr Jaini’s introduction to Pandit Nathuram Premi. Pandit Premiji then introduced the young Padmanabh to Pandit Sukhlal Sanghavi, who happened to be visiting Mumbai at the time. Pandit Sukhlalji immediately took the young scholar under his wing and took him back to Ahmadabad, where he stayed for two years and completed his MA under the close mentorship of Pandit Sukhlalji. Back in Mumbai, the young Padmanabh met Kakasaheb Kalelkar, who awarded him the Dharmanand Kosambi Memorial Trust Scholarship for a year, which enabled him to go to Sri Lanka and continue his studies. Dr Jaini lived in Sri Lanka for 2 years and was awarded a degree called Saddhamācariya.

Following this, Dr Jaini spent another year in Ahmadabad, teaching Pali and Buddhism. He was then appointed as a Lecturer of Pali and Buddhism at the renowned Banaras Hindu University. Such was his eminence at the BHU, that he was invited to become a Lecturer in Pali at the world-famous SOAS (University of London). He taught there for several years, first as a lecturer and then as a Reader. He also completed his PhD at the University of London.

An invitation offering Full Professorship at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, saw Dr Jaini and his family migrate to America in July 1967. There, he taught a graduate course in Sanskrit and an undergraduate course in Buddhism. In 1972, Dr Jaini was invited to teach in the newly established graduate programme in Buddhist Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. And he stayed and taught here for the rest of his life.
Dr Jaini’s career at the University of California, Berkeley was a series of highlights. All his academic endeavours met with great success. It was here that he wrote his groundbreaking masterpiece, The Jaina Path of Purification, in 1979, followed by several other books, articles and academic papers, all of enduring archival value. Dr Jaini became a colossus in the world of Jain and Buddhist studies.

In all, he wrote 17 highly acclaimed books and over 80 articles.

The most prominent among his books are:
Laghutattvasphoṭa by Amṛtacandrasūri (Ahmadabad: 1978)
The Jaina Path of Purification (Berkeley: 1979)
Gender and Salvation (Berkeley: 1991)
Collected Papers on Jaina Studies (Delhi: 2000)
Collected Papers on Buddhist Studies (Delhi: 2001)
Christianity and Jainism: An Interfaith Dialogue (Mumbai: 2009)

Not only was Dr Jaini known for his erudition, but also his brilliant teaching and incomparable memory. He was also a marvellous raconteur, blessed with a tremendous sense of humour. Dr Jaini did not care much for titles or honorifics and wore his profound learning very lightly. He was highly sought after, yet also highly approachable. Several leading Indologists today chose a career in academics after meeting him.

I am fortunate to have had the warmest personal relationship with Dr Jaini. Not only am I the great-grandson of Pandit Nathuram Premi, his first mentor, I have also inherited Premiji’s legendary publishing house, Hindi Granth Karyalay and continue his legacy in my limited way. Dr Jaini visited our home in Mumbai and mesmerised us with his perfect recollection of his meetings with Pandit Premiji. His advice and inspiration have guided me through my work as a translator of Jain literature. He allowed me to publish his writings, Christianity and Jainism (2009) and his memoirs Coincidences (Yogāyoga)(2019), in multiple languages.

Losing Dr Jaini marks the end of an era, and is a great personal loss to many. In the words of his son, “He was a brilliant scholar and a good man.” The world is a lesser place in his absence.

I pray that his soul attains kṣāyika samyagdarśana and mokṣa.

Manish Modi
Mumbai, 26 May 2021
Forwarded from kathaaH कथाः
सम्भाषणसन्देशः मे २००७
शिक्षकः- प्राणवायुः इत्युक्ते अाङ्ग्लायाम् अक्सिजेन इति, जानन्ति वा भवन्तः ? एतं विना जीवाः न जीवन्ति । एतस्य आविष्कारः 1722 ख्रीष्टाब्दे जातः ।

एकः छात्रः सहसा उत्थाय – महाशय ! ततः पूर्वं जीवाः श्वास-प्रश्वासयोः व्यवहारमेव न कुर्वन्ति स्म किम् ? 

— नारदः ।

२८.५ सायंकाल आकाशवाणी संस्कृत
May 28, 2021

 नूतनसूचनाप्रौद्योगिकविद्यायाः मार्गनिर्देशपालनविषये वाट्स् आप् माध्यमाय भारतसर्वकारेण प्रतिवचनं दत्तम्। 

   नवदिल्ली> नूतनसूचनाप्रौद्योगिकविद्यायाः मार्गनिर्देशपालनविषये जातस्य नियमस्पर्धायां वाट्स् आप् माध्यमाय प्रतिवचनं दत्वा केन्द्रसर्वकारः। पौराणां गोप्यतासंरक्षणाय सर्वकारः शपथबद्धः भवति। अपि च राष्ट्रे नियमव्यवस्थां पालयित्वा देशसुरक्षापालनमपि सर्वकारस्य उत्तरदायित्वमेव इति केन्द्रसूचनाप्रौद्योगिकविद्यायाः मन्त्रिणा रविशङ्करप्रसादेन उक्तम्। राष्ट्रस्य नियमव्यवस्थानुसारं गोप्यतासंरक्षणा धिकारः केवलं कोऽपि मौलिकावकाशः न। तत् न्यायानुसारं नियन्त्रणविधेयः भवति इति सः न्यवेदयत्। राष्ट्रसुरक्षा, सामान्यनियमाः, तथा विदेशराष्ट्रयोः मिथः सौहृदं इत्यादिषु बाधायुक्तान् विषयान् प्रतिरोद्धुं, बहिरानेतुं कृतापराधीन् दण्डयितुं च सन्देशस्य उद्भवस्थानं प्रकाशयितव्यमस्ति। स्त्रीणां बालकानां च सुरक्षा अस्मिन् अन्तर्भवति। तत् गोप्यतायाः उल्लङ्घनं न भवति इति भारतसर्वकारः स्वाभिमतं प्राकाशयत्।

   भारतसर्वकारस्य मार्गनिर्देशः शासननियमविरुद्धम् तथा उपभोक्तृणां गोपनीयताधिकारशलङ्घनं च भवति इति 'वाट्स् आप् ' सूचयति।

 लडाक् मध्ये इस्रयेलीय- उदग्रछायाग्राही-विन्यासाय भारतम् सज्जम् अभवत्।  चीनायाः सरणं निरीक्ष्यते।

   नवदिल्ली> लडाक् मध्ये यथार्थनियन्त्रणरेखायां इस्रयेलीय हेरोन् उदग्रछायाग्राहीविन्यासाय

 भारतं सज्जमभवत्।  भारतीयसेनायाः निरीक्षणक्षमतायाःशक्तीकरणाय एव उदग्रछायाग्राह्यः सेनायै प्रदास्यते। इत्थं लडाक् मध्ये तथा चीनेन सह येषु प्रदेशेषु सीमां विभज्यन्ते तेषु मण्डलेषु अपि चीनस्य प्रवर्तनानि कार्यक्षमतया निरीक्षितुम् भारतस्य अवसरोऽपि लभ्यते। कोविड्१९ महामार्याः कारणेन कालविलम्बो जातः तथापि भारतीयतीरसेनायै विलम्बं विना उदग्रछायाग्राह्यः लप्स्यन्ते इति सर्वकारवृन्दैः निगदितम्। नूतनस्य उदग्रछायाग्राह्यः   प्रतिलोमसम्मर्दक्षमता पुरातनापेक्षया अधिकतया अस्ति।

~ संप्रति वार्ता
जगतो यो जगन्मयः ।
मूलभूतो नमस्तस्मै
विष्णवे परमात्मने ॥


जो जगत में सर्वत्र निवास करते हैं और जिनकी वजह से जगत की उत्पत्ति, स्थिति और विनाश होता है, उन परमात्मा श्रीमन्महाविष्णु जी को प्रणाम।


Salutations to the supreme soul, Lord Shri Mahavishnu, who resides everywhere in the universe and is the primary cause of its creation, sustenance, and dissolution.

© Sanjeev GN  #Subhashitam
There is pun in every language. One word can have different meaning. eg: Fast Make fast the rope. The colour is fast. The train is fast. Fast [ ekadashi/Ramzan]. Clock is fast.Hard and fast rules. Fast asleep.

विकाशमीयुर्जगतीशमार्गणा विकाशमीयुर्जगतीशमार्गणाः । 
विकाशमीयुर्जगतीशमार्गणा विकाशमीयुर्जगतीशमार्गणाः ॥

Four feet of the verse are the same but each foot has different meaning.

 "The arrows (mārgaṇāḥ), of the king (jagatīśa) Arjuna spread out (vikāśam īyuḥ). The arrows (mārgaṇāḥ), of the lord of the earth (jagatīśa) [i.e. Śiva], spread out (vikāśam īyuḥ). The  Gaṇas (gaṇāḥ) who are the slayers of demons (jagatīśamār) rejoiced (vikāśam īyuḥ). The seekers (mārgaṇāḥ) of Śiva (jagatīśa) [i.e. the deities and sages], reached (īyuḥ) the sky (vikāśam) [to watch the battle]. 
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२९.५ आकाशवाणी संस्कृत
🚩आज की हिंदी तिथि

🌥️ 🚩युगाब्द - ५१२३
🌥️ 🚩विक्रम संवत - २०७८
🚩तिथि - तृतीया सुबह 06:33 तक तत्पश्चात चतुर्थी

दिनांक - 29 मई 2021
दिन - शनिवार
शक संवत - 1943
अयन - उत्तरायण
ऋतु - ग्रीष्म
मास - ज्येष्ठ
पक्ष - कृष्ण
नक्षत्र - पूर्वाषाढा शाम 06:04 तत्पश्चात उत्तराषाढा
योग - शुभ सुबह 11:30 तक तत्पश्चात शुक्ल
राहुकाल - सुबह 09:17 से सुबह 10:56 तक
सूर्योदय - 05:58
सूर्यास्त - 19:14
दिशाशूल - पूर्व दिशा में
कल २८.५.२०२१ की सुधर्मा पत्रिका
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