#坑口 #HangHau Ticket Inspection 0834 1320 🅰🅱各1黃 ⚠️ #KT Team 將軍澳 坑口 連站 ‼️
#每日盲點介紹 #DailyBlindSpot
HangHau🅱 Paid area left hand side information broad behind the pillar
HangHau🅱 Paid area left hand side information broad behind the pillar
#鑽石山 #DiamondHill Ticket Inspection
1800 地鐵🅰2黃捉入⚠️BC 最少1黃捉入⚠️有cam
1900 地鐵🅰1黃捉入⚠️
1912 地鐵BC 3黃捉入⚠️
2053 🅰3黃繼續捉‼️
2113 🅰2黃捉入‼️
2123 🅰2黃打斜捉入‼️
#MiuMiu Team
1800 地鐵🅰2黃捉入⚠️BC 最少1黃捉入⚠️有cam
1900 地鐵🅰1黃捉入⚠️
1912 地鐵BC 3黃捉入⚠️
2053 🅰3黃繼續捉‼️
2113 🅰2黃捉入‼️
2123 🅰2黃打斜捉入‼️
#MiuMiu Team
#將軍澳 #TseungKwanO Ticket Inspection
1805 🅰🅱C最少3黃捉入⚠️
1826 🅱2黃匿廣告板後捉入‼️C 2黃匿廣告牌後捉入‼️1人中伏
1845 🅰2黃捉出入‼️
1851 C 3黃捉入⚠️
2135 繼續捉‼️
有 #查飛廣播 📣
1805 🅰🅱C最少3黃捉入⚠️
1826 🅱2黃匿廣告板後捉入‼️C 2黃匿廣告牌後捉入‼️1人中伏
1845 🅰2黃捉出入‼️
1851 C 3黃捉入⚠️
2135 繼續捉‼️
有 #查飛廣播 📣
#尖東 #EastTsimShaTsui Ticket Inspection
1917 JKL 2黃捉出入‼️‼️瘋狂抽查‼️‼️
#CLHY Team‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
1917 JKL 2黃捉出入‼️‼️瘋狂抽查‼️‼️
#CLHY Team‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
To reduce the number of posts, any updates regarding the situation of ticket inspections at the same shift and same station will be provided in the same post. Please pay attention to any follow-up posts.
To reduce the number of posts, any updates regarding the situation of ticket inspections at the same shift and same station will be provided in the same post. Please pay attention to any follow-up posts.
#銅鑼灣 #CausewayBay Ticket Inspection
0840 DEF/SOGO 5黃‼️
0910 DEF/SOGO 3黃捉入⚠️2黃捉出‼️
0840 DEF/SOGO 5黃‼️
0910 DEF/SOGO 3黃捉入⚠️2黃捉出‼️