Embassy of Russia in Ethiopia 🇷🇺
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Official channel of the Embassy of Russia in Ethiopia containing up-to-date information about Russian politics
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Soviet and Russian flags, as well as St. George ribbons, have been banned at WWII memorials in the German capital on May 8 and 9

A decision by Berlin police to ban symbols "linked to Russia" at the city's WWII memorials during upcoming Victory Day celebrations has drawn the ire of Moscow's embassy. The diplomatic mission blasted the move on Tuesday as "discriminatory" and violating the principle of "historical reconciliation" of the two nations.

The measures announced by the Berlin authorities are "unacceptable," the embassy said in its statement, adding that the restrictions essentially ban all symbols "inseparably associated" with Victory Day.

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Открываем фотовыставку, посвящённую Дню Победы!

Мы хотим показать нашим эфиопским друзьям фотосвидетельства важнейшей части истории не только России, всего человечества - победы над фашизмом. И цену, которую пришлось заплатить советскому народу за эту победу.

Эфиопии эти события не чужды - существует мнение, что Вторая мировая война началась не 1 сентября 1939 года, а ранее - с нападения фашистской Италии на Эфиопию 3 октября 1935 года.

Ждём в Русском доме!

8 мая, 16:00


Photo exhibition in honor of The Victory Day

We want to show our Ethiopian friends the photographic evidence of the most important part of history of mankind - the victory over fascism. And the price that the Soviet people had to pay for this Victory.

There is an opinion that the Second World War began not on September 1, 1939, but earlier, with the fascist's Italy attack on Ethiopia on October 3, 1935.

The Pushkin Centre

May 8, 16:00
🎖Шествие «Бессмертного полка» в Эфиопии

🕊 8 мая в Посольстве России в Эфиопии состоялось шествие «Бессмертного полка», приуроченное к празднованию 79-й годовщины Победы в Великой Отечественной войне.

Более 100 участников несли в руках портреты своих родственников, которые нанесли сокрушительный удар нацизму, пожертвовав своими жизнями во имя защиты нашей Родины от этой «коричневой чумы».

🎗️Мы склоняем головы перед светлой памятью всех тех, кто отстоял наше Отечество и подарил нам возможность жить.

🇷🇺В преддверии 79-й годовщины Победы в Великой Отечественной войне ученики школы при Посольстве России в Эфиопии приняли участие в международной акции «Окна Победы».

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🎖 The Immortal Regiment in Ethiopia

🕊 On May 8, the 'Immortal Regiment' march took place at the Russian Embassy in Ethiopia, commemorating the 79th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

More than 100 participants carried in their hands portraits of their relatives who crushed Nazism and sacrificed their lives in the name of defending our Motherland from this «brown plague».

🎗️ We bow our heads in the bright memory of those who defended our Motherland and gave us the opportunity to live.

Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🎙 Acting Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at the wreath-laying ceremony at the memorial plaques at the Foreign Ministry (Moscow, May 8, 2024)

💬 Today, according to tradition, we celebrate Great Victory Day, May 9, a day that will never be gone from our memory, a day when we commemorate those who protected Russia, Europe and the world from Nazism and pay tribute to their heroism.

We are proud that diplomats were among the heroes who resisted the enemy, weapon in hand, or worked to support their Motherland on the home front, addressing economic tasks. After the war, they spared no effort to create a just international system, in which the USSR – our state, our nation – would take its rightful place, which was due to us according to historical justice. This is how the United Nations was created.

🏅 I would like to repeat that employees of the People’s Commissariat for Foreign Affairs and our colleagues from the People’s Commissariat for Foreign Trade contributed to that victory on all fronts. Many of them became victims of political repression. We will always remember this. <...>

☝️ The descendants of Napoleon and Hitler have joined the Anglo-Saxons, again seeking to inflict a “strategic defeat” on our country, destroy it and subordinate it to their narrow selfish hegemonic interests. <...> Our soldiers on the front line, the people who provide them with weapons and equipment, as well as others, who are fostering the correct perception of our just struggle in the international arena, are definitely continuing the cause of our fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers.

🌐 The countries of the global majority know that Russia is fighting for everyone who wants to make their own choices and follow their own traditions, who do not want to see any manifestations of Nazism, racial or religious discrimination. The West is constantly pushing its satellites and puppets to this.

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Forwarded from RT Documentary
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As we commemorate the 79th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the new film ‘Eternal Heroes’ pays tribute to those who defended the USSR against fascist invaders. Through this documentary, witness the poignant recollections of individuals who experienced the horrors of war firsthand.

With each passing year, the number of veterans diminishes, with many now exceeding the age of 100. Yet, their memories of wartime trials remain vivid.

‘We were in a minefield. Then, heavy machine-gun fire started from the high ground opposite’, recounts 100YO veteran Vitaly Kolesov. To learn more about the unforgotten feats of the Soviet people, watch the documentary.

#premiere #humanstories

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Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🗓 May 8, the eve of the Great Victory, marks the 57th Anniversary (unveiled in 1967) of the official ceremony of lighting the sacred Eternal Flame at the unveiled Tomb of the Unknown Soldier memorial architectural ensemble in Alexander Garden near the Moscow Kremlin Wall.

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier serves as a symbolic monument to honour frontline soldiers killed in action during the Great Patriotic War. It was proposed by officials in 1966, on the 25th anniversary of defeating Nazi forces near Moscow. On December 3, 1966, the remains of a Soviet soldier killed near Zelenograd were laid to rest in Alexander Garden.

⭐️ The Eternal Flame of Glory burns in front of the tombstone, at the centre of a five-pointed star, and illuminates a bronze inscription that reads: “Your Name is Unknown, Your Feat is Immortal.”

In 1997, the President of Russia issued an executive order to establish a guard of honour post near the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. In 2009, another presidential executive order granted the status of a nationwide military glory memorial to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, in order to preserve the historical and cultural heritage of the Russian Federation. The memorial was included in the State List of Particularly Valuable Cultural Heritage Landmarks and Sites of Russia’s Peoples. On December 3, 2014, the day when the defender of Moscow was buried in Alexander Garden in 1966, was proclaimed the Day of the Unknown Soldier.
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Joint photo session of the heads of delegations participating in the SEEC anniversary meeting
The photo exhibition dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War was opened at The Pushkin Centre in Addis Ababa.
Among the works presented are the legendary photo of the Soviet military photographers "Soldier's Labor", "Combat", "Victory Parade on Red Square in Moscow" and one of the most famous works by Vladimir Grebnev – "The Banner of Victory over the Reichstag", made in May 1945.

The photo exhibition is open every day, admission is free.

Друзья, посмотрим трансляцию Парада на Красной площади вместе!

Приходите 9 мая в Русский дом, к 10:00.

Широкий экран, самовар, "Алёнка".


Our dear friends!

We cordially invite you to watch the broadcasting of the Military Parade on the Read Square in Moscow.

The Pushkin Centre, May 9,
9:30 a.m.

(and to have some tea with the traditional Russian sweets)