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🗣️ تعليق السفير الروسي في لبنان ألكسندر روداكوف
حول مظهر آخر من مظاهر حفظ السلام الغربي المتباهي

نرى كيفَ يكتسبُ زخماً ضجيجُ المعلومات حول "التجمع" التالي، الرفيع المستوى، المقرر عقده في سويسرا، في حزيران، بشأن القضية الأوكرانية. من الواضح أن اختيار الموقع ليس من قبيل الصدفة – بل هناك تحرك واضح نحو "الحياد" السويسري الذي كان مميزًا في السابق. ولسوء الحظ، لم يتبق أي أثر لهذا الحياد في برن الرسمية.

كما أن المؤتمر المخطط له في حد ذاته لا يحمل أي محتوى إيجابي. في الأساس، هذه محاولة "لبيع" "صيغة كوبنهاغن" التي فقدت مصداقيتها، للأغلبية العالمية، وإعطاء "نَفَسٍ ثانٍ" لما يسمى "صيغة السلام" التي طرحها زيلينسكي، والتي لم تتلق الدعم. بعبارة أخرى، يتم الإحتفاظ بجوهر الإنذار النهائي لهذه المبادرات، غير المقبولة بالنسبة لنا. أما الذي يتغير هو الغلاف فقط. وبطبيعة الحال، يتم عقد المؤتمر مرة أخرى دون مشاركة روسيا.

إن الغرب، الذي يملي على أوكرانيا كل الخطوات السياسية، يرفض بعناد أن يفهم أن مثل هذه المبادرات لا معنى لها في غياب الجانب الروسي. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، من أجل إجراء مناقشات سلمية كاملة، يجب توفُر عدد من الشروط المعروفة.

❗️أولا، إلغاء مرسوم القيادة الأوكرانية الذي يحظر المفاوضات مع روسيا.
❗️ثانياً، وقف إمدادات الناتو الفوري بالأسلحة إلى المسلحين الأوكرانيين.
❗️ثالثا، مطلوب تأكيد قاطع من قبل كييف والقيمين عليها في الخارج، مراعاةَ مصالحنا المشروعة في مجال الأمن وقبول الحقائق الجيوسياسية الجديدة التي ظهرت حتى الآن.

وإلا فإن القمة السويسرية المعلنة محكوم عليها بالفشل. إن الإحجام العنيد عن الاستماع لمطالبنا المبررة يجعلنا نفكر في صدق تطلعات الغربيين «السلمية». إما أنهم ما زالوا جبناء يختبئون وراء عمليات حفظ السلام التي يتفاخرون بها، بينما يواصلون جهودهم العسكرية بمساعدة الأوكرانيين بغرض "الهزيمة الإستراتيجية الأسطورية لروسيا"؟ أعتقد أن السؤال بلاغي.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
⚡️ Foreign Ministry statement in connection with the attack on Israeli territory

💬 In the early hours of April 14, a large number of missiles and drones were launched at the territory of Israel.

According to the Iranian Foreign Ministry, this attack was undertaken as part of the right to self-defence stipulated in Article 51 of the UN Charter in response to the attacks on Iranian targets in the region, including the strike on the consular section of the Iranian Embassy in Damascus on April 1, which our country strongly denounced.

Unfortunately, due to the position adopted by its Western members, the Security Council was unable to provide a proper response to the strike on the Iranian consular mission.

We express our extreme concern at yet another dangerous escalation in the region. We have repeatedly warned that the numerous unresolved crises in the Middle East, primarily in the area of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which are often fueled by irresponsible provocative actions, will exacerbate tensions.

☝️ We call on all parties involved in the conflict to exercise restraint. We expect the regional states to resolve the existing problems through political and diplomatic means. We believe it is important for the constructively-minded international players to contribute to this effort.

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Посол Израиля в России Симона Гальперин: Израиль ожидает, что Россия осудит массированный ракетный удар Ирана по стране.

Симона, напомните мне, когда Израиль осудил хотя бы один удар киевского режима по российским регионам? Не помните? И я. Зато я помню регулярные заявления в поддержку действий Зеленского со стороны израильских официальных лиц. Тех самых преступных, террористических действий ублюдков на Банковой, в результате которых из года в год погибают мирные жители и уничтожается гражданская инфраструктура.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🇷🇺🇮🇷📞 On April 13, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Foreign Minister of Iran Hossein Amir-Abdollahian spoke over the phone.

The Ministers focused on the situation in the Middle East. The Russian side reiterated its strong condemnation of the April 1 Israeli airstrike on the Iranian consular office in Damascus.

❗️ It was emphasised that, just like political assassinations, any attacks on diplomatic or consular sites, the inviolability of which is guaranteed by the relevant Vienna conventions, are absolutely unacceptable.

The sides confirmed mutual commitment to maintaining a high level of coordination on international and regional agenda priorities.

They emphasised mutual interest in steadily building up political and diplomatic cooperation, as well as trade and economic interaction in the transport and logistics sphere, among others, including transit traffic.
جرى اليوم في حديقة الصنائع ببيروت مهرجان التقاليد الشعبية الروسية.

أتيحت للزائرين الفرصة لاستمتاع بعروض الفرق الروسية التقليدية، وصفوف دروس الحرف اليدوية والرقصات الروسية.

واشار السفير الروسي السيد روداكوف ان هذا العام نحتفل بالذكرى الثمانين لتأسيس العلاقات الدبلوماسية الروسية اللبنانية. وطوال هذا الوقت، بقي التعاون الثقافي و الإنساني الثنائي، النسيج الذي لا ينفصم، والذي يعزز العلاقات الودية بين شعبي روسيا ولبنان.

اضاف السفير ان المجتمع الروسي الى جانب التزامه بقيمة التقليدية، يتميز بالاحترام العميق لثقافة البلدان الأخرى. ان ممثلي روسيا في الخارج، هم حراس تقاليدنا المحبة للسلام. إنهم يشكلون الأساس لنوع من جسر ثقافي وإنساني، يعمل على الساحة الدولية كأداة للخير والسلام، ومكافحة كراهية روسية، والمساعدة في تسوية التناقضات الأخرى بين الدول.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
#Opinion by Russian MFA Spox Maria Zakharova

Israeli Ambassador to Russia Simona Halperin: Israel expects Russia to condemn Iran’s large-scale missile attack on the country.

💬 Simona, remind me when was the last time that Israel condemned at least one of Kiev’s attacks on Russian regions? You can’t recall that, can you? Neither can I.

What I do recall are routine statements by Israeli officials in support of Zelensky’s actions. The very same criminal and terrorist actions committed by the thugs from Ukraine’s Presidential Office that have for years been killing civilians and destroying civilian infrastructure.
 بيان وزارة الخارجية الروسية بصدد الهجوم على الأراضي الإسرائيلية

جرى في ليلة 14 أبريل، إطلاق عدد كبير من الصواريخ والطائرات من دون طيار على إسرائيل. ووفقا  لبيان وزارة الخارجية الإيرانية، فقد جرى تنفيذ هذا الهجوم في إطار حق الدفاع عن النفس وفقا للمادة 51 من ميثاق الأمم المتحدة، وجاء ردا على الهجمات على المنشآت الإيرانية في المنطقة، بما في ذلك الهجوم على مبنى الإدارة القنصلية للسفارة الإيرانية في دمشق في 1 أبريل، الذي أدانته بلادنا بشدة. وللأسف إن  مجلس الأمن الدولي، لم يتمكن من الرد بصورة مناسبة على الهجوم على البعثة القنصلية الإيرانية بسبب موقف أعضاءه الغربيين.
ونعرب عن قلقنا البالغ  إزاء التصعيد الخطير الجديد في المنطقة. لقد حذرنا مرارا من أن عدم تسوية  الأزمات الكثيرة في الشرق الأوسط، ولا سيما في منطقة النزاع الفلسطيني ـ الإسرائيلي، والتي غالبا ما تعمل على تهيجها الأعمال الاستفزازية غير المسؤولة، سيؤدي إلى تصعيد التوتر. ندعو جميع الأطراف المعنية إلى ممارسة ضبط النفس. ويحدونا الأمل بأن دول المنطقة ستحل المشاكل القائمة بالوسائل السياسية - الدبلوماسية. ونرى أن من المهم أن يسهم اللاعبون الدوليون ذوو الميول البناءة، في ذلك.
ونلفت أنظار مواطني روسيا  في إسرائيل والدول المجاورة، ولا سيما في الأردن ولبنان وسوريا، إلى ضرورة متابعة الأخبار والتوصيات العملية المنشورة على شريط الأنباء لوزارة الخارجية الروسية، والمواقع الرسمية للمؤسسات الروسية بالخارج في هذه البلدان، والإدارة القنصلية وإدارة مركز الأوضاع والأزمات بوزارة الخارجية الروسية، بما في ذلك المعلومات المتجددة في القسم المناسب – تطبيق الهاتف المحمول "مساعد في الخارج".
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🇷🇺🇮🇷📞 On April 14, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov had a telephone conversation with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hossein Amir-Abdollahian at the initiative of the Iranian side.

The main topic of discussion centred around the situation in the Middle East. The Iranian Foreign Minister informed his Russian counterpart about the actions taken by Tehran in response to the Israeli airstrike on the consular section of the Iranian Embassy in Damascus on April 1, which resulted in the death of Iranian officials.

As noted, any further escalation of the situation in the region and any new dangerous provocative actions could lead to an escalation of tensions in the Middle East. Preventing such scenarios and eliminating their root causes should be a primary concern for the UN Security Council.

The Ministers reaffirmed their support for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, underscoring the urgency of resolving pressing humanitarian problems, and expressed their commitment to establishing lasting conditions for direct negotiations in accordance with the UN resolutions on a two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🎙 Russia's Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova’s answer to a media question regarding Switzerland losing its neutral status

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated that “We aren’t counting on Switzerland’s services. Thanks to its neutral status, Switzerland has traditionally been a venue for peace conferences and talks to reach compromises and agreements. But it has lost this status.”

In connection to this, does Russia intend to transfer the International Geneva Discussions on Security and Stability in the South Caucasus to another country? Which countries could host discussions on the South Caucasus?

💬 We have repeatedly pointed out to the Swiss side that its irresponsible commitment to the collective West’s openly unfriendly policy towards Russia, including the fact that it has joined all the “packages” of EU sanctions against Russia (there are 13 of them to date), as well as its total solidarity with the Kiev regime, are at variance with its much vaunted “neutrality.” <...>

Regrettably, the Swiss authorities have failed to heed our concerns. Moreover, in recent months, they have actively promoted certain destructive initiatives, such as their own proposal to host an “international conference” on Ukraine, an idea that is completely detached from reality, as well as their efforts to develop a legal framework for a mechanism that would allow for the confiscation of Russia’s state assets deposited in their country.

Given these circumstances, Russia has been forced to put into practice its intention to transfer the International Geneva Discussions on Security and Stability in the South Caucasus to a country whose authorities would refrain from any actions that could damage the interests of any participating party in this negotiation format <...>

The only thing worth noting is that Russia intends to continue its efforts to achieve consensus on transferring the talks from Geneva with active support from our Abkhazian and South Ossetian allies, who fully share Moscow’s perspective on this matter.
Forwarded from Russian Mission Vienna
Media is too big
🇷🇺 Report by «Channel One» on the situation around the Zaporozhskaya NPP with comment by Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the International Organizations in Vienna Mikhail Ulyanov (with English subtitles)

💬 As I understand it, the IAEA has certain concerns. Ukraine is like a sacred cow for the West, such an atmosphere has been created. They say she is a victim of Russian aggression. There is no need to say anything bad about her

💬 In fact, I said this yesterday at the meeting, if they are afraid to publicly call Ukraine to order, then they should do it through bilateral channels. After all, Ukrainians listen to them
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🔴 #LIVE: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at the meeting of the "United Russia" Party General Council Commission on International Cooperation and Support for Compatriots Abroad

🔴 Ruptly

🔴 Russia's MFA Website
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🇷🇺🇮🇷📞 Russia's President Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ebrahim Raisi.

The Presidents discussed in detail the situation in the Middle East, escalated by Israel’s air strike at the Iranian diplomatic mission in Damascus and Iran’s retaliation measures.

☝️ President Putin expressed hope that all sides will exercise sensible restraint and will not allow a new round of confrontation that may be fraught with disastrous consequences for the entire region.

In turn, Ebrahim Raisi noted that Iran’s actions had been forced and limited. At the same time, he emphasised that Tehran is not interested in further escalation of tensions.

Both leaders stated that the unresolved Palestinian-Israeli conflict was the root cause of the current developments in the Middle East. The presidents confirmed Russia and Iran’s principled stance in favour of immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, alleviation of the grievous humanitarian situation and creation of conditions for a political and diplomatic settlement of the crisis.

🤝 During the exchange of views on the current issues of Russia-Iran relations, both leaders expressed their mutual intention to promote steady bilateral cooperation across different areas, including the implementation of mutually beneficial infrastructure projects.

President Putin congratulated Ebrahim Raisi and all Muslims of Iran on the end of the holy month of Ramadan and the recently celebrated Eid al-Fitr.

Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
❗️ On this day nine years ago, Ukrainian writer and opposition journalist Oles Buzina was assassinated in front of his home in Kiev.

He became one of the many victims of the Kiev criminal regime because he posed a threat to it – he publicly criticised and exposed the true nature of the neo-Nazi forces that had gained power as a result of the bloody coup d'état in Ukraine.

Buzina urged the then Ukrainian leadership to establish a dialogue with the inhabitants of Donbass and spoke about the need to consolidate the rights of the Russian language, which seriously irritated the post-coup officials in Kiev. He also received threats from Ukrainian radicals because his interpretation of Ukraine's historical path did not coincide with the nationalist ideology.

☝️ Such an active and firm civil position of Oles Buzina cost him his life.

A few days before his death, the journalist's personal data, including his home address, appeared on the Myrotrvorets (Peacemaker) extremist website, which contains personal information about all public figures undesirable to the Kiev regime. <...>

Despite the fact that condemnation of the murder, condolences to the victim's family and demands for a comprehensive investigation were voiced by the UN Secretary General, OSCE and US State Department officials and many civil society organisations, the perpetrators of his murder were never identified and the suspects were released.

After almost a decade, it is clear that the situation with freedom of speech in Ukraine has degraded to a critical level.

All media outlets in opposition to the Kiev regime are banned, and any manifestations of dissent are brutally suppressed and erased from the information space. Unwanted journalists, primarily Russian ones, are being hunted down with all possible weapons. <...>

Terrorist methods are being used to implement these criminal plans, while Ukraine's Western handlers and biased human rights organisations continue to turn a blind eye to these evil deeds.

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Forwarded from Russian Embassy in Syria
🇸🇾 Today #Syria is celebrating its #NationalDay, aka #EvacuationDay!

📅 #OTD in #1946 the last French soldier left #Syria's territory.

🎉 Our warm congratulations and wishes of peace, well-being and prosperity go to the friendly people of this country!
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
Russian MFA Spox Maria Zakharova:

💬 When asked at today’s briefing if Antonio Guterres thinks that the UN should know who is responsible for the strikes at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, Spokesperson for the UN Secretary-General Stephane Dujjaric said they do not have a forensic capability of reporting on these strikes, nor does the IAEA. Nor do we have an investigative mandate, he added.

What about his conclusions on Bucha two years ago?

At the briefing on April 7, 2022,Stephane Dujjaric said they wanted to see a transparent investigation. He said there are various mechanisms within the UN system to ensure accountability for what could be very serious crimes. Those mechanisms are currently underway, he added.

So, are these mechanisms underway or is the mandate missing?