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🎙 Acting Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at the wreath-laying ceremony at the memorial plaques at the Foreign Ministry (Moscow, May 8, 2024)

💬 Today, according to tradition, we celebrate Great Victory Day, May 9, a day that will never be gone from our memory, a day when we commemorate those who protected Russia, Europe and the world from Nazism and pay tribute to their heroism.

We are proud that diplomats were among the heroes who resisted the enemy, weapon in hand, or worked to support their Motherland on the home front, addressing economic tasks. After the war, they spared no effort to create a just international system, in which the USSR – our state, our nation – would take its rightful place, which was due to us according to historical justice. This is how the United Nations was created.

🏅 I would like to repeat that employees of the People’s Commissariat for Foreign Affairs and our colleagues from the People’s Commissariat for Foreign Trade contributed to that victory on all fronts. Many of them became victims of political repression. We will always remember this. <...>

☝️ The descendants of Napoleon and Hitler have joined the Anglo-Saxons, again seeking to inflict a “strategic defeat” on our country, destroy it and subordinate it to their narrow selfish hegemonic interests. <...> Our soldiers on the front line, the people who provide them with weapons and equipment, as well as others, who are fostering the correct perception of our just struggle in the international arena, are definitely continuing the cause of our fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers.

🌐 The countries of the global majority know that Russia is fighting for everyone who wants to make their own choices and follow their own traditions, who do not want to see any manifestations of Nazism, racial or religious discrimination. The West is constantly pushing its satellites and puppets to this.

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🏅 Happy #VictoryDay!

Today marks the 79th Anniversary of the Great Victory over Nazism.


#Victory79 #May9
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Today Russia observes the Victory Day - sacred day for the Russian people. On May 9 in 1945, 79 years ago, Nazi Germany and its inhuman ideology disappeared from the world map.

The lessons of the Great Patriotic War against Nazism that claimed lives of 40 million Soviet people, Nazi crimes, heroes who sacrificed their lives to let us live must never be forgotten.
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🇷🇺🇿🇦 Russian Embassy in South Africa:

On May 9, 2024, the Embassy of Russia in Pretoria convened a special event dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the Victory over Nazism.

Students and teachers of the Embassy’s secondary school conducted a concert. A public action of the «Immortal Regiment» with more than 100 participants also took place at the venue of the function.

💬 Russia’s Ambassador to South Africa H.E. Mr. Ilya Rogachev: The memory of one of the bloodiest wars in humankind's history is sacred to us.

Our former Western partners openly admit that if the West loses in Ukraine, it will mean the end of the golden age of Western civilization.

We will still have challenges ahead, but we’ll summon our strength, and eventually win.

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🎬 From Berlin to Maidan: 80 years on — Nazism gaining notoriety in Ukraine — an RT Doc Film.

Synopsis: In 1945 the Soviet Union defeated Nazi Germany and put an end to the Nazi atrocities at the cost of 27 million lives of the Soviet people. 80 years later, the same nationalist ideas the Soviet people had been fighting against is starting to spread across Ukraine.

The main ideas of the Third Reich are now relevant in Ukraine: killing of civilians, militarisation of society and radical policy imposed by nationalists. Besides that, history books in Ukraine are being rewritten, with nationalist leaders Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevich being made new role models, while the monuments of WWII heroes are being demolished. Decades later, is history repeating itself again?

The authors of the film, talking about the Great Patriotic War, draw parallels with the current events in Ukraine. Now, at the places of those old battles, when the Red Army liberated Ukraine from Hitler, hostilities are taking place again. The grandchildren of the Soviet soldiers who defeated German fascism in 1945 have to fight with its new followers, whose hero is Bandera. Historians, political scientists and journalists share their opinions on the reasons that led to the war 80 years ago and on the current situation in Ukraine.
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🌐 Russian diplomats, compatriots, friends and all those who remember history and the sacrifice made by the Soviet people in saving humanity from Nazism, on May 9 pay tribute to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War and their immortal feat.

📹 Here's how #VictoryDay is celebrated abroad, far away from home.

11 мая с.г. в Кейптауне состоялись организованные Генконсульством России и активистами КСОРС праздничные мероприятия, посвящённые Дню Победы.

В шествии «Бессмертного полка» приняли участие около 60 человек - сотрудники ГК, российские соотечественники, официальные лица, дипломаты из дружественных стран, южноафриканские ветераны и неравнодушные представители местной общественности.

Обращаясь к собравшимся, генконсул А.В.Маленко отметил, что уже четвертый год подряд шествие в Кейптауне, несмотря ни на какие внешние обстоятельства, проходит в «живом» формате при активном участии соотечественников, которые с энтузиазмом поддерживают данную акцию. Между тем интерес к акции растет и среди местных друзей России: портреты своих героических боровшихся с гитлеровской сворой предков наравне с россиянами пронесли южноафриканка, итальянец, немец и серб.

В ходе праздника группа активистов КСОРС положила начало «Саду памяти» в Кейптауне.
On May 11, celebratory events dedicated to the Victory Day organized by the Russian Consulate General and KSORS activists took place in Cape Town.

About 60 people took part in the procession of the “Immortal Regiment” - employees of the Consulate General, Russian compatriots, local officials, diplomats from friendly countries, South African veterans and representatives of the civil society.

The interest to the event is growing among local friends of Russia: a South African, an Italian, a German and a Serb carried portrait of their heroic ancestors who fought with the Nazis along with the Russians.

Concluding the solemn speech, the Russian Consul General Mr Aleksei Malenko emphasized the importance of holding the “Immortal Regiment”: “This is how we give a clear signal to all anti-Russian forces that we are together, we continue to sacredly preserve the memory of the unparalleled feat of the Soviet people, wherever we are.”
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🇷🇺🇿🇦On May 13, a Memorandum of Understanding between the Castle of Good Hope in Cape Town and the Kremlin of the Russian city of Kazan was virtually signed with the mediation of the Russian Consulate General.

The Castle of Good Hope is known locally as "The Castle" - a bastion fort built in the 17th century in Cape Town. The Castle was declared a historical monument in 1936. It is considered the best preserved example of a 17th century architectural structure in the world.

The Kazan Kremlin is the oldest part of Kazan, representing a complex of architectural, historical and archaeological monuments that reveal the thousand-year history of the city. Today, the Kazan Kremlin is one of the most popular tourist sites in Russia, visited by more than 3 million people annually.

We believe that it will give a start to a fruitful cooperation of the two entities in the field of culture and preservation of the historical heritage and furthermore become one more step in strengthening Russia-South Africa relations.