Royal Rebellion Broadcast
101 subscribers
26 photos
18 links
Official broadcast channel for the XR Royal Rebellion, October 12th, Brussels.

We will only share important information of general interest to keep everyone safe.
Use the associated chat group to reach out to us.

Be good to each other 🙏
Download Telegram
For those in the area, be at 2pm sharp on the Koningsplein / Place des Palais. Come from many different directions.
Place royal (Not place des palais)
People assemblies are starting at Place Royal.
Come massively to Place Royal to the people assemblies, very little risk of arrest!

All rebels are asked to follow our basic agreement. It provides a basis for trust so that we and the general public know what we can expect of each other.

We show ​respect​ to ​everyone​: to each other, to the general public, and to the government and police.

We engage in ​no violence​, physical or verbal.

​​We carry​ no​​ weapons​ and wear ​no masks. We are accountable for our actions.

​​We bring ​no alcohol​ or illegal drugs.

We​ take responsibility​ for ourselves: we are all crew.

We are here together until the Government acts on our three demands for action on the climate and ecological crisis. This agreement enables us to attract the many people we need to make this possible. Anyone breaking this agreement will be asked to leave.
Hey rebels ! We need as many people in place royale as possible to hold our ground
Hey rebels! We need you at the Royal Rebellion in place royale, let's hold our ground there!

The program for the evening :
18h15 - Need for speed, toward less mobility or a radically different kind of mobility
19h30 - Potlatch dinner and speeches (maybe also by the king?)
20h30- Brussels Sprouts, How to make and distribute our food sustainably
22h00 - Music and party !!!
OK rebels we're out of place royal. Police are really violent so stay safe.
If there's people you know that have been arrested call our arrestee support line : +32487699948
Dear rebels!
The Royal Rebellion start was amazing! But the police violence that followed was unacceptable. 500 people were arrested and the rest received administrative fines.
Our action ended early but it was a success, beyond all expectations.
We will propose that the local groups organize a Debriefing of this action in their hometown, tomorrow afternoon or during the week. It is important that everyone can talk and exchange about what happened.

For people wishing to welcome rebels coming out of prison, we suggest that you self organize, get in contact with arrested rebels, meet in a café if you wish and possibly welcome the rebels wishing to sleep in Brussels at your home.

Message for arrested rebels : if you get release late and don't have a place to sleep in Brussels, call this number and we'll find you a place to stay the night => +32487493791
More and more rebels are been release from the Etterbeek casern and from the central police station
Dear rebels. Please take care of yourselves and others today, it’s a warm and sunny day ☀️😊

From Monday on, there will be a mental support team you can call, and there will be central and local briefings later on...

Rebellion is not only about being in an action and getting arrested, it’s also about taking time to rest and bouncing back.

We can do this together! Love and rage! ❤️

Please share your testimonies to
You can upload your pictures and videos to our drive: > Royal Rebellion
Many of you are asking how you can support us. Thank you so much 🙏

There are many ways:
- If you have a friend or family member that was there on Saturday, call them ☎️. Reach out to them. Show them your support. It matters. 🤗
- Join the next meeting of your local XR group (see the list on our website or create your own local group! 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏼‍♂️🙋🏿‍♀️🙋🏽‍♂️ (more info on or email
- Send an email to a member of the city council of Brussels to tell them that it’s not ok for the police to use violence against non violent people. They can arrest us but not like that.🙅🏼‍♀️🙅🏾‍♂️
- Help us cover our expenses by making a donation or by becoming a backer of our collective 💶

With love and rage ❤️

If you were there, please share your testimonies to
You can also upload your pictures and videos to our drive: > Royal Rebellion
If you need personal or psychological help, someone to talk to after what happened on Saturday, you can call +32487493791. Please take good care of yourself. We love you Rebels! ❤️
Dear rebels, we would like to learn from our action on Saturday. Please fill out this form and give us your feedback.🙏🏽🍀

Beste rebellen, wij leren graag uit de actie van zaterdag. Als het kan, vul dit formulier in en geef ons je feedback. 🌱🙏🏽

Chèr(es) rebelles, nous aimerions tirer des leçons de notre action de samedi. Nous vous invitons à remplir ce formulaire afin de récolter votre feedback. 🌸🙏🏽
We still need some help: 💚🌳

Dear rebels, we would like to learn from our action on Saturday. Please fill out this form and give us your feedback.🙏🏽🍀

Beste rebellen, wij leren graag uit de actie van zaterdag. Als het kan, vul dit formulier in en geef ons je feedback. 🌱🙏🏽

Chèr(es) rebelles, nous aimerions tirer des leçons de notre action de samedi. Nous vous invitons à remplir ce formulaire afin de récolter votre feedback. 🌸🙏🏽
[FR] 📣Etes-vous déjà abonné.e.s à notre nouvelle chaîne sur Telegram ❤️Our Future, Our Choices💚? Faites-le maintenant:
🌈 Et n'oubliez pas de vous inscrire à l'action pour recevoir les dernières informations et de vous préparer à nous rejoindre le 27 juin à Bruxelles:

[NL]📣 Volg je ons nieuwe Telegram kanaal al voor de ❤️Our Future, Our Choices💚 actie? Hier is de link:
🌈En vergeet niet om je in te schrijven voor de actie om de laatste update te ontvangen en je goed te kunnen voorbereiden op de actie op 27 juni in Brussel:

[EN] 📣Did you already subscribe to our new telegram channel ❤️Our Future, Our Choices💚? Do it now:
🌈And don't forget to register for the action, to receive the latest information and get ready to join us on the 27th of June in Brussels:
🇬🇧 In June, Rebellion Of One (RO1 EU) brings the voices of the most affected people and areas to the European Union, through Extinction Rebellion Belgium:

🇫🇷 En juin, Rebellion Of One (RO1 EU) fait entendre à l'Union européenne les voix des personnes et des régions les plus touchées, via Extinction Rebellion Belgium:

🇳🇱 In Juni, Rebellion Of One (RO1 EU) brengt de stemmen van de meest getroffen mensen en gebieden naar de Europese Unie, via Extinction Rebellion Belgium:
🌍 In June, Rebellion Of One EU

📲 Join RO1 EU:

✍️ Register now:
‼️Rebellion of One BRIEFING‼️

Dimanche 16/05 18:00 FR
Sunday 16/05 18:00 EN

Lundi 17/05 20:30 FR
Monday 17/05 20:30 EN

Dinsdag 18/05 18:00 NL/EN
Tuesday 18/05 20:30 EN/NL

🇳🇱Om volledig voorbereid te zijn, andere rebellen te ontmoeten en te weten welke rol het beste bij je past!

🇫🇷Pour être pleinement préparé, rencontrer d'autres rebelles et connaître le rôle qui vous convient le mieux!

🇬🇧To be fully prepared, meet other rebels and know the role that suits you best!
More details on our 2 FaceBook Open Events:

- Sunday PM:

- Monday PM: