Pepe Escobar
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Forwarded from Quds News Network
Breaking | The UN Security Council fails to adopt the Algerian resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza after a US veto.
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🇷🇺🇵🇸 Pepe Escobar: “Eje de resistencia: del Donbás a Gaza”

“La resistencia en Donbás y Gaza comparten una visión común esencial: derrocar al hegemón unipolar que ha aplastado sus aspiraciones nacionales”.

Lea el artículo completo en:

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Avdeevka now.
Gilbert Doctorow – International relations, Russian affairs

Nord Stream 3 on Russian TV.

Mesmerizing MUST READ.
Linda at the UN was mentored by none other than mass murderer Madeleine Albright.
Media is too big
Avdeevka now. Graciously sent to me by an Orthodox Christian batallion.
Forwarded from Gaganauts of Geopolitics
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The Houthis are at war with no less than the US Navy.

And they are relentless.

They captured one of the US Navy's ultra-sophisticated AUVs (autonomous underwater vehicles), the Remus 600.

Next stop: reverse engineering in Iran?
"Can you smell what the BRICS are cooking? Your 'rules-based international order'. Medium rare."
Forwarded from Rybar FR
Media is too big
Transféré depuis RT
"C'est l'enfer là-bas." Le correspondant militaire de RT, Andrey Filatov @FilatovCorr, a été le premier à se trouver à Avdeevka au moment de l'assaut.

Ces images montrent les premiers fragments des violentes batailles pour la libération de la ville, auxquelles a participé la 114ème brigade du 1er corps d'armée.

Les groupes d'assaut de cette brigade ont été les premiers à commencer à nettoyer le terril de la cokerie d'Avdeevka. C’est en effet à partir de là qu’a commencé l’offensive russe à Avdeevka.

La prise du terril et des hauteurs voisines est devenue un moment clé pour la réussite de l'offensive dans ce secteur du front, grâce à quoi il a ensuite été possible de pénétrer dans les quartiers centraux de la ville, d'y développer l'offensive et de couper le groupe ukrainien en deux.

Le travail des soldats, des chars, des duels d'artillerie, des frappes de drones, sera prochainement diffusé dans une série de reportages sur la chaîne RT.
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🇧🇷 Será que o colapso da economia russa devido às sanções é possível? A Rússia resistirá à pressão de sanções mais massivas da história? 🌊

Quando ocorrerá a recusa do dólar? Será que a chegada do mundo multipolar está próxima?

As respostas para essas e muitas outras perguntas estão no novo entrevista do Diretor-Geral do Conselho Russo de Assuntos Internacionais Ivan Timofeev.

Assista agora no YouTube🍿

E inscreva-se no canal do Telegram de Ivan e da equipe do CRAI.

🇬🇧 Is the collapse of the Russian economy due to sanctions possible? Will Russia withstand the pressure of the most massive sanctions in history?

When will the abandonment of the dollar occur, and is the onset of a multipolar world near?

The answers to these and many other questions are in the new interview with the Director-General of the Russian International Affairs Council Ivan Timofeev.

Watch now on YouTube 🍿 ENGLISH SUBS!

Subscribe to Telegram channel of Ivan and the RIAC team.
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