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Hacker DPR Joker @dprJoker shared an interesting story about the AFU soldiers in Soledar

In a very secret and very private WhatsApp chat room, escaped Ukrainian soldiers from Soledar share their impressions after meeting with the Wagner fighters. They say Wagnerites are fighting like aliens, who can see through walls, teleport, and move very fast. They advise their comrades-in-arms to run away "if they encounter Wagnerites." By the way, this advice should be heeded by Ukrainian soldiers who have not yet escaped from Bakhmut. This night will be the last for many.

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Forwarded from Slavyangrad (Anya)
US may lose control of world finance due to conflict in Ukraine — French expert

The Ukrainian conflict is existential for the United States, which, in the event that friendly European economies become exhausted, will run the risk of losing its grip on world finance, French historian and anthropologist Emmanuel Todd said in an interview with Le Figaro.

In his commentary, he recalls a piece of analysis offered by Professor John Mearsheimer, of the University of Chicago, who argued that whereas for Russia this conflict was "existential," for the United States it was just another game among other countries, and that victory or defeat in it would be of little importance to the US. "But this analysis is insufficient. [U.S. President Joe] Biden now has to hurry. America is fragile and the Russian economy’s resistance is pushing the US imperial system towards the abyss. Nobody had expected the Russian economy would be able to withstand the ‘economic power’ of NATO," Todd said.

He is certain that the United States is in a phase of long-term decline and, against the backdrop of its waning influence in the world, it has decided to press for greater influence in its "original protectorates," acquired after World War II, in other words, Europe and Japan. Against this background the European economy’s collapse, the expert notes, is fraught with great risks for the United States itself.

"If the Russian economy offers long-term resistance to sanctions and manages to bleed the European economy white and manages to survive with Chinese support, US monetary control of the world will collapse, and with it, the US’ ability to finance its mammoth trade deficit for next to nothing. This war has become existential for the United States. It cannot get out of the conflict before Russia. They cannot let go. This explains why we are now in an open-ended war, in a confrontation that is bound to result in the collapse of one side or the other," Todd says.

Economic and social problems

The conflict in Ukraine "leads to a real economy that allows for gauging the real wealth of states and their productive capacity," the expert states. In particular, he points to a two-fold increase in Russia’s wheat production after the first major sanctions were introduced in 2014, as well as Russia's leading position in building nuclear power plants, not only at home, but also abroad.

The outcome of the conflict "will depend on the ability of both systems to produce weapons," Todd believes. The historian notes that the transition to a war of attrition reduces the influence of advanced US military technologies, being used by Ukraine. It brings to the forefront the availability of skilled personnel, material resources and industrial potential. "At this point the West’s fundamental problem of globalization begins to intervene: we have moved so many industries [from our territory] that we don’t know now whether our military plants will be able to maintain the desired production pace," he added.

In addition to natural and industrial resources the expert notes the great role of human resources and education. He points to the United States’ more than twofold advantage over Russia in population, but advises his readership to remember that in the United States only 7% of students master engineering professions, while in Russia there are about 25% of them, which ultimately gives Russia a competitive edge. "The United States is filling this gap with foreign students, mostly Indians and even to a greater extent, Chinese. This substitution resource is unreliable, though, and is already dwindling," he said.

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Forwarded from Intel Republic
⚡️Reports are that Yevgeny Prigozhin, head of Wagner Private Military Company (PMC), has flown out to St. Petersburg from the Donetsk Republic, ex-Ukraine.

Vladimir Putin has also flown out to St. Petersburg. It's possible the two will meet on the ongoing role of Wagner PMC, given their recent success in the Operation.

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A masterpiece doc.

Exec Prod by Scorsese.

In praise of the TRUE Black American Exceptionalists.
Forwarded from Eurasia & Multipolarity
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"Ukraine has essentially turned into a NATO PMC. It is paid money, provided with weapons and intelligence, told where to shoot and where to attack. The Ukrainian people suffer because they are forced to fight for someone else's objectives. Ukrainian Defence Minister Reznikov admitted this: "We are carrying out NATO's mission without losing their blood, but with the loss of ours. Therefore, the West should give us more weapons and money". Here it is, the formula for NATO's proxy war "to the last Ukrainian", you cannot describe it better."

CIA front posing as think tank gives away the game on next CIA moves in Brazil

Straight from the lion’s mouth - I won’t name names.

"The risk of large, disruptive and potentially violent protests will be particularly acute if members of Bolsonaro's family are investigated or prosecuted in connection with the Jan. 8 events. Given the slow-moving nature of judicial investigations in Brazil, this dynamic could also play out FOR YEARS (caps mine) - with allegations and detainments occurring periodically, followed by surges of protest activity.”

FOR YEARS is exactly the CIA Plan A: Brazil mired in latent civil war.

On "measures to curb the ability to coordinate violent activity online”, the CIA seems to know, for sure, that support from the centrist bloc is "unlikely to extend to broader efforts to halt the spread of contentiously defined 'fake news’ - and is even less likely to extend to the HIGHLY POLARIZING ITEMS (caps mine) on Lula’s agenda, "which include reducing Amazon rainforest deforestation and increasing social welfare spending.”

So for the CIA "fake news” is “contentious”: of course, that’s what they peddle all across the Global South, and only the Empire can define what is fake.

And “ highly polarizing items” is code for "he can’t go there": NO reduced deforestation (if it hurts "American interests") and NO "increase in social welfare spending”.

Otherwise the CIA will organize “new surges of protest activity”.

There it is. In your face. They don’t even need to disguise it.

Brazilians can’t say they have not been warned.
Por que a CIA tentou uma ‘revolta à la Maidan’ no Brasil

Pepe Escobar

O mesmo velho manual da CIA, porém, continua funcionando. Ainda é impressionante como é fácil subverter o Brasil, um dos líderes naturais do Sul Global. Tentativas de golpes à moda antiga com roteiros de mudança de regime/revolução colorida continuam sendo reproduzidos – lembre-se do Cazaquistão no início de 2021 e do Irã apenas alguns meses atrás.

Por mais que a facção auto-engrandecida dos militares brasileiros acredite que controla a nação, se as massas significativas de Lula forem às ruas com força total contra a farsa de 8 de janeiro, a impotência do exército ficará impressa graficamente. E como se trata de uma operação da CIA, os manipuladores ordenarão que seus vassalos militares tropicais se comportem como avestruzes.

O futuro, infelizmente, é ameaçador. O establishment norte-americano não permitirá que o Brasil, a economia do BRICS com maior potencial depois da China, volte a operar com força total e em sintonia com a parceria estratégica Rússia-China.
I was told quite a few sub-specimens in Brazil are now throwing this CIA-fabricated concept at me - mirroring what quite a few Americans have been doing for years, including sections of the Deep State.
Why Was Hunter Paying Joe Biden $50k Per Month To Rent House Where Classified Documents Found? | ZeroHedge

Absolutely everything this two-bit crime family concocts stinks to high heavens.

Martyanov on the uber-repulsive Madeleine "I kill Iraqi children for breakfast" Albright, who had the gall to write a book about Fascism.

It's ALL here. Never forget this specimen is the "intellectual" mentor of the whole neoliberal-con Dem spectrum:

"This piece of pseudo-academic excrement was written by a genocidal maniac, war criminal and a human marked with physical ugliness which underscored her ugliness internal, which harks back to the methods and views of genocidal maniacs and demagogues who populated corridors of power of the Third Reich. And from which the family of a Jewish girl from Prague, Jana Korbelova, the actual name of this now dead harpy, was saved by Serbs, who she "paid back" by bombing them in 1999. It is symptomatic that the BS concocted by this maniac reached NYT Best Seller list--this tells you everything you need to know about leeches Smith writes about. American establishment "intellectual" elite is dead, the whole intellectual class is largely dead but the time of reckoning is here. And some of them can hear the rumble of the inexorable march of history. Let them shake in fear."
Tudo Quieto (Pânico) na Frente Ocidental

Pepe Escobar

A lista de participantes de Davos foi devidamente vazada. Proverbialmente, é um festival de diversão excepcionalista anglo-americano, contando com chefões da inteligência, como a Diretora de Inteligência Nacional dos EUA, Avril “Madam Torture” Haines; o chefe do MI6 Richard Moore; e o diretor do FBI, Christopher Wray.

Enciclopédias remixadas de Diderot e D’Alembert poderiam ser escritas sobre a patologia de Davos – onde uma lista robusta de multibilionários, chefes de estado e queridinhos corporativos (de propriedade da BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street e outros) “se envolvem” na venda de pacotes de “Distopia Demente” para as massas desavisadas.
Pepe Escobar
Tudo Quieto (Pânico) na Frente Ocidental Pepe Escobar A lista de participantes de Davos foi devidamente vazada. Proverbialmente, é um festival de diversão excepcionalista anglo-americano, contando com chefões da inteligência, como a Diretora de Inteligência…
Davos starts in a few hours. This is the translation of my latest column, written on Friday, but still not out for obscure reasons.
Essential reading - especially as every jerk around is "discovering" that Thomas Mann's The Magic Mountain was set in Davos.
All Quiet Panic Western Front.docx
111 KB
This is the original text of my latest column on Davos, the WEF-NATO cabal, and with an Italian coda. Hope the original will be uploaded before the end of the day.

The FT – that Japanese platform in the City of London – is clearly freaking out as their self-described foreign policy guru, insufferable bore Rachman, has penned a column titled “Geopolitics Threatens to Destroy the World Davos Made”.

Oh dear. Misguided insufferables from the former Divide and Rule-specialist island are so…boring. Now they have just found out that “geopolitics”, alas, never entered the tawdry “end of history” tunnel: it’s now centered – again - across the Heartland, as it’s been for most of recorded History.

“Threatening” geopolitics is code for Russia-China. But the icing on the Alpine cake is an arrogance/stupidity martini actually giving away the game: the City and its vassals are livid that the “world Davos made” is fast collapsing. Davos did not “make” any world apart from its own simulacrum.

Assorted Anglo-American jerks are busy “re-discovering” that Thomas Mann’s The Magic Mountain was set in Davos – “against the backdrop of a deadly disease and an impeding world war” – nearly a century ago. Well, now the “disease” – fully bioweaponized - is not exactly deadly per se, and the “impending world war” is being actively encouraged by a cabal of Straussian neo-cons and neoliberal-cons. But the FT simply can’t spell it out, can they?

China, predictably, is blamed for abandoning their zero-Covid policy; blamed again as Western companies are encouraged to keep lessening their “dependence” on China; and blamed again for a “Chinese invasion of Taiwan” which might shut down TSMC. Insufferable bore, incidentally, passes as a China expert.

On Russia vs. NATO in country 404, insufferable bore does not have the tools to explain WHY war can “sever the economic ties on which globalization was built”. As he can’t explain how war is SO good for business – especially some businesses close to home.

Of course everything not following the Davos narrative regurgitated by the FT is dismissed as “conspiracy theories” fomented by “the wilder internet fringes”. As a comic sideshow, Le Petit Roi is excused for not showing up because of a “sensitive domestic pension reform”. Insufferabe bore – assuming he understands a few more French words apart from “bonjour” – should drop in to see how bloody stratospherically “sensitive” this is for the whole spectrum of the French working classes.

These are the kind of “experts” who will be vomiting lessons for the plebs on countless Davos panels this week. I alluded to it in my latest column – posted here. Get ready for a Mighty Clueless Show, non-stop, till Friday. At least “escorts” will be making a killing; 2,500 euros for the whole night, plus extras. The (lap-dancing) working class does have an access to Paradise. Thomas Mann would approve it.

That's the new Davos mantra.