Rise of the New Media - Brian Cates
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Political columnist and pundit at the Rise of the New Media Substack.

I make my living writing stuff that annoys all the right people. It's awesome.

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You should think about this. Why would certain intelligence agencies and their operatives embedded in our movement be TERRIFIED of the prospect that not only could Donald J. Trump get back in the White House, he's stated he FULLY intends to bring General Michael Flynn with him.

I know why they're terrified that could happen.

Do you?
That's a large part of what The Great Awakening is about.

If you thought we had two oppositional parties contesting each other in good faith...you NOW know watching this unfold, after what they're doing to Trump & innocent people around him THAT WAS ALWAYS A LIE.


Its all a show.

And Donald Trump is exposing it.

He's exposing it ALL.

God bless him.
👆👆👆Now apply to what I just told you to the UPCOMING ELECTION.

ANY GOP politician acting like this is just another 4 yr election and we need to 'just campaign harder' and 'move on from 2020' because 'Trump lost' and 'was a shitty candidate, to be honest!' is defending that corrupt UniParty election system.

That's why Trump is the ONLY CHOICE.

He's the ONLY ONE not playing that game.

Even Ramswamy, who many are growing enamoured of, won't talk about how the 2020 election was rigged and stolen from Trump.
Even if they still had the “fact checkers” on X/Twitter, they wouldn’t able to gloss this shit over.

That’s just how much of a farcical dystopian nightmare the Biden administration has descended our country into in less than 3 years.
The powers that be in the Deep State WANT Mitch McConnell to stay right where he is for as long as possible.

Not only will he not FIGHT what Biden & his handlers are doing because he's bought & owned by the same people who own Biden...

McConnell is now in a state where he couldn't even effectively fight their nefarious agenda for America even if he WANTED TO.
I see echoes of me in 2015/2016, desperately trying to talk people out of the 'mistake' of backing Trump rather than "someone who could actually win" like Ted Cruz or Rick Perry.


"Can't you guys see Trump has the entire deck stacked against him?!" I said that over and over again in 2016.

"No way will they let Trump win. Its impossible."

I was wrong.

Trump won in 2020 too. By A LOT.


And now we're being told they'll put him in prison to keep him off the ballot, or they'll just steal it from him again, so we have to pick someone they will ALLOW TO WIN.

You know what person they will ALLOW to win the 2024 election, if that's how it goes? The person they have the most control over.

So we're really being asked to back the GOPe ringer who's going to take a dive for the UniParty.

GTFO with that shit.

Up until now RDS has done every single thing his big donors have told him to do.

1. Flip flop on supporting/fully funding the 'war' in Ukraine

2. Refuse to acknowledge the 2020 election was rigged & stollen from Trump after Trump won - by A LOT. Say Trump was a 'bad candidate' and he lost fair and square.

3. Reset your campaign and start over

He's owned.

Its obvious.

Trump is not owned by anybody.

There's no $20 million campaign donor demanding he do a campaign reset - and Trump has to do it or lose the money.

There's no deep pockets GOPe UniParty donors whispering in his ear about supporting the war in Ukraine.

Learn the difference.
"Patiently waiting for Trump to be put in jail and/or removed from all the ballots in the key states har har!" is not the brilliant campaign strategy some people are currently telling you it is.
Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17)
OPINION: Impeaching Biden would be a huge mistake, and I guarantee the Republicans in the House are well aware of that.

If the most corrupt & incompetent POTUS in American history is removed right before the 2024 election, who benefits the most?

Biden is a perfect representation of the establishment and symbolizes the corruption that has been perpetrated on We the People for decades. He is the perfect evil villain in this movie.

If he is removed, we would be giving them the opportunity to prop up a fresh new face, do their thing with the media, brainwash the country into believing this new candidate can beat Trump and then steal the election in a believable fashion.

So the next time you have the urge to comment “DO SOMETHING” or make a joke about a strongly worded letter from Republicans, remember what President Trump says:

Be careful what you wish for.
We told them we were never going back to the GOPe UniParty and WE FUCKING MEANT IT.

At what point does this finally sink in for some people in the back of the room?
In a year's time when all the cases against Trump have collapsed and he's steam-rollering towards the GOP nomination at the RNC, RFK Jr. refusing to endorse Biden [or whoever the handpicked Biden replacement is] means his coalition either sits out 2024 or votes for Trump.

Because get real.

Biden/Biden replacement is going to REJECT EVERY DAMN THING RFK JR. is running on.

1. the border
2. Ukraine war
3. Big Pharma & COVID/vaccine lies
4. weaponization of gov't against citizens
5. gov't censorship

NO WAY does RFK Jr. endorse the DNC's candidate if its not him.

This is not Bernie Sanders, people.

He's going to take a SIZABLE Democrat coalition off the board.
And let me be clear about this: the chances the DNC under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES gives its nomination to RFJ JR. is exactly 0%.
That moment you go to follow somebody on Twitter and discover they are already following YOU.
Forwarded from Rise of The New Media Store
Trump Mugshot T-Shirt

It's Going To Be Biblical

Get yours 👉 https://bit.ly/45LTMt4
Forwarded from Rise of The New Media Store
This is the government our founders warned us about t-shirt

Get yours 👉 https://bit.ly/3YuJLxL
Forwarded from Rise of The New Media Store
Who was right? It's not even a fair contest any more. The "conspiracy theorists" are at least 17-0 up at this point! 🤣

Get yours 👉 https://bit.ly/3OP9zS9
Forwarded from Shit666Meme
Don't get played twice is all I'm saying! 🍸
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Forwarded from Just Human ️️️
“Force the enemy to abandon each hill, and eventually, no hills remain.

That is the path of the Infinite Player, who is a marauder of Truth and an uncompromising symbol of devotion to its heavenly core.

Acceleration, then, is the death of the Finite Player…

[They] are fighting to prevent the revelation of the truth. [They] are fighting for survival. [They] are fighting to preserve the Finite.

It’s a shame nobody told them we’re playing an Infinite Game.“
