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In these most important times of the Natural Electrical Rythm being affected by Those not vaccinated coming into contact with Those vaccinated, here is one quick thing You can do to recalibrate and align Your Natural Electrical Rythm and Prana after contact if You are not vaccinated.

Your sternum/breastbone area of the body is very important overall as with several techniques to assist in energetic recalibration, enhancement, as well as energetic Merkaba alignment. Where a vaccinated one's energetic field and Natural Electrical Rythm has come under considerable stress, it causes like a misfiring of electrical impulses in that one, and You as a strong Empath can feel and detect the unnatural rhythm and have Your Rythm affected. As a heightened Empath and on Your physical vessel Ascension path, You can easily compensate for any disruption to Your field through the process mentioned here. Also, where You are conscientious of an actual effect, You consciously can create an energetic shielding prior to any interaction. Indeed, a delicate situation has been Created in the world as well as within families and Your circle of friends as a result of the vaccination, and One can only do Their best in any given situation, but it remains, the importance of maintaining Your own life force energy, so that You do not experience excessive energy drainage and disruption, that can exhaust You and place Your Temple in electrical stress.

The Xiphoid Process, or lower part of the sternum is the main area to tap lightly, or Your desired force of pounding, with the back of Your fist, while steadily vocalizing "ah" from a deep place within Your chest. Tap or pound lightly on the Xiphoid Process for about a minute while vocalizing "ah", or another uplifting sound, and consciously think about Your recalibration and Chakra alignment. Your energetic alignment needs to be centered, if not it begins to distort and affect Your reality and can become more noticeable with little negative things occurring in Your presence. I also suggest that after the pounding that You give a little energetic pulse from Your root Chakra to increase Your centrifugal spin that begins in the root Chakra. The proper spin, in the upward spiral looking down towards Your root is counterclockwise, as the spiral continues above Your line of sight, it is clockwise, which is open, the opposite spin is an implosion and powering down spin, so the proper rotation is important.

The "Precordial thump" used sometimes as a medical procedure is an example of its real electrical effect.

Love and Light
You may wish to take 3 minutes out of Your day to clear Your consciousness, enhance Your consciousness, Activate Your consciousness to higher levels, assist in opening the Pineal Gland further, energizing the nasal cavity to its fullest with Photonic Light to assist with further development of the Crown and Third Eye Chakra, as well as just making You feel good.

You do this by simply breathing in through the nose while outside in the fresh and energized air, holding the air in the nasal cavity for several seconds, then exhaling through the mouth. Repeat this procedure for 10 to 30 times consecutively until You feel the effects are enough and the area has been energized to its capacity.

Love and Light
Wild lettuce is a powerful natural plant to assist with stabilizing/pacifying Your energetic field of anxiety when needed.

This plant is quite easy to find and grows on many lawns as well. It looks very similar to dandelion leaves, however, on the underside of the leaves, on the centre of the wild lettuce are small hairs/spines, and this identifies it as being the right plant.

Gather a large amount of leaves that will fill both of Your cupped hands, boil/simmer them to make a tea, and drink and feel the muscles relaxing effect. This is a powerful natural medicine and You should not operate any car or machinery afterwards, for it also has strong sedative effects. It is best to take an hour before bedtime or resting.

When harvesting these precious leaves, ensure that You only take a couple of leaves from each plant, allowing for the plant to regrow quickly and offer an extended supply if needed.

Love and Light
Rick Jewers

A "sloth" period for Human Souls Ascending is now intensifying, where the greatest pressure and compression forces the Souls to make the choices to essentially do what is morally right.

The significant participants and leaders of the Flock, are the Ones with more prominent Divine roles in the Religious, Spiritual, and Ascension Communities. The Ones to graduate, and be the Vanguard in this respect, will make the higher choices to align with Morality and the creation of the new world. Their "sloth" will intensify with only one choice, and out of the disparity, They will align with the planetary Ascension. The Law of God is being established upon Earth and nothing can resist this Omnipotence, not even death. Suicide will fail to work, because of the importance of this time for Humanity, and the Divine Roles that must be played to Exalt this world from the present savagery and the confines of hell.

Apathy, complacency, and sloth does not change this world, and it is Divinely Ascertained that this world changes now. With direction for the Religious, Spiritual, and Ascending Communities, comes a rigor beyond anything witnessed in the history of mankind, the purpose and Divine Reason is seen and known, one choice, stand in Unity to effect the planetary Ascension,it is the Will of God that cannot be avoided.

Many have been Chosen and Christed for this time, especially over the past 12 linear years of time. They have been Bestowed with an unprecedented Prowess of Co-Creation to stand shoulder to shoulder and be the Divine Invincible change, They have been granted immortality, as part of Their Divine Prowess and Assurance. Each day, more Feminine and Masculine alike are being Chosen, Called, and Bestowed with the Gifts of God to fulfill Their Divine Purposes and Reasons in this most Glorious Time. There is no going back for these Souls, these Chosen Ones and They are beginning to step into Their Knowing of why They are on Earth at this time. There is not the free will to neglect Divinity by the Soul Sparks,and the White Garments are being Chosen as the only Righteous Choice.

The current worldwide system that stood between mankind and God is being replaced by a system of God, as per the promises written through antiquity. The system that caused mankind to be evil and inflicted so much undue suffering upon Humanity is rapidly imploding, and simultaneously, the Law and System of God is assimilating Reality to effect the Heaven on Earth for All of the Children of God. The actual evil and its consorts vanish from existence as the Earth becomes a City of Light in the Multiverse and Omniverse.

Love and Light
Rick Jewers🤍🤍🤍
Currently worldwide there are about 500 million expat/migrant workers that send money back home to family. This is an important form of slavery, codependency, and stress that the current system causes, and of which gpms.world eradicates and sets All free of slavery and codependency. Rick Jewers 🤍🙏
I was Divinely awakened this morning at around 5am. As an Overseer of this Ascension, one of my tools to monitor the progressive energetic themes, is to empathically feel what the majority of the Souls on Earth are feeling at any important time.

Having said this, this mornings energetic imprint had the depression, and even suicidal thought/feeling content coming from the Souls, and many feelings of this is hell.

The Great news about this is that it is a Divine Incentive for Ones to align with Their Divine Purposes and give Them Reasons to continue forward, dispite the dispair. It can be viewed as many Souls are now entering or in Their deep 3 days Descension Process to reach the point of surrender, to let go and let God, Their Higher Self, Their Guides, to show Them the Way.

We are in the most unprecedented Glorious times on Earth, and the Greatest Dawn is here upon Humanity, and more than enough are Awakened to align with the New Dawn, and are able to SEE the new world,and choose it. The new world is simple, joyous, and abundant for All, no more stress nor hardship, however, it must be chosen promptly and will be.

Many have been Divinely Called to stand shoulder to shoulder Together, They have been prepared for this time, it just takes the simple recognition that the Time is upon us to end All suffering forever, the Time is Now.

Love and Light
Rick Jewers
A really great insert repellent are the imitation insects that actually eat the pest flies, like mosquitoes and various black house flies and moose flies.

When I was still human and prospecting for minerals in the forests, I would wear an imitation Dragon Fly on the brim of my ball cap, that I made myself to keep horse/moose flies away, it worked well!! I see now that You can actually buy them!

If You make Your own, for moose and horse fly repellent, I suggest to also make a large white hornet, horse flies are generally afraid of hornets, because hornets eat house/horse, and moose flies.

Love and Light
Rick Jewers
Electricity is actually free now worldwide, it is the current system that adds monetary cost to it. The gpms.world system, once agreed upon by the majority, eradicates completely worldwide, any cost of electricity. Gpms.world does what is in the Absolute best interests for the Worldwide public, know what gpms.world is, and add Your agreement today. PST, all air conditioning units worldwide become free and mass production begins instantly of these units, if required by the People. Money becomes a "no object" once the majority worldwide consent with the gpms.world agreement, and All these things and more are Absolutely possible.

Love and Light
Rick Jewers
You can watch the movie, or get with the Reality show, gpms.world. 🤍🙏
Problem : Ireland protesting against Nigeria Asylum seekers, because the current worldwide capitalistic system is the root cause. .

Solution: People of Ireland to be informed that the replacement system of gpms.world eradicates the need for any to leave their home country in attempts to survive. Innerstand that Your governments are part of the problem system and they cannot fix the system, this is why the Divine System of gpms.world has been given to the planet for the People.

Gpms.world is the immediate solution for ALL current world problems, ONCE the majority of the People agree with it, and ratify it into worldwide Law, THEN, the foolish fighting and suffering ENDS completely.

Love and Light
Rick Jewers

The Divine Feminine and Divine Mother Representatives are being empowered to unprecedented proportions. Individually, this is raising the consciousness alignment with Their Soul Scripts pertaining to Their respective Missions and Divine Purposes upon the Earth at this time. Unprecedented Knowledge is being released from the Heart, the Seat of the Soul, directly into the operating consciousness.

Magnetic Filament release from the SunSon carries a new attribute to facilitate this Divine Feminine Empowerment. It will be necessary for the Divine Masculine to Individually compensate Their Energetic fields with this unprecedented allocation by acknowledgement and increasing Their electrical reception and output, this is done consciously and by just being still for a few minutes with the intention to recalibrate and follow the inner Divine Guidance received to do this.

More Advanced Masculine may be required to ground at this time, whereas the magnitism is unprecedented and it could create a floating sensation, as well as a power drain energetically. Plenty of water is important to circulate the individual field faster to compensate for the over balance of magnitism. Once recalibrated, the Divine Masculine is also Empowered higher in all respects.

The Light Quotient upon Earth is reaching a level now that could trigger individual flashes and minor resets of reality prior to the big finale. It is possible to have the Planetary Ascension Mission accomplished by November 15th, linear year 2024, with Humanity securely in the replacement system/reality, as per Father Prime Creator.

Love and Light
Rick Jewers🤍🤍🤍
A Teaching

Many, along Their journey of Mastery, will enter an important phase of perceiving reality as neither right nor wrong, from a place of nonjudgment, a Place of Peace with all that is. This is an important phase of balance prior to the next level of Empowerment and more into Their Co-Creator ability, Prowess.

Part of this phase of Mastery may contain for the individual, a phase where They begin to realize that the Universe will provide the exact thing they do not want,if it is in their consciousness and spoken out loud. These experiences are very important prerequisites to guide One more into Their operating consciousness navigation and more specifically, where to put Their focus, essentially to negative thought programs, or reprogram to complete positive, and to know the power of this core value and attribute as a CoCreator.

At every step One must discern, must judge, it is part of Their evolution into Their Divine Prowess, and the ability to judge Righteously, which evolves this reality, this phase, and unlocks more of the Souls script and knowing, including the knowledge being integrated into the consciousness of how to Ascend.

If One were to be at Peace with everything and did not embark on forward movement, as a Divine Designated Co-Creator, They remain in a stasis of non or little development, and at the Soul and Divine Level, it is assured that this does not happen.

It is the acceptance of non Righteous things that keep them in existence and hinders evolution to the place where everything is harmonious, everything just and right, everything foundationed in Love, Peace, Sharing, and Harmony, and of course bliss.

Discernment, judgment, is a navigational tool to assist in choosing the highest core values, embodying these core values and virtues, acting out from them, talking the talk and walking the walk. Once the individual has gone through this process of evaluating, They reach Selflessness and realize this story, this reality is not about Them, that They are part of something much bigger, and have a role to play to come into alignment with All of the others and apply Their Mastery to evolve, Ascend reality out of savagery, and to continue further forward into Absolute Grace.

The pompous Divine egocentric will loose Their pride and be humbled by the Abstract Force of God Prime Creators, Mother and Father. It is at this point that One Truly knows why They are here and why They were sent.

It is important for All to remain open minded and to know that Truth constantly changes as You climb the ladder of the Ascension evolution. As Brother Neptune has said, "they do not know that they do not know", and what this essentially means is that there are more levels, and if this were not True, many of You would not be here, and would have already found the Way out. The Truth is that this whole Ascension is to be done together, including the Earth/Gaia, and that the evolving pieces and clues have been Divinely Distributed among many of You, and by coming together in unity, the pieces of the puzzle are brought together, and Ascension happens.

Love and Light
Rick Jewers🤍🤍🤍🙏🙏🙏
The Universal Nation and Worldwide Replacement system of gpms.world is growing impressively! The Replacement System is being tangibly Ratified into Worldwide Law through the cumulative agreement/consenting process which makes gpms.world inevitable. This is the Divine Plan as the old reality rapidly destructs.

Gpms.world is based upon the highest principle of Absolute Law, which basically at its core is "do no harm" and the Absolute Upholding of All Individual Intrinsic Rights, that surpasses anything previously known to Humanity. Gpms.world is the Divine Plan that ends instantly ALL suffering upon the Earth Once majority consent is obtained.

We, approximately 36 Guardians/Reprentatives of gpms.world, from many current nations, have formed a Worldwide Panel which may be referred to as "Panel 72" at this time. This Public Panel is unlimited in the number of Who will join as We progress, and will at some point in the future contain perhaps 100s, or even 1000,s. We are the Divine Designation to usher in the Replacement system for the world and are the Divine Guarantees. We stand shoulder to shoulder, Feminine and Masculine alike. We are walking the walk, join us to get this done sooner, rather than later, for Humanity.

Love and Light
Rick Jewers

Commensing immediately

Some of You are to recognize the preemptive energetics that occur prior to entering a deep sleep and to be aligned with the Peaceful Flow that precedes.

Some of You will be taken out of linear time for about an 8 hour period of linear time and returned to the exact point of linear time that You were taken from.

This exercise is necessary for important advanced upgrades.

Love and Light
Rick Jewers

With the ongoing release of the fear and limited beliefs in congruence with the Sacral Chakra expansion and upgrading, the confirming effects are being reflected into the consciousness. During this reconciliation period, the consciousness is resetting and eliminating the lower consciousness programing, both intentional nefarious programs, as well as Soul Chosen Programs for Divine Beneficial Reasons of development and Prowess, through the hands on experience.

Symptoms and noticeable side effects of this worldwide Sacral Reconciliation Period, are extreme internal heat and cold, itching and the production of silicon granules and Crystalign particles/Crystals that are released from the physical vessel, as well as a cloudy, foggy, numb, dizzy, off balance in equilibrium, pressure changes inside the ear, with the consciousness side of it.

The Consciousness is being reset in alignment to give Way for the New that is being created by the Vanguard Pioneers of the Ascension in alliance with the subsequent Waves of CoCreator ability and recognition. The overall perspective of Each Ones past changes to reflect a higher consciousness view and innerstanding, and this will equate into floaty sensations in the physical head. The reconfiguration of reality is playing out in the consciousness of Each Individual to some degree in preparation for acclimatization to a new reality, the highest of the 4th dimensional capacity, with many entering the mysticism of the 5th Dimensional States of Being.

Protons at an unprecedented rate have compromised the negative electron components of certain parts of a nefarious influencing subnet that contributed to subliminal programming and mind altering through technical and electronic devices. This shutdown was necessary for the recalibration of consciousness on a wide scale and will continue on a need to basis, if necessary.

The Internet infrastructure is being Divinely reconfigured to accommodate the new reality with primitive software being eliminated and fear software rendered inoperable. This is an adjustment period in this respect as complexity yields to simplicity, also eradicating unnecessary programs.

It is possible that the Ascension of the Earth to the 5th Dimensional State will be completed in November of this linear year. This suggests viral movement in the consciousness towards this specific time with a constant enhancement being confirmed.

Love and Light
Rick Jewers🤍🙏