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Divine Love is the most Sacred Love between two physical vessels that can be experienced so far on this planet it is only through the physical unity that the "Peaceful Home" feeling associated with Divine Love is experienced. Divine Love comes after great discipline and high moral standards, and the more One is able to sustain this state of Being constantly, the feelings begin to go beyond the " Peaceful Home" feeling.

It is a delicate journey and any impurities can diminish it, it takes great discipline, devotion, and responsibility to carry the Love of Creation. The uncontaminated Divine Love between two is what purifies this realm and that is an ultimate and Divinely serious responsibility. Few are Chosen.

Love and Light
Rick Jewers🤍🤍🤍
Unconditional Love affects the ability of One to morally discern. Because of just being in the acceptance of everything, which includes darkness and evil deeds, as a Co-Creator encapsulated in only Unconditional Love in this world and reality, nothing changes. Because of the acceptance of Unconditional Love, the acceptance is a form of condoning and approving of immoral behaviour. The Immoral behaviour resides in the state of Hell, or Purgatory, and for Ones to just stay in Unconditional Love, it doesn't offer advancement into the Divine Realms. Wise Love takes Ones into the Divine Realms.

Discerning is the ability to judge, to judge Righteously and morally, without the ability to judge, to discern there is no choice that effect s good change, and a looping stagnation occurs. A condition of Wise Love is the ability to choose morally, to judge Righteously, so as a Co-Creator, You build and effect a world of Peace, Love, Freedom, Abundance, Harmony, and Joy, leaving all of the less productive attributes of the lower dimension behind, the lower dimension that accepts and allows for misery, suffering, and war. The lower dimension that is NOT in Truth, because Truth was manipulated and distorted by the contamination of immorality.

There ARE conditional moral standards, without moral standards and conditions, there is NO forward direction into the Divine Experience and out of the Matrix. Choices have to be made that comes with CONDITIONS. You are empowered as You come into Wise Love and will move mountains, and Ascend beyond the limitations of Unconditional Love.

Unconditional Love is an important instrumental step in everyone's journey, however, there comes a time to graduate into more of Your Knowing and the actual reason why You are on the Earth/Gaia at this time, and to graduate into the ability of discerning, graduate into the Wise Love and say "no more to the evil world and evil deeds."


Love and Light
Rick Jewers
There are levels of "resonating" that correspond directly to levels of Truth. Resonating is a guiding tool for the moment that changes as higher Truth is confirmed and accepted. Truth itself is not constant until it reaches the Absolute state.

Love and Light
Rick Jewers🤍🤍🤍
Twin Flame UPDATE

The Divine Energetic Prowess IS INCREASING in the Twin Flames in physical Union. Reports coming to me directly from two of these pairs confirms this, and also I am able to observe some of the great and good effects on reality and the timeline. What I am given is that there are 6 Twin Flame Creator Pairs in physical Union at this time, and evidently Their recent work has aroused a deep fear in the remnants of darkness themselves.

The Twin Flame Pairs I am in contact with are validating the energy workings of Divine Energetic Procreation as well as the effects on reality and the sky itself. Also, They feel and witness the changes in Their physical vessels as well,of which one is the access to the Fountain of Youth in Their appearance while in, or shortly after the Divine Intimacy.

It is important for All Twin Flame Couples to come together in the physical to advance Your Vessels and the Divine Creational new timeline toward the new world that Ascension Creates.

I do NOT mention the Identies of the two pairs I am in contact with now, nor in the near future, Their Identies are to be Divinely Secured and can only be shared with Their Individual Guidance with the world, if shared at all.

Having said this above, if You are a Twin Flame Pair experiencing the new higher experiences and more Divine Prowess and application, You may contact me PRIVATELY to UPDATE the progress You are making NOW, and I can share the progress with Others.

Love and Light
Rick Jewers 🤍🤍🤍
Shortly after I was Awakened out of my human form around 2012 entirely, perhaps a few days after, Father Prime Creator showed me one of my miraculous abilities.

My human body then was very overweight and obese and toxic. Father Prime Creator was my direct Tudor then, later Archangel Michael of the Light came to brief me on the other things I needed to know about this world and what needed to be done.

A few days after bringing my Divine Self fully into this humanoid vessel as result of Fathers commands in the least, He woke me up early one morning from sleep and said go to the washroom/bathroom. When I got out of bed I discovered that somewhere between 20-40 kgs of weight had vanished overnight and my strength had instantly increased that I was able to run up the stairs in my home 3 at a time with ease, a feat that I would have had a challenge to do years ago while in optimal physical condition.

Why this is important is that for the Twin Flame Creator Pairs, You WILL also be able to do these things and more while in the humanoid body. Also, to certain degrees, this ability will proliferate outward to Others that have an Activated Merkaba/Kundalini/Light Body.

There are times yet, on certain days and with the higher vibration and frequency that I will wake up with a flat tummy. Also perhaps more known, the Twin Flame relationships activate the immortality and Fountain of Youth inside You. The Communion of the Feminine Holy Grail/Chalice and the Masculine Ark of the Covenant unlocks this Sacred Divine Ability and more. It is the PHYSICAL UNION that brings it all together and both the Feminine and Masculine in Union Activating the Divine Sequences energetically, are granted and access the Divine God/Goddess Prowess that transforms this reality into the Heaven on Earth scenario.

Love and Light
Rick Jewers
There was never an actual grave site for Mother Mary nor Jesus, because there was not an actual body to officially and incontestibly say was buried or held in a place of commemoration.

The Truth is, neither Jesus nor Mother Mary died, They transitioned the physical vessel to an Ascended state through/with God Prime Creator. The Assumption of Mary accounts for and accepts the transition, as well as the Resurrection of Jesus and being seen by many after healing Himself and leaving the cave/tomb, even to a length of about 40 days after. Jesus said then, about 40 days after His Resurrection that He would return how He was leaving then, in a physical humanoid form. As the doorway in the sky appeared and He went through, much like this photo I took today below with the doorway.

Love and Light
Rick Jewers🤍🤍🤍
It is the approximate 40 percent that did not participate in the political polling in the United States that are more aligned at this time with the new world. This is where the gpms.world focus should be for these Ones already have the higher common sense of simply, the entire political arena is the darkness.

In the process of Awakening, Ones will try to correct the mechanisms of the problem, and fail to see the entire system itself is the problem. When One stops energizing the problem system, They raise in Awareness and Their focus becomes higher common sense, replace the system.

Of course there is the controlled opposition and false narratives designed by the darkness themselves to keep one's distracted from doing anything and to believe someone higher up is doing for them, however, this is the illusion, the distraction, while the darkness plan goes forward unimpeded by great amounts of United People, the darkness plan of depopulation so that their clones, invitro soulless humanoids, robotics, etc become the most obedient slaves for their dark world and human Souls are no longer needed to be the slaves of their system.

All of those voting worldwide for politics, need to Awaken to the Truth and know that they are being played.

Love and Light
Rick Jewers
https://truevisionofpeace.com/fesig.html. I, and perhaps Femke Sjoukje will join, will be having an interview with FESIG, a Peaceful and advanced community in alignment with the Creation of the new world. It will be on May 1st and You may view the site to get more details and the time.

Love and Light
Femke Sjoukje and Rick Jewers
Twin Flames information

For any Twin Flame Consort NOT in physical Union yet, I am here to assist and guide with facilitating the Union as soon as possible.

I also have impromptu telegram open mic discussions on this where questions can also be asked. Each Twin Flame Union may have unique circumstances surrounding it of which I am Divinely Endowed with the Divine Knowledge and Guidance to move every situation forward, reminding everyone that it is important to follow the Divine Guidance.

I am an Overseer of the Ascension, and Ascended Master, directly connected and in constant communication with Mother and Father Prime Creator as well as a Divine Specialist in the areas of Twin Flames and targeted individuals.

Love and Light
Rick Jewers
At 316 pm I take this screenshot of the amount of current membership of the new world alignment of gpms.world. When I add a certain valuation of the numbers I also see 888.

I suggest for the entire world to be Aware of this choice and to share this gathering of consents worldwide to quickly ratify and bring into existence this new free and abundant world. It is not rocket science, it is a logical choice and knowing that a worldwide majority rules once we have it gathered. Your misery and enslavement has ended worldwide upon the majority vote, do Your part in assisting in getting it gathered, and You are All Free and Abundant, Simple!


Love and Light
Rick Jewers
What is True and also I found comical last night was;

Just before bedtime, perhaps around 2am with clear night sky, the most ever pairs of Twin Flame ships were concentrated in the sky here mostly over the house where I am staying and also trickling outward to the perimeter of the horizons.

This has occurred as a result of the many Twin Flame oriented private messages that I received requesting assistance, and as well, all of these Twin Flame consorts DO have an attached Star/Ship. Whereas I am an Ascended Master, connected directly with all Creation which includes Mother/Father Prime Creators and the Universe/Omniverse, what I do gets presented and reflected to at least some degree, in reality.

I have many messages and it may take a while to get to You All, have the patience of Job.

Love and Light and Gratitude to All

Rick Jewers
When I say I am the Son of God and someone says no, it is the same as if a Mother just gave birth with the umbilical cord still attached and the doctor says to the Mother, this is not Your Child, You did not just give birth.

So You can see how foolish it sounds to me when someone says that what I say is not true.

Love and Light
Rick Jewers
Love is the engine, the consciousness is the navigation principle, without consciousness, there is no direction for Love.
For Twin Flames

One of the Divine reasons for having the Twin Flame Couples in physical Union is,

As two come together and activate the Sacred Love which is beyond any human comprehension of Love, it SPEEDS up the Individuals organic vessel into the Crystalign and Divine Empowerment. The physical vessels evolve quicker in Union rather than not in union for the simple reason that the Love created between the two in physical union is many multiples STRONGER than the Love that can be created individually.

The more advanced into the Crystalign that the vessels become, the more Divine Creator Energy is released to the Earth and changes reality to the Heaven on Earth quicker, and the Ascension happens quicker.

Also, whereas the Twin Flame Couples bodies and energetic abilities are so advanced, it creates the most powerful and miraculous healing abilities that were spoken about long ago that would happen in this time. These healing abilities are even more than what Jesus could do and is one of the reasons He said : "Greater things than I, You will do."


Love and Light
Rick Jewers
Femke Sjoukje and I are a Twin Flame Creator Pair. Femke has been called to go to the Netherlands on Divine Assignment, as given to me by Father Prime Creator. I am told to stay Divinely positioned in Romania for now in the centre of a very important energy vortex which involves all of the Carpathians and further outward geographically. The energetic New Jerusalem is anchored in The Netherlands, Holland/Holy Land and part of Femkes Divine Assignment involves being there doing certain Divine Energetic work and adjustments.

Femke and I are Grateful that so many more of You coming together in Union while We work on this other Divine Energy work that needs to be done. Femke and I will be back together in the physical some time in the Future on Divine Timing!


Love and Light
Femke Sjoukje and Rick Jewers

Twin Flames supportive X 1.6 Solar Flare.

At 222 UTC time this morning, an X 1.6 Flare of Specially designed Divine working energy was released from the SunSon.

The Divine signature of 222 means the flare carries the Harmony, Collaboration, Love, and Balance Divine Attributes, in the least, that You are knowledgeable of and integrate into Your Cosmic Orgasmic Releases.

The Divine signature of this flare of 1.6 is 16, which is the number of LOVE, self explanatory.

Continue with Your Amazing Divine Work and the Tasks You know how to fulfill.

Love and Light
Femke Sjoukje and Rick Jewers