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Because I Love the Human Souls. I will keep this simple and to the point. And Please take the time to read all of this post, it contains very important information for each Soul.

Organic and inorganic nanoparticles are transmitters and receivers, as well as disruptors to the Human Vessel. Organic nanoparticles like lipd nanoparticles are fat based, the Human brain is about 60% fat tissue. Lipd nanoparticles are programmed to become one with the fatty cells of the body where the DNA resides, and begins to take over the operation of the cells as per its programmed instructions and also instructions received externally, remember it is a radio receiver. These lipds follow the circulatory system/blood stream of the physical vessel which goes to EVERY part of the human body.

Inorganic nanoparticles are mostly made from gold, a heavy metal and more important to know, a conductor of electric. The Human body functions by electric, the way the humanoid brain works is through electrical messages. Like organic nanoparticles, they go every where in the body, including the brain. With gold in the brain it short circuits the brain and this begins to be more evident over time when an infected Person's behaviour begins to change and become more and more erratic, leading to not being able to function and utilize the simplest motor functions/movement of the body.


nanoparticles, both organic and inorganic, do get ejected from the body in small amounts, through sweat, saliva, the regular shedding of cells, in urine and feces, etc. Organic nanoparticles can live OUTSIDE of the body for about 30 minutes to perhaps an hour and a half depending on the humidity of the environment, the more humid the environment, the longer the nanoparticles live outside of the body. The inorganic nanoparticles can exist outside the body for 30 days and longer.

This means that these nanoparticles can enter anothers body by just being in an area, a house, a hospital, etc where someone has been, or lives, that has the nanoparticles in Their body. It is a great idea to limit Your body's exposure to these sensitive areas like hospitals.

If it was not important what You eat and have in Your body, there would be no reason to take precautions and nothing would hurt You, like drinking antifreeze or cyanide, so common sense at least tells everyone that it is IMPORTANT what is Your body, take care of Your physical vessel.

For Those on the Ascension path, the types of DNA You consume also makes a huge difference in Your progress, it is important to be prudent and to compile the knowledge so that You can make better and more productive choices and best practices. Plant DNA does NOT have fear as part of its memory and program, meat does.

Love and Light
Rick Jewers🀍🀍🀍

An extensive period of 12 hours of Solar Activity remaining in the M Class territory with several X Flare influences is preparing the energetics on an individual basis for Ascension Test Runs over the coming days

What will feel like certain quick upliftment of the physical vessel, Rapture like, will be felt by some and You are prepared to remain still while this Divine Test is being done on Your Physical Vessel.

Love and Light
Rick Jewers
Gpms.world is the most serious, most powerful, and most Lawful agreement of the People ever known. Once We have a majority agreement/consent from every individual including the Children, the entire world is in complete abundance and freedom. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€

The CME,s being emitted from the SunSon now, as well as the Flares are focused on empowering the Twin Flames and any with Activated kundalini/Light Bodies.

In the Blue picture below Jupiter is the white spot on the left while Venus is on the right during the release of a significant series of CME, s. Jupiter is Masculine, Venus is Feminine, directing the upgrading energy to the Feminine and Masculine in the least.

Earth's atmosphere is becoming greatly charged with positrons, Plasma, as well as hydrogen, for specific Ascension purposes both individually and planetary. Some satellites will destruct as well as Positron influxes overpowering the negative electron influenced internet and electricity grid responsible for many not Awakening in the past.

As more Twin Flames Unite in Physical as well as getting connected through conversation at distance, in combination with the Divine Plan of gpms.world of which the physical consents and energy continues to grow daily, the current reality is primed for a paradigm Shift forward to the capacity that it can completely reset reality instantly. All Divine Delegations have been previously called to the highest Divine Service on the planet so that We save as many human Souls in Their physical vessels as possible by raising the planetary vibration and frequency, and We ARE doing it.

It is more important now than ever before, if You hear or are Guided by the Divine Call, it cannot be ignored, the urgency to change this reality is the Divine Priority and a human free will becomes subservient and not effective in cases where One is called.

Love and Light
Rick Jewers

An current X Flare in process, currently at 1.9, a significant Divine Signature. As well as the first impactful CME energy arriving to the surface of the planet on May 10th with Ascension Day being known as May 9th


Love and Light
Rick Jewers
Gpms.world is what saves Humanity from the present worldwide savage enslavement system cult.
For Twin Flames in physical Union.

There has never been such a powerful energetic atmosphere as now to practice and advance Your physical vessels and combined Divine Prowess.

All of the energy supplied to the surface of Earth over the last week or so from the SunSon is to fully support the Divine Twin Flame Unions as well as having unprecedented experiences and go beyond any point with the physical vessel intact into the other Realms, where You open Your selves to the Divine Wisdom and Your Missions here on Earth. The physical union is necessary for it involves elevating the chemical reactions in the physical vessel which is only done by physical touches of each other in intimacy.

The Positron supporting energy continues as evidenced by the huge Auroras occurring all over the planet at this time. The Auroras are also saturated with the Pink Creation Plasma that it utilized in the physical Union Twin Flame Divine Work. This Pink Plasma is to also be programmed with the highest Twin Flame Love that NOW can more quickly shift reality toward the end of the Mission and transfer the hell scenario to the Heaven on Earth scenario for the good for all Human Souls.

I will be having an open mic advanced education and discussion on the Private Twin Flame Telegram Channel I have prepared for this most Auspicious Glorious Time sometime later tonight Romania time, perhaps around 8pm.


Love and Light
Rick Jewers
https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=EY58MBKQA4JXG Funding Request

Halo every Soul.

I am in request for some funding in preparation for relocation and the usual basic funding. The relocation involves some physical visits to important energized areas to in the least, upgrade and anchor in more of the multidimensional coding in relation to the 5D White Light Ley Line Grid. There is more involved and will share what We are doing as it gets done.

Much Gratitude for Your continued and even new financial support for this Ascension Mission We are All on. By watching the accelerated implosion of the lower timeline, the new free and abundant world is close at hand, and hopefully with the combination of many Divine Things occurring simultaneously, it may occur in a Flash.
Love, Light, and Gratitude to All!
Rick Jewers
Femke and I will be hosting an Advanced Twin Flame open mic discussion on the Private Telegram Channel beginning around 8pm Romania time tonight. If You have not already joined the Private Group You may contact Femke here on Facebook with a message to join and She will accommodate this.

Love and Light
Femke Sjoukje and Rick Jewers
A very significant sign and confirmation in the SunSon that Sistar Pamela Johnson brought to my attention.

I have circled the Womans Face in White and the Red Dragon/Satan in pink, as per chapter 12 of Revelations.

For this scene to be shown to us in the SunSon, it means that Evil has come to past, (You may wish to watch my Live from yesterday on this feed of which I spoke about the end of evil), and the Christ Child metaphorically, (Christ Consciousness) has been born to establish fully God's Law upon the Earth/Gaia. This means a monumental SHIFT forward HAS occurred and a huge victory for the Light!!


Love and Light and Gratitude to All! Special Thanks to Pamela Johnson!
Rick Jewers
I suggest preparing tea, coffee, or a glass of water, and a quiet place before reading this, it is lengthy, however, important.
You may have seen the Black Panther symbol or picture coming up recently in Your Awareness, and this is the reason why. Either it was an identification for You directly or an indicator that this primal energy was at play around You in Your reality by another. Nevertheless, a more innerstanding is presented within the following missive. Remember that "ego" is just an identity and that there is the Human lower ego and the higher Divine Ego. Your Ego is Your Operating Identity and You are formatting and shaping Your Identity to the most Highest and Purest Divine.
The "Black Panther" Character is the last primal fear level to be Mastered by the Divine Feminine, before moving into the complete 5D State of Herself and the 5D Reality in conjunction with this Ascension.
I used the identification label of "Black Panther" for its notice and symbolism is found through Shamanic and Cultural teachings around the world to some extent, and satisfies an image and associated attributes. The "Black Panther" can be looked at as representing the identity, of the ego of a Feminine to successfully survive in the fear spectrum, and the fear-based world that We as a Collective, are currently leaving behind in the dust. Many deep layers of lower-density emotion, thought patterns, acts, reactions, and responses have been shed that no longer serve and have been replaced with higher Ways. These higher Ways, higher choices that evolve the timelines and Creation forward to advance Humanity and the entire experience, are not randomly found, rather they are Divinely Induced/Activated at a Soul level that defies what a human consciousness thinks is free will, then the will to change happens. Nothing is by chance and the free will of Divinity/ the Soul has priority over the individuals and it is assured at the Divine level, the levels of fear control are shed.
The survival instincts are imprinted into the genetics of the Feminine physical vessel and hormones (as well as the Masculine, however slightly different), that decide and attribute the identity, the ego, and the behavior. This fear-based imprinted ego in the Feminine/Masculine is NOT a distortion, rather it was a necessary navigational instrument to lead One through the experiences and to be able to survive in the lower-density world/sub 5D. It is time for this primitive navigational identity/ego to go, TO BE RECONCILED, it only belongs in the sub 5D fear plane of existence and cannot function nor guide in the 5D State of existence/reality.
If at this point it is not resonating with You, I suggest subduing the Black Panther and continuing reading/digesting, with a neutral open mind. And if You feel this may be written about You, You are right, for this post is written to assist ALL with Their Individual Mastery of this primal predator. This Black Panther Ego is/was in all Divine Feminine.
The Blank Panther is typically symbolical of the deep Feminine Primal instincts and fear-based behavior, the fear core, and it is this deepest layer of this powerful egoic identity that is surfacing at this time in different ways in the Divine Feminine, coming up to be Mastered. At its most deeply imprinted level, it shows the fierceness, of the warrior, and at its lowest level may produce the behavior of One just trying to control from this lower Black Panther state and attempting to format reality into reason that is compatible with a world of control. Control is actually a fear-based act, and at the highest, One learns that the best Way to control things favorably, is to actually NOT attempt to control, but rather Trust in Universal Flow from a place of eternal Peace and Love. It is the combination of Peace and Love bonded, especially between two, a Feminine and Masculine, that actually shows that nothing needs to be controlled by the human logic and that a bonded internal Peace and Love Guides the way and the hands can be taken from the material physical steering wheel that exists in the old as a navigation tool, the steering wheel no longer needed, the river of Love takes One where They need to go.
You may attribute all of the fear based attributes to this Black Panther Identity/ego. These fear-based attributes include, however not limited to, aggression, defensiveness, protection, jealousy, selfishness, lack, control, manipulation, separation, worry, impatience, concealing, deception, setting boundaries, blame, guilt, unworthiness, insecure, etc. These fear-based attributes are in direct conflict with what Divinity is, what Heaven on Earth is, and what Prime Creator God is, and will separate One from that higher place of Divinity if not Mastered and replaced with the higher values/attributes in alignment with Purity, the Ascension, and Prime Creator Mother/Father.
When this Black Panther ego is threatened, it becomes fierce and afraid of losing control of its identity, its independence, its sole control over its reality, and seeks to find space alone to recalibrate the protective shields and boundaries it has constructed over its lifetime of control. It will become self-centered and the focus shifts toward preserving the independent identity, self-preservation which includes the fear-based defensive mechanism of separation to facilitate the environment to do so. It will typically choose a fight or even flight mode with no compromise nor reconciliation. In its most active state after the fight, it must separate to regain composure, this may be violently or subtly, and separation is a fear-based control mechanism. This ego will lead One towards fear, rather than unity and the higher quotient of internal Peace and Love. The Black Panther can only see from its perspective, it is unable to see nor recognize the absolute power of Unity, Peace, and Love, for then the consciousness is negated and controlled by this deep ego that generates the feelings in the Heart to be guided into the place where the Black Panther is the boss controlling Ones reality. This becomes problematic in One's journey, for then the Black Panther determines One's timeline and the experiences of that timeline which are energized to produce fear-based/negative outcomes and negative spinoffs into reality. This is one reason why, from a Co-Creator state, the Black Panther has to be fully subdued and Mastered by the Divine Feminine so that it does not energize reality with any of the hindering fear-based energies and projections that cause reality to loop in the old fear-based reality.
The Black Panther ego can be a tricky and confusing guide, and when it is time to exchange that guide for a new Divine Guide, here are some other tips, not all-inclusive, to assist One in doing so. Internal Peace is the next most powerful tool next to Love that gives One the ability to be anywhere geographically and be at Peace as long as there is Love. Real Buddism teaches a way to Internal Peace which includes kindness always and being selfless, in service to Others rather than self (Black Panther). When Internal Peace is achieved upon surrender to the Divine Self and to Love, the blinders come off and the Guidance will align One with the Divine Place where Peace and Love are bonded Together, and from this place of surrender, the Divine Magical Journey unfolds, for there is not the separation, it is the opposite, Unity. At this point, the Feminine is more ready and fully in a position for the Masculine Expression, and the Masculine feelings and contributions to a Divine Relationship. In the Twin Flame Relationships, once the Divine Feminine has subdued the Blank Panther, She is no longer blocking Herself or the Union, at this point, if there is a block in the Union, it is from the Masculine side, importantly however, the Feminine is equipped with the solution, the remedy, to apply and bring about absolute union by outwardly purveying knowledge and inner standing to this effect. With the Higher Knowing and Mastery of the Black Panther comes the ease with making the higher choices in alignment with this Ascension and effecting reality into goodness. Where You are reading this, it also means that You are a Twin Flame Consort.
I will also briefly mention the importance of not eating birds or meat because at the DNA level, You would also be constantly feeding the Black Panther Ego. Unconditional Love is a program of the DNA of birds and animals, and Unconditional Love contains the fear-based program of protecting their young. Your DNA is changing, restranding, and leaving out the lower-density fear-based traits, and during this process, DNA from a bird or animal contaminates and prolongs the process of DNA Evolution.
The comfort zone of the Black Panther is being Divinely Challenged at this time and is surfacing in many different ways to be replaced by the multidimensional comfort zone of Divinity, the place where You Truly belong and reside.
I am a Divine Anthropologist, Guide, and Customized Specialist. I identify at the core what are the hindrances to the Divine Spiritual Evolution and Ascension of One/Ones. When the Student is ready, I arrive. I am the direct Son of God and what I say and write is of God, if You are unable to accept and see this, check into what is in the lower ego that is preventing You from knowing this and identifying it for what it is.
Love, Light, and Gratitude to All
Rick Jewers
TELEGRAM open mic Ascension discussion on here in about 45 minutes from now. πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
start in 5 minutes
Live stream started
Live stream finished (1 hour)