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The Dark side of Science: The Horror of the Ape and The Child Experiment 1932 (Short Documentary)

The Ape and the Child experiment took place during 1932 in Florida with a child named Donald, and a female Chimpanzee Called Gua.

The experiment conducted by Winthrop Kellogg sought out to see what would happen if a Chimp and Human Child were raised side by side.

What he didn't anticipate was that Donald would begin to copy his Chimpanzee Sister, resulting in the experiment being cut short.


1:08 The Birth of a Chimpanzee

1:56 Winthorp, Luella & Donald

4:54 The Experiment Begins

14:50 A Strange Turn

17:15 Gua Leaves
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The DARK Truth Behind The Church Growth Movement

It’s easy for many to see the issues within the modern seeker-sensitive church, but few people realize the origins of the church growth movement and just how dangerous it is for the church and Christianity as a whole.

The 'He Gets Us' movement and all these celebrities "converting" to a false Christianity is all part of this as well. We are witnessing the great false awakening.

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

2 Timothy 4:3-4
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The Vulva Spaceship... No, Seriously? | 2022

It’s time for new symbols in space. It’s time for gender equality in the entire universe. Space is for everyone!

I thought this was a parody but there's a few articles saying otherwise. Lol...πŸ˜‚
Things are only going to get weirder out here guys.

ARTICLE 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 // YouTube
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Vatican to publish updated norms for investigating alleged apparitions

The last time the Vatican’s doctrinal office issued norms for evaluating alleged apparitions and reports of supernatural events was in February 1978.

The Vatican’s 1978 rules entrust to the local bishop the initial evaluation of alleged apparitions of Mary or weeping statues or supposed messages from God, Mary or the saints.

The first things to look for, it said, are β€œtrue theological and spiritual doctrine” free of error and that the person reporting the phenomenon is psychologically balanced, honest, leads a morally upstanding life and is obedient to church authority.

According to the Vatican, the new norms, which will be published May 17, were necessary given how news of alleged apparitions spreads rapidly thanks to MSM.

Sounds to me like they're trying to discredit actual signs from God and at the same time, set a new standard that only allows them to dictate what is real and what isn't.


Forwarded from Natural Theology
Did you know? Johan Sebastian Bach lost his little daughter and then three sons and then his wife. Then he remarried and then he and his second wife, Anna-Magdalena, lost four more daughters and three sons. Eleven beloved children...

Many researchers have wondered: how Bach managed to handle these losses? How did he not stop breathing, how did his heart not stop? And most importantly, how could he continue to write music? Kantati, cello suites, masses, concerts... The most beautiful music the world has heard. Do you know how he did it?

At the end of the his music, he always wrote "Soli Deo gloria" (Glory to God alone) and in the beginning, "Lord help.” Therefore, you can pray during Bach's music because the music itself is prayer. You could, then, consider Bach's music a conversation between man and God. How do you deal with pain? Worship is the best solace.

-Karl Bastian
Angels Don't Play This HAARP
Advances In Tesla Technology | Jean Manning & Dr. Nick Begich

This is a must read for anyone who has questioned the HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program)in Gakona, Alaska. Although there is a reasonable amount of literature and videos (YouTube) online, this extremely well-researched account provides superb references and the core concepts are clearly organized and conveyed. It is my hope more people would educate themselves on this issue.

Book PDF
Forwarded from Homestead Appalachia

Did you know that to be anti-semitic means to be against Shem (people from Shem, son of Noah)

The Hebrews come from Eber

And the Jews from Judah

So how could all these things mean the same thing?

How many people in the Old Testament are really Jews and who exactly are the Israelites?

Words are important. God spoke everything into existence- get into the words.
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Finding the Old World Caves?

Today, we go to multiple sets of so called caves, located all over India. We are told that these caves were found in the 1800's. Yet they know all about their history. We are told that they accidentally found them while Tiger Hunting, yet they are attempting to block them from the public today. Are we sure that these are carved into the rock? Or have we located massive palaces that hold the same Old World technology inside their doors...hundreds of miles apart...all found in the same years..."accidentally".
Israel's official X account:

This is now the second time the official account makes the same post this year.

We all know what is being referenced here.


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🚨This is one of the most important moments in history for victims of Neuro-Weapons.

U.S. National Security is now admitting Brain Control tech exists, it's being used on Americans, and the CIA is covering it up!

The truth has arrived πŸ””βš οΈ

May 8th, 2024: Intelligence Hearing

Full Video HERE.

Forwarded from Alt Skull's Charnel House (Alt Skull️)
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Bumble founder Whitney Wolfe Herd says the future of dating is having your AI date other people's AI and recommend the best matches for you to meet

Just a reminder that this woman is a billionaire for developing two dating apps that encourage women to cheat on their spouses.

Wholesome Dave
