Reply To Lin Wood
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This channel is for Lin Wood followers to be able to reply to him with words of support, love, and encouragement.

“Speak TRUTH. Every lie will be revealed. Be fearless.” ~Lin Wood
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Forwarded from Lin Wood
Jarrin Jackson is a truth-giver. When Jarrin speaks, listen carefully. You are hearing the TRUTH.

Like me, Jarrin is imperfect. He said FOX called election early for Trump. Ha! He meant Biden.

Note in context President Trump’s reference to “unlike the other guy.” I think the President was referring to David “Fraudcock” Hancock - the other guy in the photo.

I continue to believe President Trump knows everything.

Time will tell.
Forwarded from Jarrin Jackson (Jarrin Jackson)
Media is too big
Analysis: Rittenhouse, Wood, Flynn

Rumble: Jarrin posts link to Telegram before livestream

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Forwarded from Lin Wood
After doing the research and connecting the dots, I have reached the conclusion that the Stop The Steal organization is a Deep State organization to raise money for purposes other than to FIX 2020.

A man named Ali Alexander and Vernon “Jive Talk” Jones are closely aligned with Stop The Steal. You cannot escape the logic that birds of a feather flock together which means that Alexander and Jones are Deep State operatives.

Michael Flynn endorses Vernon Jones. Connect the dots.

I will no longer refer to Michael Flynn as General. F-Linn is only the General of the Deep State. Sad, but true. That is my opinion based of facts. You should draw your own conclusions based on FACTS, not emotions.

WATCH OUT for anyone affiliated with Stop The Steal.

Every lie will be revealed.
Forwarded from Lin Wood
Patrick Byrne conspires with others to ensnare me. Patrick is ensnaring himself. Patrick is a liar. Stay tuned.

Every lie will be revealed.
Forwarded from The Professor's Record
Patrick Byrne is now attacking Lin Wood.

There are many questions surrounding Patrick Byrne.

I've been asked whether I trust Patrick Byrne countless times.

I would normally respond, "I don't know." I had concerns because of his ties to Warren Buffett and Bill Gates.

But inexplicably, I would give him the benefit of the doubt because he is joined at the hip with Michael Flynn.

More on Patrick in a bit.
Forwarded from Lin Wood
Patrick Byrne speaks to you below for exactly 33 minutes and 33 seconds.

Patrick calls me and Professor David Clements “kooky.”

Please watch Patrick.

You decide who is “kooky.”

Patrick Byrne is a liar and not a good one at all. This PR statement for Mike and Joe Flynn is a PR disaster.

Instead of “clearing” their names, Patrick indicts them.

Pray for Patrick Byrne. He appears to be a troubled man.

Draw your own conclusions.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Forwarded from Lin Wood
The audio above is Part One of the telephone conversation I had last evening with Patrick Byrne. He called me. He did not call to seek legal advice.

Patrick published a 33:33 video about the call today in a PR effort for Mike and Joe Flynn.

Patrick was not truthful.

Thus, I am compelled to now speak TRUTH about the call. The highest and best evidence of the TRUTH is the actual recording of the call.

Two more audio files will follow.

This nation cannot be restored with lies and money. It can only be restored by TRUTH.

Jesus is the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Forwarded from Lin Wood
Below is the second of three audio files of the Patrick Byrne telephone call to me last night.
Forwarded from Lin Wood
Below is the third of three audio files of the Patrick Byrne telephone call to me last night, November 25. 2021. Thanksgiving Day.

I am thankful every day for TRUTH. I am thankful every day for Jesus, my LORD and my Savior.

Every lie will be revealed.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
I am aware that some in the Patriot movement fear the revelation of TRUTH because it is divisive by definition until it is accepted by ALL.

The Patriots are battling a determined enemy which has been planning the takeover of our nation for at least 2 decades, if not longer.

We cannot wage war effectively if half of the warriors we thought were on our side are actually working for, or are part of, the enemy.

Remember the enemy within is the most dangerous of all enemies

So we must continue to search for TRUTH. It is a powerful weapon for justice.

The most powerful weapon for the salvation and restoration of our nation is the Word of God found in the Holy Bible.

Trust God. The God of the Bible. Read Ephesians 6.

Then put on the whole armor of God and go to war.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Forwarded from Lin Wood
U.S. Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino
U.S. Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino
U.S. Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino


His did a Satanist manage up sneak into U.S. Army Intelligence???

I sure hope the Army and intelligence community have improved their background searches since this satanic pedophile gained entry into the military in disguise.

Just sayin.’
Forwarded from Lin Wood
Phil is wrong. I am not part of a movie.

Phil should search for facts and not rely on flawed intel.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Forwarded from RTM Real Time
No, General Flynn is not Deep State

No, Lin Wood doesn’t think General Flynn is Deep State

No, Lin Wood does not think Q is a psy-op

No, Sidney Powell and General Flynn do not have a monetary dispute

No, Donald Trump is not controlled opposition

No, Sidney Powell did not stab Lin Wood in the back (or vice versa)

No, Patrick Bryne does believe anything he said today

Yes, everything above is 100% optics

You are watching a movie. Enjoy it, or don’t. But your level of enjoyment does not make it any less true.
Forwarded from Lin Wood
Patrick Burn really needs to learn how to spell my name. It is L-I-N, Patdick.

Patti really needs to also learn that simple truths are simple TRUTH. Simple truth: The best way out of a deep hole is to stop digging.

Patty is going to keep digging a hole so deep, he and the F-Linn Brothers will never be able to get out of it.

On a more serious note, we should pray for Patrick Byrne. I discern he is a very troubled man.

He is also a man that knows noting about client retention and the attorney-client privilege.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Forwarded from The Professor's Record
Patrick Byrne has another video to explain away the lies he told in the first video.

And in the process... Patrick tells more lies.

Be sure to read the comments. We the People are awake!
Forwarded from Lin Wood
I love to see the enemy engage in deflection.

Check out Mike Flynn’s Telegram channel.

He has turned off his replies.

He is trying to talk about issues confronting our nation while totally avoiding an honest discussion of the issues facing him - the occult prayer, the money he charges for speeches, Vernon Jones, Pegasus, and several other troubling issues raised by facts about him.

I admit Mike and Sidney played me for a few months. I had no experience in military psychological operations.

But I am a quick study and I got up to speed as quickly as Jesus intended for me to do so.

I was deceived. Now I am not.

I believe you have also been deceived by Mike and Sidney. I urge you to now do the research yourselves, connect the dots, and draw your own conclusions. I strongly believe I am right. You decide. I just pray you will decide wisely.

I hope Mike and Sidney will read and study the Holy Bible. Every word is true.

Mike may want to read the story of David and Goliath. He will learn that David had 4 extra stones after he took down Goliath with his first stone.

I have more stones too. Several others have them. I like to share valuable information with others.

Just sayin.’

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Members of the true Patriot movement have a chance to get right now and in the future what may have been done wrong in the past.

Let’s keep it simple:

1. Hosts of Patriot rallies, conferences, & conventions should disclose to attendees the amount of fees and expenses being paid to speakers.

2. Hosts of Patriot rallies, conferences, & conventions should disclose to attendees the gross revenues received and how those funds are expended.

3. ALL non-profit foundations and charitable organizations focusing on Patriot issues should make disclosure of relevant financial information in the event of a dispute and should also agree to a full independent audit at least on an annual basis.

#FightBack Foundation complies with these simple rules of transparency. It is not that hard to do and is well-worth the effort to build credibility with donors in the event of a dispute.

We are ALL imperfect. We can ALL be better. We must ALL strive to be better.

What do you think?

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸