RA/Avv. DDr. Renate Holzeisen
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Lawyer and Economist - Member of the Parliament of South Tyrol and Member of the Parliament of the Region Trentino-South Tyrol
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Sono semplicemente dei criminali!
Forwarded from Marco Cosentino (Marco)
Secondo la guida AIFA alla valutazione delle reazioni avverse osservabili dopo vaccinazione, esistono condizioni quali l'autismo e la sindrome della morte improvvisa dell'infante, che - per quanto segnalate - non sono mai correlabili ai vaccini. Certezze poche, ma granitiche.
Forwarded from News von TKP
Woher kommt die WHO? Sie entstand 1948 nicht im luftleeren Raum. Ein Blick auf ihre Entstehung erklärt die enormen Privilegien der Organisation und die engste Verstrickung mit dem westlichen Großkapital. So liegen die Ursprünge internationaler Seuchen-Prävention und -Kontrolle bald 200 Jahre zurück.

➡️ Abonnieren Sie @tkp_news - Blog für Science & Politik

Forwarded from Bright Light News
Media is too big
(Nov. 19, 2023) A groundbreaking study by Drs. Denis Rancourt, Marine Baudin and Jérémie Mercier found 17 million people died worldwide after the Covid “vaccine” rollout.

“We calculate the toxicity of the vaccine for all ages,” explained Dr. Rancourt, “given the number of doses given worldwide to conclude that 17 million people would have been killed by this vaccine.”

The shocking study, COVID-19 vaccine-associated mortality in the Southern Hemisphere, was published September 17, 2023, and, rather than garnering worldwide attention, has met only censorship and narrative-confirming “fact-checks” on the safety and effectiveness of the as-yet untested Covid-19 “vaccines.”

Study & link found here: https://brightlightnews.com/staggering-17-million-deaths-after-covid-vaccine-rollout-drs-denis-rancourt-marine-baudin-jeremie-mercier/

Keep cutting-edge info and experts and the lights on by supporting my work at www.brightlightnews.com/donate or by etransfer to gord@brightlightnews.com.
Forwarded from News von TKP
TKP und viele andere haben über die teils falschen und teils übertriebenen Behauptungen, also über die Desinformation, der Impfstoffhersteller über den Nutzen der C19-“Impfstoffe“ berichtet. Im November 2020 veröffentlichte Pfizer in einer Pressemitteilung Ergebnisse, in denen behauptet wurde, sein mRNA-Präparat sei "zu 95 % wirksam gegen COVID-19". Diese Statistik wurde von Politikern, Akademikern und den Medien weithin zitiert.

➡️ Abonnieren Sie @tkp_news - Blog für Science & Politik

Ci sono le prove che la Ursula von der Leyen ha messo sotto pressione i responsabili dell’EMA, in modo da farli autorizzare i cosiddetti “vaccini”-Covid-19, nonostante che non avessero le prove dell’efficacia e della sicurezza di queste sostanze!

Forwarded from Byoblu

Non costringere ad indossare le mascherine non è reato. Nuovo processo, nuova assoluzione e nuova manifestazione davanti al tribunale. Guardate cosa è successo a Laura Tondini ed Ezio Casagranda, due leader del dissenso

➡️ https://www.byoblu.com/2023/12/05/processo-mascherine-assoluzione-per-tondini-e-casagranda/
Forwarded from Andrew Bridgen
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Forwarded from Robert W Malone, MD
Media is too big
The expert testimony at the invitation of MP Andrew Bridgen in the UK parliament yesterday was important.
The room was overflowing with people. Many members of Parliament and Lords showed up to listen. The testimony given by myself as well as other scientists and physicians was science based, truthful and accurate.

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