RA/Avv. DDr. Renate Holzeisen
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Lawyer and Economist - Member of the Parliament of South Tyrol and Member of the Parliament of the Region Trentino-South Tyrol
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L‘ex ministro Speranza ha brutalmente ingannato i cittadini italiani e ha intenzionalmente (dolo eventuale) messo a rischio la loro salute e vita. È responsabile per omicidio plurimo e gravissime lesioni personali. E gli effetti a lungo termine e l’eventuale modifica del genoma umano sono ancora da vedere! Nel suo Decreto n. 1 del 2 gennaio 2021


ha dichiarato intenzionalmente il falso. Nonostante che sapesse che i cosiddetti „vaccini“-Covid-19 erano delle nude e crude sostanze sperimentali, per i quali i produttori all‘atto della vendita dichiaravano di non poter garantire né l’efficacia e tantomeno la sicurezza (perché non c’era stato il tempo per fare la sperimentazione clinica) e, dunque, si facevano dare totale manleva dagli Stati acquirenti (tra cui l‘Italia) - vedi qui il contratto quadro di acquisto stipulato con Pfizer/BioNTech


e nonostante che dai RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN dei produttori risultasse che mancavano informazioni fondamentali in punto sicurezza del „vaccino“ (vedi il capitolo „informazioni mancanti“ del RMP di Pfizer/BioNTech)


e nonostante che i cosiddetti „vaccini“-Covid-19 fossero stati autorizzati con la indicazione terapeutica della prevenzione della malattia Covid-19 ma non della prevenzione del contagio virale e della trasmissione/diffusione del virus - come risultava sin da subito dalle decisioni di autorizzazione per l’immissione sul mercato rilasciate dalla Commissione Europea su parere dell‘EMA, come risultava sin dall’inizio dagli Assessment Report dell‘EMA - come confermato dall‘EMA con la sua lettera del 18 ottobre 2023 (vedi sotto), nonostante tutto questo
Roberto Speranza dichiarava nel suo Decreto Ministeriale n. 1 del 2 gennaio 2021 che per i „vaccini“-Covid-19 sarebbero stati fatti tutti gli studi come in genere previsto per i vaccini e che dunque si doveva fare di tutto (con la propaganda del falso) per convincere la popolazione. Speranza, dopo aver ucciso tantissimi anziani nelle RSA con queste sostanze, ha poi iniziato ad imporre queste sostanze sperimentali a base genica in un illegittimo generalizzato off label use (appunto ai fini della prevenzione del contagio e trasmissione virale) direttamente a intere categorie professionali e agli over 50, e indirettamente con il greenpass a tutta la popolazione. Roberto Speranza è un CRIMINALE che merita la galera.

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Covid e silenzi: Speranza vuole nascondere la verità?

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Tucker Carlson's interview with President Vladimir Putin will be go live tomorrow at 6pm NYC/ 1am Berlin
.@ AstraZeneca leader indicates on call that immuncompromised, multiple sclerosis, and other conditions should not get COVID-19 vaccines. Long EvuShield was much safer option. Story by John Leake on Courageous Discourse.


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Vladimir Putin reveals that he once asked then-President Bill Clinton if Russia could join NATO.

First, Clinton answered, “I think so,” but after speaking with his others, he said, “It’s not possible.”

Carlson asked Putin if he was sincere about joining NATO, and Putin clarified that he genuinely wanted to know if membership was a possibility.

He indicated that a positive response from the West could have led to a process of reconciliation and, potentially, eventual membership into NATO.

Watch the full interview:


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Putin Confirms: The United States Is Not Run By Its Elected Officials

TUCKER: “So, twice you’ve described US presidents making decisions and then being undercut by their agency heads. So, it sounds like you’re describing a system that’s not run by the people who are elected in your telling.”

PUTIN: “That’s right. That’s right.”

Watch the full interview:


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PUTIN: “It was they who started the war in 2014. Our goal is to stop this war. And we did not start this war in 2022. This is an attempt to stop it.”

Putin identifies the coup, or overthrow of the Ukrainian government in 2014, as the initial provocation that sparked the conflict.

“CIA did its job to complete the coup... But the political mistake was colossal.”

“We did not agree to NATO’s expansion, and moreover, we never agreed that Ukraine would be in NATO.”

Watch the full interview:


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Putin Confirms: Denazification Is a Primary Goal of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Tucker asks Putin, “Have you achieved your aims?”

Putin answers, “No, we haven’t achieved our aims yet because one of them is denazification. This means the prohibition of all kinds of neo-nazi movements.”

Putin claims that certain Ukrainian nationalists, such as Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevych, collaborated with Hitler, committing atrocities against Polish, Jewish, and Russian populations.

He condemns the modern-day glorification of these figures in Ukraine, including erecting monuments and celebrating them as national heroes, likening some contemporary Ukrainian nationalist displays to those of Nazi Germany.

Putin argues against the foundation of Ukrainian national identity on what he perceives as Nazi ideology, asserting that Ukrainians are part of the broader Russian people, while also acknowledging their right to self-identify as a separate nation, provided it’s not based on Nazism.

“I say that Ukrainians are part of the one Russian people...but not on the basis of Nazism, the Nazi ideology.”

Watch the full interview:


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Putin tells Tucker Carlson that he talked to Zelensky about the Nazis in Ukraine and asked why he was ok with that when “your own father” fought against the Nazis during WWII.

“I said, Volodymyr, what are you doing? Why are you supporting neo-Nazis in Ukraine today while your father fought against fascism? He was a frontline soldier. I will not tell you what he answered.”

Watch the full interview:


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TUCKER ASKS: “Who blew up Nord Stream?”

PUTIN JOKES: “You [Tucker Carlson], for sure.”

TUCKER: “I was busy that day. I did not blow up Nord Stream. Thank you, though.”

PUTIN: “You personally may have an alibi, but the CIA has no such alibi.”

TUCKER: “Do you have evidence that NATO or the CIA did it?”

PUTIN: “You know, I won’t get into details, but people always say in such cases, look for someone who is interested. But in this case, we should not only look for someone who is interested, but also for someone who has capabilities because there may be many people interested, but not all of them are capable of sinking to the bottom of the Baltic Sea and carrying out this explosion. These two components should be connected. Who is interested, and who is capable of doing it?”

Watch the full interview + clips:


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TUCKER ASKS PUTIN: “If you had evidence ... that NATO, the US, CIA, the West, did this [Nord Stream], why wouldn’t you present it and win a propaganda victory?”

(Putin Laughs)

PUTIN: “In the war of propaganda, it is very difficult to defeat the United States because the United States controls all the world’s media and many European media. The ultimate beneficiary of the biggest European media is American financial institutions. Don’t you know that? It is possible to get involved in this work, but it is cost-prohibitive, so to speak. We can simply shine the spotlight on our sources of information, and we will not achieve results.”

Watch the full interview + clips:


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‼️L’imposizione dei cosiddetti „vaccini“-Covid-19 ai fini dell‘adempimento dell‘obbligo vaccinale di cui al D.L. 44/2021 - commettendo un gravissimo falso ideologico (artt. 479 e segg. c.p.) - con un vietato generalizzato off label use (al di fuori dell’indicazione terapeutica autorizzata) dei cosiddetti „vaccini“-Covid-19, è totalmente illegittima perché viola cogente normativa nazionale: art.3 D.L. 23/1998 convertito in L. 94/1998 (c.d. legge di Bella) - vedi anche Cassazione Ordinanza n. 18283 del 25 giugno 2021.
Sia le sentenze della Corte Costituzionale, sia il Massimario della Cassazione evidentemente impiegato in modo abusivo ex ante con l‘intento di tenere al quinzaglio i magistrati (che però ex art. 101 Cost. sono sottoposti solo alla legge, in primis alla Costituzione!) non tengono conto di questo fatto dirimente! È ora che i magistrati si muovano e accertino l‘inaudito profondamente illegale generalizzato off label use (con obbligo diretto e indiretto via greenpass della „vaccinazione“-Covid-19) dei cosiddetti „vaccini“-Covid-19.
Ulteriori informazioni li trovate qui

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“Nessun politico, neppure quelli che prima delle elezioni dicevano ‘mai più greenpass’, ha avuto il coraggio di avvicinarsi”.
Puzzer ha atteso il verdetto davanti a Montecitorio: respinto il ricorso contro il licenziamento.
“Lotto per i diritti di tutti gli italiani.”

da La Verità
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Putin bestätigt: Die Vereinigten Staaten werden nicht von ihren gewählten Beamten regiert.

TUCKER: „Sie haben also zweimal beschrieben, dass US-Präsidenten Entscheidungen treffen und dann von ihren Behördenchefs untergraben werden.

Es hört sich also so an, als würden Sie in Ihrer Aussage ein System beschreiben, das nicht von den gewählten Menschen geführt wird.“ PUTIN: „Das stimmt. Das ist richtig." 👉👉👉 Tucker Carlson: das Putin-Interview uncut in deutscher Sprache
Tucker Carlsons Kommentar nach dem Interview und einige interessante Ausschnitte

Man muss ein Idiot sein, um zu glauben, dass Russland eine Expansionsmacht ist, es ist schon riesig, es braucht keine weiteren Gebiete – Tucker Carlson nach einem Interview mit Putin. Vielleicht gab es gute Gründe. Ich weiß nicht, welche. Aber wenn der Westen entschlossen war, nicht mit Russland verbündet zu sein, dann ist das sehr …].. [
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Das Corona-Maßnahmenregime bedeutete nicht nur massive Einschränkungen für die Bevölkerung: Auch die politische Willensbildung wurde dadurch verzerrt. Denn von den G-Regeln waren bei Sitzungen und Abstimmungen auch Politiker betroffen, die den Impf- und Testwahn ablehnten (und damit den kritischen Teil der Bevölkerung repräsentierten). Die GGI-Initiative mahnt: Wer heute von der "Verteidigung der Demokratie" spricht, sollte zuerst über diese Entwicklungen reflektieren, denn mit demokratischen Prinzipien waren sie nicht vereinbar.

Artikel hier lesen: https://report24.news/verzerrung-der-politischen-willensbildung-wie-das-corona-regime-kritische-politiker-verdraengte/?feed_id=36324

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