RA/Avv. DDr. Renate Holzeisen
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Lawyer and Economist - Member of the Parliament of South Tyrol and Member of the Parliament of the Region Trentino-South Tyrol
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Per i Diritti Fondamentali, più che mai!
For the Fundamental Rights, more than
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Elon Musk warnt: »Wir schlafwandeln in den Dritten Weltkrieg«.
#Krieg #Kriegsverbrechen #Militär #Armee #Rüstung

"Wir müssen damit aufhören. Es ist unklug und wird meiner Meinung nach zu einem immensen Risiko für die Zivilisation führen." Während einer Diskussion auf Twitter/X Spaces am Montag warnte der Eigentümer Elon Musk, dass der Westen seiner Meinung nach "schlafwandelnd in den Dritten Weltkrieg" gehe und "die Zivilisation selbst aufs Spiel setzt". Musk..
Forwarded from Report24.news
Pfizer hat mit der EU-Kommission und den meisten Regierungen dieser Welt geheime Verträge zum Kauf der experimentellen Genspritzen geschlossen. Jener mit Südafrika wurde nun publik. Dieser macht klar, dass die Politiker die eigenen Bürger wissentlich zu Versuchskaninchen degradierten.

Artikel hier lesen: https://report24.news/versuchskaninchen-bevoelkerung-pfizer-geheimvertrag-mit-suedafrika-verdeutlicht-verkommenheit-der-politik/?feed_id=34519

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Ich habe heute auf die unglaublichen Aussagen des Chefredakteurs der Südtiroler Wochenzeitung ff (denen keiner der anwesenden Chefredakteure widersprochen hat!) mit einem Leserbrief an die ff, und aufgrund der schwerwiegenden gestern auf RAI Südtirol gemachten Aussagen mit einer allgemeinen Presseaussendung reagiert.
Es wird Zeit, dass über den untragbaren Umgang der Südtiroler Medien mit Information und der Meinung der Bürger raschestens eine ernsthafte Diskussion begonnen wird!
RA DDr. Renate Holzeisen

Forwarded from Manuela Serantoni
Journalismus und Demokratie sieht anders aus!

ff-Wochenzeitung Chefredakteur - Journalismus, von Demagogie freie Information und Demokratie sieht anders aus!

VIDEO 👉https://youtu.be/rq-Fz__3Zmw
A WHO Insider's Perspective | David Bell | BIG PICTURE INTERVIEW SERIES
with James Patrick:
I met a remarkable figure in the field of global public health who has worked for the key organizations in the field. He has a PhD in malaria epidemiology and modeling of interventions, has lead the development and marketing of multiple infectious disease diagnostics and has published over 90 peer reviewed publications in the field. He has worked as an advisor to the WHO, Wellcome Trust and The Global Fund and the European Commission.

His name is David Bell. Having worked among various Gates organizations, he is a true insider of the global publish health complex.

In this candid sit-down interview we discuss his perspectives on the Covid pandemic episode and we queried his analysis of what we truly experienced. The interview is in a window into the events of through the eyes of a seasoned public health expert.

He provides us with his interpretation an analysis of the confusing narratives we lived through.... the lockdowns, the rational for the global public health response. Did any of it make any sense? Was it in line with the public health and epidemiological literature?
Did the policies we lived under disproportionately harm the developing world?

Listening to his reasoning is helpful to better understand what happened and what is to come.
Listen to this global Public Health authority insider on the global policy’s we lived under during the largest event the world has ever collectively experienced.

No nonsense, just the straight honest truth. David Bell helps us see the BIG PICTURE.

Please Donate to support BIG PICTURE: https://bigpicture.watch/donations/su...
Forwarded from Martina Pastorelli
Media is too big
I Vaccini come i 10 Comandamenti.

Stop al convegno (con Big Pharma sponsor) che innalzava i vaccini a dogma.

L’ Associazione Medici Cattolici Italiani: scelta infelice che banalizzava la fede, offendeva alcune categorie (trapiantati e malati di HIV) e si è rivelata un boomerang.
Forwarded from CasaDelSoleTV
Ucraina, affari e guerra: l’Italia in prima linea
di Domenico D’Amico

Il Milex, osservatorio sulle spese militari, a marzo di quest'anno calcolava preventivamente in circa un miliardo di euro la spesa italiana sul fronte ucraino a tutto il 2023; in questa spesa è compresa la partecipazione italiana all’European Peace Facility, che a dispetto del poco fantasioso nome di facciata, rappresenta il contributo dell'Unione Europea per il rifornimento di armi all'Ucraina. Partito con una dotazione di 5 miliardi di euro, è arrivato però ora a 12 miliardi di euro di dotazione complessiva; proprio per questa nuova dotazione, l'Italia si è impegnata per un altro miliardo di euro nei prossimi quattro anni, come riporta la legge finanziaria...

LEGGI TUTTO 👉 https://casadelsole.tv/ucraina-affari-e-guerra-litalia-in-prima-linea/