RA/Avv. DDr. Renate Holzeisen
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Lawyer and Economist - Member of the Parliament of South Tyrol and Member of the Parliament of the Region Trentino-South Tyrol
Partei: VITA

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Per i Diritti Fondamentali, più che mai!
For the Fundamental Rights, more than
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Forwarded from Martina Pastorelli
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Bambini e donne in gravidanza sono categorie super protette ma con i vaccini Covid è saltata la prudenza.

Il cardiologo Peter MCCullough: come il World Council for Health chiedo cautela per vaccinazioni infantili multiple e di non sottoporli a vaccini genici: la Spike danneggia gli organi, provoca coaguli e arresti cardiaci.
Un rapporto del National Center for Health Statistics del marzo 2023 mostra una mortalità materna più alta che mai e dal CDC sappiamo che 65% delle donne americane ha avuto almeno una dose prima o dopo la gravidanza...
Westschweizer Fernsehen zeichnet ein falsches Bild der Massnahmenkritiker
Die SRG verliert vor Bundesgericht – Beitrag zu Hass im Covid-Abstimmungskampf verletzt Meinungsvielfalt



Die gebührengeilen Fake News Anstalten wie @SRF gehören abgeschafft

Forwarded from Für den Status
Alle Frauen, die auf sie gehört haben, dürfen gerne Anzeige erstatten...

"mRNA in Muttermilch

Brandneuer Artikel aus Spitzenjournal "Lancet" findet, dass mRNA durchaus nicht an der Einstichstelle verbleibt, sondern sogar in die Muttermilch gelangt.

Hatte Impfluenzerin @BrinkmannLab die Mütter hierüber seriös aufgeklärt?"


Gerne folgen für mehr input @fuerDenStatus
Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊
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CENSORED RFK JR CLIP: Big Pharma Profits Not From Vaccines, But From Selling Remedies for Vaccine Injuries

"They're making $60 billion a year selling us vaccines, but they're making $500 billion a year selling the remedies for the injuries caused by vaccines," declared Robert Kennedy Jr.

"This is a really great business plan for these [pharmaceutical] companies. You make people sick, and then you sell them the lifetime cure."

This interview, which originally aired on September 17, 2020, was removed by YouTube. But you can still watch it on @Vigilant_News:


And here's another video they don't want you to see. RFK Jr. Identifies “The Real Shooter” Behind His Father’s Death:

RA/Avv. DDr. Renate Holzeisen pinned «https://www.radioradio.it/2023/09/avv-holzeisen-promette-guerra-allattacco-oms/»
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Video n. 133

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