RA/Avv. DDr. Renate Holzeisen
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Lawyer and Economist - Member of the Parliament of South Tyrol and Member of the Parliament of the Region Trentino-South Tyrol
Partei: VITA

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L’importantissima sentenza del TAR LAZIO impone al Ministero della Salute, che aveva posto un rifiuto illegittimo, di comunicare a brevissimo i dati di tutti i decessi avvenuti entro 14 giorni dalla somministrazione del vaccino Covid. Tutti i dettagli nella SENTENZA INTEGRALE 👇

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A powerful investigation of Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation, showing how he uses philanthropy to exercise enormous political power without accountability
Through his vaunted philanthropy, Bill Gates transformed himself from a tech villain into one of the most admired people on the planet. Even as divorce proceedings and allegations of misconduct have recently tarnished his public image, the beneficence of the Gates Foundation, celebrated for spending billions to save lives around the globe, is taken as a given. But as Tim Schwab shows in this fearless investigation, Gates is still exactly who he was at Microsoft: a bully and monopolist, convinced of his own righteousness and intent on imposing his ideas, his solutions, and his leadership on everyone else. At the core, he is not a selfless philanthropist but a power broker, a clever engineer who has innovated a way to turn extreme wealth into immense political influence—and who has made us believe we should applaud his acquisition of power, not challenge it. Piercing the blinding halo that has for too long shielded the world’s most powerful (and most secretive) charitable organization from public scrutiny, The Bill Gates Problem shows how Gates’s billions have purchased a stunning level of control over public policy, private markets, scientific research, and the news media. Whether he is pushing new educational standards in America, health reforms in India, global vaccine policy during the pandemic, or Western industrialized agriculture throughout Africa, Gates’s heady social experimentation has shown itself to be not only undemocratic, but also ineffective. In many places, Bill Gates is hurting the very people he intends to help. No less than dark-money campaign contributions or big-business political lobbying, Bill Gates’s philanthropic empire needs to be seen as a problem of money in politics. It is a dangerous model of unconstrained power that threatens democracy and demands our attention.

Che dalla Corte Incostituzionale non potessimo aspettarci delle pronunce rispettose della ns. Costituzione, ormai era chiaro. A salvare la Costituzione Repubblicana deve essere il popolo e non un gruppetto di esecutori di ordini criminali … è questa la nuda e cruda realtà… purtroppo!
‼️In discesa la percentuale di copertura “vaccinale” pediatrica in Sudtirolo‼️
E hanno ragione i genitori sudtirolesi … il piano “vaccinale” pediatrico dell’Italia è pura follia … è basato sul nulla e espone i piccoli ad una distruzione del loro sistema immunitario innato … pure dei vaccini tradizionali non è mai stata provata né l’efficacia, nè la sicurezza … perché le sperimentazioni cliniche non hanno come gruppo di controllo persone (bambini) non vaccinati, ma invece persone (bambini) vaccinati con un altro vaccino … questo non corrisponde ad una sperimentazione clinica. Big pharma fa di tutto per evitare vere sperimentazioni cliniche perché i risultati sarebbero un disastro: le vere sperimentazioni cliniche private (paragone vaccinati con non vaccinati anche riguardo agli effetti a lungo termine), condotte soprattutto negli Stati Uniti, dimostrano che i bambini non vaccinati sono in media molto più sani! È questa la nuda e cruda realtà che viene nascosta alla popolazione. Chi vuole sapere di più, legga questo libro basato tutto su evidenza scientifica peer reviewed. La traduzione in lingua italiana uscirà prossimamente.
‼️Südtiroler Eltern beweisen gesunde Skepsis‼️
Und die Eltern tun gut daran! … Auch für die konventionellen Impfstoffe wurde niemals die Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit durch klinische Studien nachgewiesen, nachdem big pharma als Kontrollgruppe für die Studien nicht Ungeimpfte sondern mit einem anderen Impfstoff Geimpfte verwendet. Den offiziellen Vergleich mit ungeimpften Kindern, vermeidet big pharma seit Jahrzehnten mit allen Mitteln, wie der Teufel das Weihwasser. Denn big pharma weiß, dass die Ergebnisse ein Aus für die Impfprogramme wären. Denn die ungeimpften Kinder sind nachweislich im Durchschnitt weitaus gesünder, wie großangelegte private, bereits seit Jahrzehnten insbesondere in den USA laufende echte klinische Studien (Vergleich Geimpfte/Ungeimpfte auch bezüglich Langzeitfolgen) zeigen. Der insbesondere seit 2014 (Abkommen Renzi-Obama, das Italien zum Impflabor machte) in Italien geltende nationale Impfplan (in Italien gilt im Gegensatz zu anderen Ländern eine Impfpflicht) ist ein unzulässiger Angriff auf die Gesundheit unserer Kinder!
Wer mehr dazu und wissenschaftlich fundiert (alles peer-reviewte Studien) wissen möchte, dem empfehle ich die Lektüre dieses Buches
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Die öffentliche Gesundheit, die als eine Reihe von Gesundheitsnotfällen dargestellt wird, wird einmal mehr dazu benutzt, einen faschistischen Ansatz für das gesellschaftliche Management zu erleichtern. Die Nutznießer werden die Unternehmen und Investoren sein, denen die COVID-19-Reaktion gut getan hat.

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