RA/Avv. DDr. Renate Holzeisen
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Lawyer and Economist - Member of the Parliament of South Tyrol and Member of the Parliament of the Region Trentino-South Tyrol
Partei: VITA

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🎥 Why the COVID “mRNA” vaccines are actually DNA gene therapies that must be removed from the market?
Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, MD and molecular biologist named Kevin McKernan discuss how the so-called messenger RNA COVID vaccines are actually DNA gene therapies

Link to watch on Greer Journal: https://rumble.com/v2owij0-why-the-covid-mrna-vaccines-are-actually-dna-gene-therapies-that-must-be-re.html
Prof. Richard Werner is a leading researcher, academic & author on Central Banks & the Banking Industry who has an ability to explain Money & Banking in a comprehensive, clear & easily understandable way.

Here, Prof. Richard Werner gives an excellent, important & timely interview with Ivor Cummins in Amsterdam on 7th July 2023 including on Digital IDs & on Bank Digital Currency which has been used for decades & he distinguishes this, giving insight into the current developments, of the 'Central' aspect of the Central Bank Digital Currency CBDCs:


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Will your bank account get closed because of your opinions?
Mike Robinson and David Scott discuss this on UK Column News: https://ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-3rd-july-2023
La Germania sempre peggio …
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Nell'intervista estiva alla Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen, il presidente federale tedesco Frank-Walter Steinmeier ha difeso la fornitura di bombe a grappolo all'Ucraina da parte degli Stati Uniti. Sebbene questo tipo di munizioni in Germania sia ancora vietato dal governo federale, secondo Steinmeier "nella situazione attuale non si può ostacolare gli Stati Uniti". (Fonte: ZDF)

🟥 Segui Giubbe Rosse
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Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊
Klaus Schwab once said, “It changes you if you take a genetic editing.”

Well, researchers have discovered the presence of DNA fragments in COVID mRNA shots. They never wanted the vials to be inspected. This could very well be why.

Article: https://bit.ly/DNA-Fragments

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🚨 74% of COVID Vaccine Autopsy Deaths Were Caused by the Vaccine, Finds Systematic Review

Doctors Peter McCullough, Harvey Risch, Roger Hodkinson & colleagues searched for all published autopsy reports relating to COVID-19 vaccination up until May 18th, 2023.

Out of 325 autopsy cases, they found “a total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.”

The review was “literally flying off the shelf” until The Lancet suddenly pulled the paper off its pre-print server, saying the conclusions were not supported by the methodology.

But “it’s a standard search methodology,” remarked Dr. Peter McCullough. “And again, it’s autopsy. So there’s not too much to disagree with.”

“People are basically crying out medical censorship by Lancet,” he continued. “And the question is, who called Lancet? Who actually raised objection to have Lancet do this overnight?”

The systematic review by Dr. McCullough and colleagues is still available to read here:


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🚨TurboKrebs: Neue Studie beweist, dass Pfizer mRNA-Turbokrebs auslöst

In einer neuen belgischen Studie von Sander Eens et al. haben sie 14 Mäusen 2 Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA-Impfstoffe injiziert.

2 Tage nach der 2. Pfizer-Dosis starben 1/14 Mäuse (7 %) plötzlich, hatten Turbokrebs mit Lymphom-Infiltration vieler Organe: Leber, Nieren, Milz, Lunge und Darm.

Die Turbokrebsmaus hatte vor ihrem plötzlichen Tod keine klinischen Krankheitsanzeichen gezeigt.

Dies ist die zweite Studie, in der Turbokrebs nach der mRNA-Impfung von Pfizer nachgewiesen wurde.

Dies waren die Arten von Studien, die Pfizer und Moderna an Mäusen hätten durchführen sollen, es aber nie taten.

Wichtigster Punkt: Diese Studie mit 14 Mäusen war größer als die Studie, die zur Zulassung der bivalenten mRNA-Booster-Impfung COVID-19 Omicron durchgeführt wurde, die Hunderten von Millionen Menschen verabreicht wurde - diese Studie umfasste nur 8 Mäuse!


Kostenlos abonnieren: t.me/foen_x 🇩🇪🇺🇸
Sehr interessant!
According to Devra Davis Ph.D., once the word got out that the findings of the NTP study were positive — meaning the government researchers had found an association between cellphone radiation and the growth of cancerous tumors — the telecommunication industry “started its tactics” to suppress the findings.


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🇪🇺 Il commissario europeo Thierry Breton annuncia che a partire dal 25 agosto i social network saranno obbligati a cancellare immediatamente i "contenuti di odio" o "che incitano alla rivolta" pena l'interruzione sul territorio. (via Anonyme Citoyen)

Si inizia sempre così. Poi la finestra di Overton viene aperta a poco a poco, fino a far entrare nel concetto di "contenuto di odio" tutto ciò che non è allineato alla narrativa di regime. Sono terrorizzati e loro reagiscono stringendo la morsa.

🟥 Segui Giubbe Rosse
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Steht sogar drin:

„Das Guillain-Barré-Syndrom wurde in den vergangenen Monaten wiederholt mit Impfungen gegen Covid-19 in Verbindung gebracht.“


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Dr. Holzeisen: Italiens Gesundheitsministerium schuf erst Covid-Todesfälle 🦠

Italien spielte für die Staaten der EU im Frühjahr 2020 eine Vorreiterrolle bei der Ausrufung von Covid-Maßnahmen. Zu Beginn der Corona-Plandemie gab das italienische Gesundheitsministerium falsche Anweisungen für den Umgang mit Erkrankten, was zu zahlreichen Todesfällen führte. Auch Autopsien bei Personen, die in Zusammenhang mit Covid-19 verstorben waren, wurden untersagt. Die Bozner Rechtsanwältin DDr. Renate Holzeisen griff diesen Skandal auf und kündigte Strafanzeigen an.

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Forwarded from Martina Pastorelli
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Il commissario europeo Thierry Breton annuncia: dal 25/8 i social dovranno cancellare immediatamente i "contenuti d'odio che incitano alla rivolta", o saranno messi al bando.

Non c'è che dire: i disordini in Francia sono stati 'provvidenziali' per lanciare un piano che era già pronto.
Forwarded from Cesare Sacchetti
Spataro afferma che i giudici sarebbero il "baluardo" della Costituzione. Sono quel baluardo che non apriva un'inchiesta sui corpi bruciati di Bergamo. Sono quel baluardo che piuttosto che perseguire coloro che opprimevano e abusavano i cittadini con restrizioni palesemente incostituzionali perseguiva le vittime della oppressione. La magistratura è stata sì il baluardo ma di quei poteri che hanno preso in ostaggio l'Italia e l'hanno trascinata nella tirannia più feroce della sua storia.