RA/Avv. DDr. Renate Holzeisen
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Lawyer and Economist - Member of the Parliament of South Tyrol and Member of the Parliament of the Region Trentino-South Tyrol
Partei: VITA

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Per i Diritti Fondamentali, più che mai!
For the Fundamental Rights, more than
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Dr. Reuther: Erst durch Behandlung wurde Syphilis zur Todesseuche

Schon seit Langem wird mit vermeintlichen Todesseuchen Panik verbreitet. Doch bei näherer Betrachtung stellt sich heraus, dass viele Menschen an der Behandlung und nicht an der eigentlichen Krankheit starben. Das Doktoren-Ehepaar Renate und Gerd Reuther hat das in ihrem Buch „Hauptsache Panik“ aufgearbeitet. Ein Augenöffner ist etwa das Beispiel der Syphilis...

📒 Das gemeinsame Buch „Hauptsache Panik“ von Renate und Gerd Reuther können Sie hier im AUF1 Shop bestellen: https://www.auf1.shop/products/hauptsache-panik

➡️ Den vollständigen Beitrag AUF1.TV ansehen: https://auf1.tv/elsa-auf1/alles-verseucht-unsere-geschichte-basiert-vielfach-auf-luegen-und-fiktion
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FILM DOC “L’eugenetica allora e oggi”

Nel 75° anniversario del Processo di Norimberga, Vera Sharav, sopravvissuta all'olocausto, ha messo in guardia dalla miriade di parallelismi tra il mondo di oggi e quello a cui da bambina è sfuggita per miracolo. Ne è nato un film documentario di cui offriamo la versione italiana per dare a tutti la possibilità di ascoltare la voce di questa donna straordinaria. Non sempre ci è possibile regalare la visione dei film, ma in questo caso abbiamo fatto un’eccezione.

Versione in italiano:https://www.oval.media/it/wffox5hg6w1cw1y4xfugxb/

Versione English: https://www.oval.media/en/vera-sharav-eugenics-then-and-now/

Versione auf Deutsch https://www.oval.media/vera-sharav-eugenics-then-and-now-2/

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Questa la dice lunga …
Forwarded from Giubbe Rosse
Nonno Joe mentre insegna alla nipotina Giorgy Joe come essere credibili a livello internazionale

🟥 Segui Giubbe Rosse
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Forwarded from Marco Cosentino
Nel 2020, 4.000 morti in eccesso, rispetto a 34.000 nel 2021 e a 66.000 nel 2022. Oltre a un aumento dei nati morti, +9% e +19% rispettivamente nel secondo e quarto quadrimestre del 2021. Così uno studio sui dati tedeschi, i cui autori concludono che "qualcosa dev'essere avvenuto nella primavera 2021 che ha portato a un aumento della mortalità, che però nel 2020 durante la pandemia non c'era".

"Non si deve mai andare in Germania, Paolo".
Forwarded from Byoblu

Accusati di tentato omicidio per non aver sottoposto il proprio figlio al tampone Covid. È questa l’abnorme accusa che si sono visti notificare i genitori di un bambino di quattro anni. In contemporanea è partita la gogna mediatica da parte dei media dominanti. Ecco la versione della famiglia.

➡️ https://www.byoblu.com/2023/05/28/genitori-rifiutano-tampone-per-ricovero-figlio-accusati-di-tentato-omicidio-cosa-sappiamo-del-caso/
Forwarded from Paul Brandenburg
Interessante Nachricht: Twitter spuckt der EU vor die Füße.

Der "EU-Pakt gegen Desinformation" ist das Gegenteil seines Namens Mal sehen, wie das jetzt mit Twitter weitergeht.
Media is too big
Jubiläumsfolge von #wirzeigenunserGesicht

Die Initiative gegen die Covid-19 Injektionen von Kindern und Jugendlichen wurde am Pfingstmontag 2021 (24.5.2021) gestartet.

Im Video sind stellvertretend für unzählige andere Ärzte und Rechtsanwälte zu sehen:

Initiatorin Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg (timecode bis 2:22)
Rechtsanwältin Dr. Renate Holzeisen (timecode ab 2:23)
Prof. DDr. Christian Schubert (timecode ab 4:35)
Dr. Marcus Franz (timecode ab 11:41)
Mag. Dr. Georg Prchlik (timecode ab 15:12)
Prof. Dr. Andreas Sönnichsen (timecode ab 21:32)

Danke für ihre Unterstützung:
Verein für Kindergesundheit
IBAN: AT072081500043789593
The Trial of Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi: Who is Trying to Silence the Leading Scientific Voice Warning us About mRNA Technology?
By Taylor Hudak

“ Judge Grundmann found Prof. Bhakdi not guilty on both counts. Within seconds, the crowd of supporters outside the courthouse was heard cheering and applauding the decision.
The judge explained that Prof. Bhakdi is not liable for either charge and did not do what he was accused of. The judge referenced the importance of free speech and freedom of expression. He stated that Prof. Bhakdi advocated for peace and unity and expressed himself in a manner that allowed for open discussion. Prof. Bhakdi sought to create an atmosphere in which people can have open dialogue and embrace one another.
The hearing was now closed.”

Click to the Full Report:

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Stasera altre rivelazioni sull’operato CRIMINALE dei responsabili di AIFA a FuoridalCoro (Rete4) con Mario Giordano alle ore 21.25
Forwarded from Bastian_Barucker (bastian barucker)
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Prof. Dr. Kuhbandner: "Man muss sich kurz mal die Werte klar machen. Für die Altersgruppe von 15-29 wird im Dezember 2022 ein Übersterblichkeitswert von knapp 30% erreicht. Im Dezember sind 30% mehr 15-29-jährige verstorben, als man statistisch erwarten würde." Quelle: https://odysee.com/@GFTV:6/prof.-kuhbandner-propaganda-vs.-fakten:6?r=4oLhcZDBGe5tEqYgcbPE93Uas4BEKWRj
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Dr. Malone: Psychological Warfare on the Civilian Population ‘Must Never Happen Again’

“Crimes were committed,” attested mRNA pioneer Dr. @RWMaloneMD. “Psychological technology was weaponized against the public, and this must never happen again.”

“This is one of the things that I feel most strongly about,” he continued, “is [that] somehow we need legislation that makes it clear that deploying fifth-generation-warfare technology, PSYOPs ... on civilian populations is absolutely not acceptable.

“The idea of personal autonomy, of the ability of an individual to have personal sovereignty, is completely negated in a world in which governments feel that it’s acceptable to deploy modern PSYOPs technology on their own populations.”

Hear from doctors Robert Malone, Meryl Nass, Ryan Cole, and more at the International COVID Summit:


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