RA/Avv. DDr. Renate Holzeisen
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Lawyer and Economist - Member of the Parliament of South Tyrol and Member of the Parliament of the Region Trentino-South Tyrol
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Tucker Carlson Reveals How the Government INTRUDED On His Signal Account to Foil Interview

"I was working on it [an interview with Putin before the war], and they broke into my text messages. The NSA broke into my Signal account," disclosed Mr. Carlson.

"I was intimidated. I'm embarrassed to admit, but I was. I was completely freaked out by it."

"By the way," he added, "if you have no privacy, you have no freedom. Freedom is predicated on privacy ... They can just go through your phone and find everything. They did it to me, so I know that for a fact. But again, if you have no privacy, you have no freedom."

Retweet: https://twitter.com/VigilantFox/status/1654863209361178625?s=20

Full Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAaFEOCHE4I

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Media is too big
'He's Grotesque': Tucker Carlson Takes Aim at Justin Trudeau and the Emergence of Anti-Human Politics

"He's like a living metaphor, like our President," expressed Mr. Carlson. "He is a repository for this weird ... techno-based, anti-human politics whose main message is 'You don't matter.'"

"But it's happening in the United States, too," he continued. "It's happening all over the West, in every English-speaking country: Australia, New Zealand. These were real countries like five years ago. They're not anymore."

Retweet: https://twitter.com/VigilantFox/status/1654823436034686982?s=20

Full Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAaFEOCHE4I

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Rispondo ai miei amatissimi critici: Hitler faceva le guerre per esportare la dittatura; il blocco occidentale fa le guerre per esportare la democrazia liberale. Sotto il profilo sociologico, il fenomeno è lo stesso: fare le guerre per esportare un modello di società. In entrambi i casi, il progetto di esportazione violenta è fallito. Hitler ha massacrato un sacco di persone senza riuscire a esportare il proprio regime; il blocco occidentale guidato dalla Casa Bianca ha massacrato un sacco di persone senza riuscire a esportare la democrazia liberale. Dunque il regime nazista e il blocco occidentale hanno fatto quattro cose identiche: 1) guerre illegali d'aggressione; 2) per esportare il proprio modello di società; 3) massacrando inutilmente un sacco di innocenti; 4) fallendo sempre. Le bombe occidentali in Iraq hanno causato la morte di 600,000 civili. Questo non vuol dire che il regime nazista e il blocco occidentale siano la stessa cosa. Sono diversi eccome. Però hanno in comune i quattro punti suindicati e non è poco. Ribadisco ciò che dissi a Piazza Pulita un anno fa dopo avere ricordato la strage di Haditah del 2005 in Iraq: "Se Putin fa schifo, anche noi facciamo schifo. Tra schifosi ci si intende. Quindi possiamo trattare".

Alessandro Orsini.

🔴 Per ricevere tutti gli aggiornamenti segui Giorgio Bianchi Photojournalist
Forwarded from Bastian_Barucker (bastian barucker)
Wie kommt Christian Drosten darauf, dass ein "Virus kommen könnte, das beispielsweise für Kinder besonders gefährlich ist oder tückische Folgeschäden auslöst."? Die Pandemieübung "SPARS" entwarf für die Jahre 2025-2028 ein Szenario, in welchem Kinder besonders gefährdet sind.
Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊
Media is too big
Tucker Carlson: The Elite Are Endorsing the Idea That Women Literally Don't Exist

"[If] I can just show up and be like, 'I'm a woman now' ... What are you saying when you endorse that idea? You're saying that women literally don't exist," he answered.

"If I have a club and there's no membership requirement, anyone can go, it's not really a club; it's a public park. That's what they're saying about women."

Retweet: https://twitter.com/VigilantFox/status/1654948735472881666?s=20

Full Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAaFEOCHE4I

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Forwarded from Robert F. Kennedy Jr
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Questo governo merita ZERO FiDUCIA!
Un governo che non rimuove i responsabili dell’AIFA che intenzionalmente (perché sapevano!) hanno sacrificato la vita di migliaia di cittadini e messo a rischio la salute e vita di tutta la popolazione “vaccinabile”, è un governo CRIMINALE!
Forwarded from News von TKP
Die EU-Kommission hat Milliarden Dosen von Pfizers mRNA-Behandlung gegen Covid bestellt. Der größte Impfstoffdeal in der Geschichte der EU – mit Abstand.

➡️ Abonnieren Sie @tkp_news - Blog für Science & Politik

Die absurde Geschichte der Steuergeldverschwendung durch Finanzierung des Pharma-Riesen Pfizer im Detail enthüllt:
Forwarded from AUF1
Der britisch-kanadische Wissenschaftler Geoffrey Hinton gilt als Pionier auf dem Gebiet der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI). Er verließ seinen Arbeitgeber Google, um unabhängig auf die Gefahren von KI aufmerksam machen zu können. Seine Warnungen haben es in sich.

Lesen Sie mehr über die rasante Transformation und ihre Gefahren im Buch von AUF1-Chefredakteur Stefan Magnet: „Transhumanismus – Krieg gegen die Menschheit“
Forwarded from Chief Nerd
Media is too big
NEW – Chelsea Clinton Announces 'The Big Catch-Up' Initiative Which Will Be 'The Largest Childhood Immunization Effort Ever'

"We need the public sector to hopefully stop doing things like stripping away public health emergency powers from state public health agencies...We're working with WHO and The Gates Foundation and others to hopefully have the largest childhood immunization effort ever over the next 18 months to catch as many kids up as possible."


