Regen Network Dev Updates
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Dear all,

In light of recent global events, and continued disruption to business-as-usual, combined with the less time-critical nature of deploying a contract in a real-world scenario, we have decided to relax the timings of the Phase 2 challenge of the Kontraua testnet. The new deadline will be 0500UTC on Thursday 19th March, giving a 72 hours window for completion of the task.

It is important to note that despite appearances, this is not a coding challenge, but rather deployment of contracts and does not require writing new code. As previously, the documentation relating to this phase will be release in approximately three hours, at 1600UTC today.


Regen Lead Validator team
Dear all,

Here are the instructions for Phase-2 challenge.

The challenge will start tomorrow at 0500UTC.
Dear all,

Here are the updates on Phase-3:
This phase is about upgrading existing binary to a new version:v0.7.2. It will have following updates:
- Increase slashing params signed_blocks_window to 1000 blocks (it is 100 now)
- Update regen-network/wasmd to use coswasm/wasmd@0.7.1 (

Ameliorate network (High-noon upgrade) 26th March, 1200UTC
Upgrade Name: Himalaya
Upgrade proposal : 23rd March, ~1300 UTC
Binary release - 23rd March, ~1800 UTC
Voting Period : 23rd - 25th March (Relative to proposal time)
Upgrade time: 26th March, 1200UTC

Note: Validators are expected to vote on the proposal, upgrade their nodes and update validator signing-info. Upgrade instructions will be shared on 24th March, 1200UTC (tomorrow)
Attention everyone

A new software upgrade proposal is created 🚀, and is currently in Voting Period.

Proposal ID: 1
Proposal Title: Himalaya
Proposed Time: 2020-03-23,13:03:27 UTC
Total Deposit: 10TREE
Current Status: Voting Period
Voting Period End Time: 2020-03-25 13:12:02 UTC

What's next?
All the validators are expected to cast their vote before Voting period end time. You can use following command to vote for the proposal.

xrncli tx gov vote 1 <option> --chain-id kontraua --node <rpc_end_point> --fees 4000utree -y --from <key>

Gov Proposal has following vote options:
Dear All,

The new release v0.7.2 is out :

Here is the guide to upgrade your node :

Those who tweeted about network upgrade proposal, please raise a PR. The instructions can be found here:
Note: Do not run v0.7.2 before 1200 UTC on 26 March. If you do, you will see this error -

BINARY UPDATED BEFORE TRIGGER! UPGRADE "himalaya" - in binary but not executed on chain module=main
panic: BINARY UPDATED BEFORE TRIGGER! UPGRADE "himalaya" - in binary but not executed on chain

And you'll have to downgrade to v0.7.1 until 1200 UTC on 26 March.
Dear Regenerates,
Here is the update for Phase-3.1 i.e., Twilight Drama Upgrade

There could be cases where the planned upgrades might need to be skipped due to issues in updated binary or decision changes after the proposal goes through. Upgrade module allows a way to handle such scenarios with SKIP UPGRADE functionality. This phase focuses on testing SKIP UPGRADE feature from upgrade module.

Upgrade proposal time: 30 March, 1411 UTC
Binary release (Dummy release) - 31 March, 1600 UTC
Voting Period : 30, March - 1 Apr, 1417 UTC
Upgrade Height: 288888

Proposal Details
Proposal ID 2
Name twilight-drama
Title Twilight Drama Upgrade
Description Twilight Drama Upgrade Proposal to test SKIP UPGRADE functionality from upgrade module. Expect some drama
Proposal Time 2020-03-30 1411 UTC
Voting Start Time 2020-03-30 1417 UTC
Voting End Time 2020-04-01 1417 UTC
Upgrade Height 288888

Voting for proposal
Use the following command to vote on the proposal.

xrncli tx gov vote 2 yes --chain-id kontraua --node http://<ip>:26657

Though you have yes/no/abstain/no_with_veto options to vote, it is recommended to chose only yes on the proposal as this is not about taking decision on the upgrade features and there won't be any changes on the network after this phase.

Please feel free to reach out in DVD channel in case of any queries.
The proposal currently is in Voting Period state and voting ends on 1st April 1417 UTC (Wednesday).

Instructions about tweet bonus and SKIP UPGRADE will be shared on Wednesday.
Attention Everyone

The upgrade proposal with title "Twilight Drama Upgrade" is Passed (98.61% voted YES) and the upgrade is scheduled for height: 288,888 (

As stated previously, we are not going to perform this upgrade and use SKIP UPGRADE feature from upgrade module to continue the network with current binary.

What will happen if we don't do SKIP UPGRADE?
The binary will stop at height : 288,888 (nearly at 1300 UTC tomorrow) with consensus failure as it expects twilight-drama upgrade as per the original plan. The network will stop at height 288,888 as there's no binary available for upgrade.

What happens if we SKIP UPGRADE?
The network will continue and there won't be any consensus issues at upgrade height.

What is expected from the Validators?
All the validators should restart their nodes with SKIP UPGRADE flag and continue the network. You can restart your node anytime from now. If you do not restart your node before the upgrade time, your validator will start missing blocks.

Hurry up!!! Here are the instructions to SKIP the scheduled upgrade:

Note: We are testing SKIP UPGRADE for the first time at a scale, expect chaos 😂
Dear Regenerates,

Gear up for next phase, i.e., Deploying Escrow Contract

Schedule : 7th Apr, 2100UTC (Today) - 9th Apr, 2100UTC (Thursday)
Total Points Allocated for Phase - 4: 100+

Here are the instructions from Phase-4 challenge:

What is expected from validators?
Upload, Instantiate and execute escrow contract. Submit the details with a PR

Happy Deployment 🚀🚀🚀
Dear Regenerates,

As discussed on the community validators call on Wednesday, in light of the Tendermint vulnerability disclosed yesterday, we have released version 0.7.3 of xrnd here:

There are no specific deployment instructions for this release, it is completely backwards compatible with v0.7.2 and there is no specific upgrade height, but given the nature of the vulnerability we encourage validators to do upgrade at the earliest opportunity. This xrnd binary is a drop in replacement for the existing binary and contains no functional changes.

Happy validating :)

Note: there is no incentivisation tied to this upgrade procedure.
Loading . . .
Attention everyone,

We are excited to announce the next challenge i.e., High Skill Time. Here are the details
Schedule: 14 Apr, 0200UTC - 22 Apr, 0200 UTC
Points allocated: 300++

Instructions are available at:

What is expected from the Validators?
This requires coding skill as stated in the original plan. Everyone has to create (code) their own smart contract as per the requirements mentioned in the instructions.

What happens if you don't participate in this challenge?
This phase is optional, those who can code are expected to participate. All your previous reward earnings will stay as-is, irrespective of your participation in this phase-5 competition.
Dear Regenerates,

Phase-5 is about to end in a day and we have some exciting news to share. Phase-5 challenge is designed to mimic the original payout contract for ecological credits. Oracles are the primary sources of information to process and execute payouts. To keep it simple, the oracle was mentioned as an account in the instructions. But in real world scenario, an Oracle is a third-party service which processes the information from satellite/other providers and broadcasts the forest cover data to the ecological service contracts (subscribers).

To demonstrate this oracle node functionality, our community has hosted couple of oracles. You can subscribe to these oracles to receive the ecodata stream. We have two oracles at the moment:

FarmOS Oracle Node
Oracle address: xrn:1lvzazn8h66kmpy2spxattzh6s33emz8nyymy0y

Vitwit Oracle Node
Oracle address is: xrn:1cecal686c75p0lz5qdmp86gs7ss3ymqcay5rrr

What to do next?
Use these services as a oracle for your payout contract and let us know your feedback. All you need to do is, instantiate your contract with one of these oracle addresses and subscribe to the stream (instructions are here: Once after this, your contract starts receiving the data stream and process the payouts automatically.
In addition to today's earlier update, and in response to community feedback, we are going to extend the deadline of Phase 5 of the Kontraua testnet until Friday 0900UTC (the end of the Kontraua testnet); this gives those who have not yet been able to participate an extra opportunity to do so, and to utilise the FarmOS and Vitwit ecodata oracles in their contracts.

Phase 6 of this testnet, whereby we will introduce some chaos into the network will run concurrently with Phase 5.
Here is the podcast I did with Joe a few months back.
Stay tuned for an upcoming podcast with Jim Rutt
Congratulations to the Regen Network Validator community for successfully completing the kontraŭa ComsWasm Testnet. We are especially grateful to Ethan Frey and Simon Warta of the CosmWasm team for their contributions to our community.
Here are some quick stats about the testnet.
78 validators took part
7 people attempted phase five’s custom eco state contract.
2 people submitted real world oracle addresses (Paul and Willl!) gong above and beyond!
A total of 143 PRs were received for the challenges.

We will be publishing a full postmortem and updating scores from this testnet next week.

The next and most likely final testnet for Regen Network prior to main net launch will start in June, after the conclusion of GoZ.
Hello Regenerates! It is Wed, 4:38 UTC time, just 22 min from our usual community validator call. It is canceled. We are going to take a pause on our biweekly community dev calls. All the lead validators are hard at work on Game of Zones.

1 - Points are being calculated for the CosmWasm testnet, stay tuned for this and our postmortem.

2 - We're at work running GoZ, stay tuned for updates

3 - Testnet will stay up for now, in case people want to run tests, keep working with warm contracts etc.

4- We will have the community dev call as scheduled net week which will provide an overview of all of regen network development inc’s progress on cosmos SDK, Regen Ledger and our go to market strategy. Please tune in if you’d like.
Attention Regeneratti: Thank you to the 78 validators who participated in our recent testnet. As promised here is the link to our retrospective about the testnet, including a link to the leaderboard and distribution of points and tokens so far:
We’re hiring a new position for a geospatial Science and environmental data position!