Just Human ️️️
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A Human, weathering my intuitions. Husband. Father. Texan. Researcher. Alt Media Anon. Contributor @BadlandsMedia & @WeTheMedia

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Media is too big
My reaction when I saw that Barbara S. Jones was the DOJ's recommendation for Special Master in the MAL "Raid" Case.

Clip from Just Human #133
I fully expect a "Please don't throw me in the briar patch!" type Truth from President Trump in regards to DOJ proposing Barbara Jones as Special Master.

Should be fun. : )
Media is too big
About Those Empty Folders With Classified Markings The FBI Found at Mar-a-Lago... A Hypothesis

Clip from Just Human #133
Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)
In case you don't recall who Barbara Jones is.

When Project Veritas got raided by the FBI over the Ashley Biden diary, they seized the phones of James O'Keefe and his journalists, along with a lot of documents that were clearly attorney/client privileged.

Some anonymous goon inside the diary investigation then began leaking PV internal memos from their legal counsel to...The New York Times.

Which eagerly began publishing some of them.

O'Keefe filed for a Special Master to be appointed to step in and handle the matter.

That Special Master appointed by the federal judge was Barbara Jones.

In short order, Jones ripped the DOJ/FBI and the NYT's a new one by

1. Ordering an investigation into the leak of of a/c privileged documents to a media outlet
2. Ordering the NYT's to take down what it had already published from the a/c communications and forbid them from publishing any further such comms

The NYT's screamed, cried, begged, filed furious counter motions and in the end...lost.

It was a big victory for O'Keefe and Project Veritas.

It's been months and thus far the only criminal charges resulting from the raid of Project Veritas are those of the actual targets of the investigation which - SURPRISE! - turned out to not be James O'Keefe and Project Veritas.

PV had evidence the FBI needed to make it's case against the people who supposedly 'stole' the Ashley Biden diary, illegally transported it and then tried to profit from the sale of it to various media outlets.

Also, check out where Barbara's career took her before being a judge.

Who else do we know who was working those same areas at that same time?

Oh yeah, THE BAND and TRUMP!

We now have precedents set for search warrants being served on:

Major Media (Project Veritas)

A President’s Former Attorney (Cohen)

A Former President’s Attorney (Rudy)

A Former President’s Residence (Mar-a-Lago)

Filter team and Special Master used in each.


A template for how to go after the Clintons, Obama, their attorneys, and the media who assisted them in their crimes against the United States and We the People.

A template for how to go after [THEM].

The FBI raids were never about "getting" Rudy or "getting Project Veritas," and this Mar-a-Lago raid is not about "getting" Trump.

Forwarded from We The Media (Resignation Anon)
+++ WeTheMedia Saturday Spotlight +++

Today: The Vigilant

A man in the USA, believer in Jesus Christ with a wife and son who found out long ago that we have been led astray by our so called leaders. Urged into this movement of Patriots and Anons by IRL friend @Beer_at_the_Parade, having previously sworn off all Social Media, Covid was the tipping point so in April of 2020 “The Vigilant” entered the fray. After the 9/11 tragedy he knew something was very wrong. After seeing the video “Loose Change” The Vigilant began the lonely years of carrying truth to deaf ears. When BATP began the Q journey finally there was a place to share the truth with true friends and Patriots.

“I am honored and humbled to be with all of you in this righteous quest and so thankful for the bravery of the fallen soldiers. Let the TRUTH be told and their sacrifice not be in vain” The Vigilant

You can follow The Vigilant here:
@beercan45 on TruthSocial
@beercan45 on Twitter
Forwarded from David S
My meme attempt
Yeah, when I saw Barbara Jones name on the filing yesterday, I immediately understood and instantly reacted 🤣
Then, I lit a fine cigar. 😎
Lots of racing on today: Formula One, Indycar, and WEC. I'm going to check out and decompress as much as possible. Mental health break. We all need them. I'll be around, but my aim today is to achieve rest, restoration, and relaxation rather than ride the torrent of news and current events. Happy Sunday everyone.