Donald J. Trump
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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States
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Remember when the Fake News Media would blast me about how well Seoul, South Korea was doing with the pandemic? Well now, sadly, Seoul is riddled with the China Virus almost beyond what other countries had to go through. They are having a terrible time of it. The Media also used India as another country doing really well—we all know how that ended. They talked about these two countries in order to demean my Administration, which has now been proven to have done an incredible job. I only bring this up to show how dishonest and corrupt the Fake News Media is!
I am proud to inform you that the Lamestream Media has hit the lowest approval ratings ever recorded. I think it would be fair to assume that I had something to do with that. They are not only dishonest and corrupt, they are truly, according to a recent poll, the enemy of the people. In a similar category, CNN’s ratings are down a whopping, and record-setting, 79% and likewise, horrible numbers at MSDNC (Joe Scarborough and his lovely wife, Mika, are at record lows). These developments are great news for the American People!
Met with many of the most important “influencers” last night in Las Vegas. Lots of topics discussed, including the Fake News Media and how to go around dishonest journalists. Some really good ideas emerging.
1776, not 1619!
98% approval rating at CPAC, the highest ever, by far. A new record!
The drug cartels are making hundreds of millions of dollars under Joe Biden and the Biden Administration. They cannot believe their luck—they struck gold. Under Trump, they were just about in the process of almost giving up, it was a hard way to make a dollar!
Big demonstrations are breaking out in Cuba and Miami in protest of the Communist Cuban Government (although, today there are zero protesters in Cuba—you know what that means!). Don’t forget that Biden and the Democrats campaigned on reversing my very tough stance on Cuba. Remember when Obama attended baseball games with Castros while they imprisoned, beat, and killed the Cuban people. I stand with the Cuban people 100% in their fight for freedom. The Government must let them speak and be free! Joe Biden MUST stand up to the Communist regime or—history will remember. The Cuban people deserve freedom and human rights!  THEY ARE NOT AFRAID!
Hopefully, American Republican Patriots will primary the RINO State Senators in Michigan who refuse to properly look into the election irregularities and fraud, which took place in Detroit and much of the rest of Wayne County, in the 2020 Presidential Election. The challengers will have great and powerful MAGA support. They are now seeing the extent of what took place in the 2020 Presidential Election Scam. Watch Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and more!
Four years ago, a man named Ed Gillespie ran for Governor of Virginia without “embracing” MAGA, or the America First movement. He tried to skirt the issue by wanting my endorsement, yet walking on both sides of the fence. The Trump base is very large in Virginia, they understood his game, and they didn’t come out for Gillespie, nor did I do anything to help or hurt. He got creamed! Now a great candidate, Glenn Youngkin, is running against political hack and unpopular former Governor of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe. Glenn has a very good chance of winning—but watch the “vote counters” in Virginia. As the 2020 Presidential Election Scam has proven, they can be far more important than the candidate!
U.S. Attorney from the Eastern District of Pennsylvania was precluded from investigating election fraud allegations. Outrageous!

View the letter here.
Republicans in the U.S. Senate must not in any way, shape, or form increase taxes that were won in the TRUMP TAX CUT, the largest in the history of our Country. It’s what made our economy grow and great. Democrats want major tax increases to pay for their fake infrastructure bill, where over 90% of the money goes to the ridiculous Green New Deal nonsense, which will destroy our economy. The tax cuts were a great achievement of the Trump Administration and the Republican Party. More importantly, they were a great victory for our Nation. Do not increase them one penny. Republicans must learn to fight these vicious, Radical Left Democrats who are destroying lives and destroying our Country!
Joe Biden is going to Pennsylvania today in a rush in order to stop the Forensic Audit that the Pennsylvania Republican Senate is in the process of doing. Philadelphia was a cesspool of corruption, which will soon be revealed by the audit. Why are they so concerned that a President, who never goes anywhere, would hop onto beautiful Air Force One and head to Philadelphia if it were an honest election? Why not let the audit go forward and make everybody, on both sides, happy? The results will be the results. But they know it was not an honest election, Philadelphia was one of the most corrupt cities in the Country—and so is Detroit, and so is Milwaukee, and so is Atlanta, and Pittsburgh, and Oakland, and Baltimore. Corruption has gone on for years, but in the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, with the mail-in ballots and the use of Covid to cheat, corruption reached new levels. Remember the poll watchers being thrown out, the windows being sealed so nobody could look in, the ballot drops, and all of the other events that took place that changed so rapidly the Big Trump Win on election night. 
Joe should say go forward with this, with all of these audits. His visit is a joke. He doesn’t need to visit, all he needs to do is let them do an audit and find out what happened. Who knows, maybe they’ll say the election was on the up and up, but many people would be shocked. Let the audit go forward like it is in Arizona, despite 107 Democrat lawyers trying to stop it and failing. 
Let the Forensic Audit go, Joe. Don’t fight it. Show them how honest it was.
Biden just said 150 people voted in the 2020 Presidential Election (Scam!). On the assumption that he meant 150 million people, and based on the fact that I got 75 million+++, that would mean that Biden got 75 million votes, which is 6 million votes less than what they said they got. So what is that all about? Are they already conceding 6 million votes?
The news coming out of Georgia is beyond incredible. The hand recount in Fulton County was a total fraud! They stuffed the ballot box—and got caught. We will lose our Country if this is allowed to stand.

According to the just released report from Garland Favorito and the highly respected Voter GA, in Fulton County the hand recount was wrong by 60%; 100,000 tally sheets for ballots were missing; they duplicated thousands of extra votes for Joe Biden; and fabricated vote counts of 100–0 for Biden, many times! Ballot batch sheets fraudulently showed multiple unanimous 100–0 counts for Biden, as well as 150–0, and 200–0. Are we now in a Third World country? What else will they find once the full Forensic Audit takes place?

This means Brad Raffensperger certified the 2020 Presidential Election Scam despite it being “riddled with massive errors and provable fraud.” This proves what Suzi Voyles, who worked Fulton elections for decades, suspected, that fraudulent photocopied ballots were counted for Biden. This is on top of the 35,000 illegal votes recently found in Georgia, and the over 100,000 obsolete voter registrations, plus thousands of dead people, deleted AFTER the election.

Will the Attorney General of Georgia Chris Carr finally act? How has Governor Brian Kemp allowed this to happen?

This is corruption at the highest level. Our Nation is at stake!

Read the report here.
Read the @FDRLSTT article here.
Watch the video of duplicate ballots here.
The press is corrupt in this Country. They refuse to report on the many cases of election irregularities and outright fraud. They are an embarrassment to our Country!
Congratulations to @MarkRLevin on the release of his great new book, American Marxism, now available and doing really well. Mark is an American Patriot who loves his Country. In American Marxism, Levin explains how the core elements of Marxist ideology are now pervasive in American society and culture—from our schools, the press, and corporations, to Hollywood, the Democratic Party, and the Biden presidency—and how it is often cloaked in deceptive labels like “progressivism,” “democratic socialism,” “social activism,” and more. Get your copy today—Save America!
Great new book out by Jesse Watters, How I Saved the World. Interspersed are his thoughtful suggestions for overcoming left-wing radicalism, maintaining American democracy, moving beyond aging hippies (like his long-suffering, loving parents), saving the world from social justice warriors and the deep state—all while smirking his way through life in only the nicest way. Get your copy today, congratulations Jesse!
ICYMI: "New Evidence Reveals GA Audit Fraud and Massive Errors"

Wow. Results of the VoterGA.
I will not be supporting or endorsing Senator Butch Miller, running for Lieutenant Governor of Georgia, because of his refusal to work with other Republican Senators on voter fraud and irregularities in the State. Hopefully there will be strong and effective primary challengers for the very important Lieutenant Governor position!