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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States
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So true! We are no longer even the same Country!
Maryland, tomorrow is a big day. Get out and vote for Dan Cox for Governor. Get rid of Shutdown RINO Larry Hogan who is trying to get another RINO into office, Kelly Schulz. Dan Cox will be a great Governor. Tomorrow is the day. Get out and vote!
Wow! Prosecutors have just dropped all charges against ratings challenged Colbert Show staffers, who entered the Capitol illegally, disregarded police warnings, wouldn’t leave the premises, and were very loud and disruptive late into the evening, with no security present as is mandated by law. These Radical Left lunatics, from a failing show, were treated so differently than the Unselects are treating so many of our great American Patriots. NOT FAIR!
The Pulitzer Board has taken away any shred of credibility it had left with its “response” regarding the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting, which was awarded to The New York Times and The Washington Post for blatant fake news. Instead of acting with integrity and providing transparency, the Pulitzer Board is running cover for the biggest reporting failure in modern history: the fake Russia Russia Russia collusion hoax.

Why would The Washington Post or The New York Times ever want to admit their obvious mistakes and come clean when their false reporting is being guarded, and awarded, by the Pulitzer Prize, which at one point actually meant something?

These outlets should hand back their prizes without notification from Pulitzer, which would be the honorable thing to do.

The only way The New York Times and The Washington Post should get a possible Pulitzer Prize would be in a new category—disinformation, for helping to perpetrate a false story created and peddled by Crooked Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and certain lowlife Democrats.

The truth is that the 2018 Pulitzer Prize was handed out for reporting that merely parroted political disinformation—disinformation that we know was fabricated by foreign operatives and my political opponents.

If the Pulitzer Prize has become a blatant acknowledgement of false, liberal political propaganda, then the Pulitzer Board should just say so.

Instead, they hide their supposed “independent investigations” in a veil of secrecy, so the public cannot know the truth.

I will continue doing everything possible to right the wrong caused by the 2018 Pulitzer Prize and also to right the wrong being done by the January 6 Committee of Unselects, where there is no Due Process, no Cross-Examination, no real Republican members, and no legitimacy. It is a witch-hunt of the highest level, the likes of which has never been seen in our Country before.
So what’s Speaker Robin Vos doing on the Great Wisconsin Supreme Court Ruling declaring hundreds of thousands of Drop Box votes to be illegal? This is not a time for him to hide, but a time to act! I don’t know his opponent in the upcoming Primary, but feel certain he will do well if Speaker Vos doesn’t move with gusto. Robin, don’t let the voters of Wisconsin down!
Congratulations to Dan Cox. NBC Fake News just called the race, but in this case the reporting wasn’t Fake (for a change!).
A very sad day, but at the same time a celebration of a wonderful and beautiful life. I will be leaving shortly for the funeral service of Ivana. She will be laid to rest today. This will not be easy!!!
Dershowitz: “Never seen anything like January 6th Panel.” It is a Fraud and a disgrace to America. No due process, no cross examinations, no opposing witnesses, no nothing!
I want the Secret Service tapes far more than the Unselect Committee of political Hacks and Thugs in that ridiculous and libelous story of me supposedly choking a big and strong Secret Service Agent around the neck while in the Beast (wrong car!) would be shown to be, as the Secret Service has already confirmed, Fake (and Fraudulent!). Likewise, there was no throwing of food, and I did not want to be surrounded by strangers “with guns” during my “Peacefully & Patriotically” speech. Fake News!
My two Georgia phone calls were PERFECT. In fact, the Washington Post apologized for its incorrect mischaracterization of one of the calls after hearing it on tape. The other call was made with many lawyers and others knowingly on the line. It was a Constitutionally permitted challenge to what I consider to be a corrupt election. It is the election itself that should be under investigation, not those seeking the truth!
So the Democrats, RINOS, and almost ALL others said that Mike Pence, or any V.P., had absolutely no right to do anything but send the “Votes” to the Old Broken Crow, Mitch McConnell, even if they were fraudulent, corrupt, or highly irregular. The V.P. was merely a “human conveyer belt” and could do nothing. BUT NOW, the DEMS & RINOS are working to pass a Bill that stops the V.P. from doing what he was not allowed, according to them, to do. It was all a “Big Lie.” Should have sent back to States!
Mike Pence told me, and everybody else, there was nothing he could do about the Electoral Vote Count—it was etched in stone. But if so, how come the Democrats and RINOs are working so hard to make sure there is nothing a VP can do. This was a major event, because everybody ganged up and said that Mike had no choice, he could not send the slates back to the States (which is all I suggested he do) for possible retabulation and correction based on largescale Voter Fraud and Irregularities. This may have proven to be an Election-changing event, so we would have no inflation, inexpensive gasoline, be energy dominant, have no war or largescale death with Russia and Ukraine (this conflict never would have happened), would have left Afghanistan on same timetable, but with dignity and strength, and would have kept Bagram Air Base, not had dead soldiers, taken out all American hostages, and would not have given the Taliban $85 billion worth of first-class military equipment. What a difference it would have made if the State Legislatures had another crack at looking at all of the Fraud, Abuse, and Irregularities that have been found. Our Country would have been a different place!
Arizona finally has a chance to have a GREAT Governor. Vote for Kari Lake - She has my Complete and Total Endorsement!
Big Rally in Arizona Friday evening. See you there!
Why aren’t the Unselects asking Nancy Pelosi and the Mayor of D.C. to testify as to why they turned down my recommendation on January 3rd of 10,000 to 20,000 troops to stand guard at the Capitol Building on January 6th. Had they followed this recommendation, there would have been no problem on January 6th!!! They must testify!
“15 minutes of fame” Matthews, who I didn’t know, is clearly lying.
Kari Lake is running for Governor in the Great State of Arizona. She is a fantastic person who spent many years working as a highly respected television anchor and journalist. Because of this, few can take on the Fake News Media like Kari. She is strong on Crime, will protect our Border, Second Amendment, Military, and Vets, and will fight to restore Election Integrity (both past and future!). She is against Covid lockdowns, Cancel Culture, and will end "woke" curriculum in our schools. She will do a far better job than RINO Governor Doug Ducey—won't even be a contest! Kari will make her wonderful family, and the MAGA movement, very proud. Kari Lake has my Complete and Total Endorsement. She will be a great Governor for the incredible people of Arizona!