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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

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ICYMI: "Border left 'wide open' after red states pull National Guard and police"

Read the full article by Anna Giaritelli with the Washington Examiner here.
The highly partisan Unselect Committee is just a sideshow to distract America from MASSIVE failures by Biden and the Democrats. What happened to the Capitol would have never happened if the people in charge did their job and looked at the intelligence. They abandoned the officers on the ground, just like Biden abandoned Americans in Afghanistan. Instead of holding bad leaders accountable, the Democrats are going after innocent staffers and attacking the Constitution.

Why is the just released bombshell January 6th whistleblower report being ignored by the mainstream media? Based on this high ranking Capitol Police official’s report, these partisan hearings must stop at once. This is yet another continuation of the Radical Left’s Witch Hunt—led by Shifty Adam Schiff and his crew who misled America on RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, the “Perfect” Ukraine phone call, the Mueller report scam, and so much else. Now Shifty, who couldn’t get a job with the administration, is at it again. Radical Left Democrats are rapidly destroying America!
Our Border has gone from the safest and most secure in history, by far, to a broken, dirty, and disgusting wreck with thousands of unknown people from unknown countries, including from their now emptied prisons all over the world, unsustainably pouring in. No country has ever seen anything like what is happening on the Southern Border of the United States—and no country is stupid enough to allow such a thing to happen. Crime will go up at levels that the U.S. has never seen before (it is actually already there), and terrorism will be the next big wave to lead the way. 
Despite this, and incredibly, the very expensive and high-tech Border Wall, which has been 100% successful in areas where it was completed, is being lifted from installation points and moved to storage dumps where it will begin the process of rotting and rusting away. Putting it in place would have been far less expensive, and the Wall would have been quickly completed—there was very little left to do. Billions of dollars are being paid to contractors to NOT build the Wall, specifically, $6 million per day. The “leaders” of our Country have gone crazy! Everything is falling apart, our Military is in shambles, the shelves of our stores are empty, COVID continues to rage at levels higher than last year, we have no oil, we have no courage, we have nothing. Our Country is a laughingstock all over the world, and is certainly no longer great, but we will Make America Great Again!
At the request of Mayor Bloomberg, the former Mayor of New York City, I took a longtime scandal-ridden site in the Bronx, which for almost 30 years had been a money-losing disaster that the city could not get built, and transformed it into a magnificent Jack Nicklaus Signature designed golf course, club house and amenities, which employs a large number of people and has been a showcase of beauty and success. I invested many millions of dollars, all cash, in this project in order to get it done, which I did, starting from scratch, in record time. It was an amazing effort by many people pulling together to finally revitalize this troubled part of New York City. It was a large-scale version of the Wollman Skating Rink in Central Park, which I saved many years ago.
Now under Mayor De Blasio, he wants to CONFISCATE the project from me for no reason whatsoever, and terminate my long-term arrangement with the city—and to think I just opened a beautiful $10 million clubhouse. The course has received rave reviews, is considered one of the top ten open to the public facilities in the United States (could even be the best!), is designed for tournament play, and Mayor De Blasio wants to take it away after all of the work was so successfully done, and so much money was spent. So unfair—this is what happens in Communist Countries, not in America!
Not even possible to believe the lies, exaggerations, and outright fraud committed by very poorly rated Morning “News” Shows about the January 6th protest. They say whatever comes to their mind, like writing a fictional novel. The press has lost its way at a level that is not even believable. Books, likewise, are made up stories and should only be sold as fiction. These are terrible human beings that do this to our Country. The 2020 Election was a fraud rife with errors, irregularities, and scandal. The Radical Left knows it, the media knows it, and the Patriots of our Country know it, and now the U.S.A. is paying a big price—it is very sadly going to hell!
Big rally in Michigan yesterday, unbelievable spirit and knowledge of what went on with respect to voting and vote counting in the 2020 Presidential Election. Detroit, considered for many years to be one of the most corrupt places in the United States for elections (and many other things!), had large-scale irregularities so much so that two officials, at great risk to themselves and their families, refused to certify the results, and were sadly threatened. Wasn’t it a fact that aside from other things, there were far more votes than voters? Even the RINOs on the Senate Committee found 289,866 absentee ballots that were sent to people who never requested them, “something that would be illegal.” Why did they viciously kick out the Republican poll watchers? Seventy percent of Detroit’s mail-in ballot counting boards didn’t match, it was a total mess. Why won’t they give respected professionals and representatives at yesterday’s rally the right to do a Forensic Audit of Wayne County (Detroit) and Macomb County? That includes the RINOs in the State Senate and House who for, whatever reason, do nothing but obstruct instead of seeking the truth. Hopefully, each one of these cowardly RINOs, whose names will be identified and forthcoming, will be primaried, with my Complete and Total Endorsement, in the upcoming election. Congratulations on the great rally yesterday!
COVID is raging out of control, our supply chains are crashing with little product in our stores, we were humiliated in Afghanistan, our Border is a complete disaster, gas prices and inflation are zooming upward—how’s Biden doing? Do you miss me yet?
Here we go again. After a very long wait, a judge in Georgia refuses to let us look at the ballots, which I have little doubt are terrible. This whole situation is a disgrace to our Country. Why can’t the public see the ballots? Our Country is going to hell and we are not allowed transparency even in our Elections. The people of Georgia deserve to know the truth. So unfair to them and our Country. The fight continues, we will never give up. Our Elections are so corrupt and nobody wants to do anything about it!
Why isn’t the January 6th Unselect Committee of partisan hacks studying the massive Presidential Election Fraud, which took place on November 3rd and was the reason that hundreds of thousands of people went to Washington to protest on January 6th? Look at the numbers now being reported on the fraud, which we now call the “Really Big Lie.” You cannot study January 6th without studying the reason it happened, November 3rd. But the Democrats don’t want to do that because they know what took place on Election Day in the Swing States, and beyond. If we had an honest media this Election would have been overturned many months ago, but our media is almost as corrupt as our political system!
If we don’t solve the Presidential Election Fraud of 2020 (which we have thoroughly and conclusively documented), Republicans will not be voting in ‘22 or ‘24. It is the single most important thing for Republicans to do.
How come the Fake News Media doesn’t talk about Afghanistan anymore?
Mark Meadows, our great Chief of Staff during some very exciting White House years, has written a new book entitled The Chief’s Chief. It is available for pre-order now, and doing really well. If you want to learn about politics, truth, our great administration, and exciting achievements that took place in government, pre-order your copy now. Remember, there has never been an administration like ours. We did things that no other administration even thought they could do. The Chief’s Chief would make an incredible Christmas present, and with United States supply lines totally dead, and with thousands of ships having no way of unloading because of incompetent leadership, you will have no other thing you can buy anyway. Seriously, it’s a fantastic book, and Mark Meadows and his wonderful wife Debbie are great people. Order here.
America First Legal, founded by Stephen Miller and Mark Meadows, is leading the legal charge against the Biden Administration’s lawless assault on our citizens, our freedoms, our borders, and our treasured way of life. Please support America First Legal and the critical work they are doing to stand up for our Country, which is under siege.
The January 6th Unselect Committee composed of Radical Left Democrats and a few horrible RINO Republicans is looking to hold people in criminal contempt for things relative to the Protest, when in fact they should hold themselves in criminal contempt for cheating in the Election, making up the Fake Russia, Russia, Russia, and Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine Scams, the Afghanistan debacle, the Southern Border Crisis, the crashing economy, and record-setting inflation. They are using prosecutors and prosecutions to destroy more than half of this Country and the people are not going to stand for it!
Today, the highly respected Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, is having an event on the big findings from the Arizona Audit. He has invited the RINOs on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors to participate. If they have nothing to hide, and if this was the “most secure election” in history, they would show up and answer the many questions raised by the audit, like how there were over 17,000 duplicate mail-in ballots and why they poured in after Election Day, how there were over 6,000 more ballots than there were envelopes, or why some were stamped “verified and approved,” even though they had no signature, which is against the law. 

Maricopa County has refused to answer these questions (and so much more!), and instead “shoots the messenger.” Tune in to Dr. Shiva’s open forum from 12-4PM EDT. We must fix our elections to save our Country! 

These massive irregularities and corruption are now in the hands of the Attorney General Mark Brnovich of Arizona. Everybody knows what the right answer is, both in Arizona and other places!
ICYMI: "Biden down to 36%, 'sinking like the Titanic'"

Read the full article by Paul Bedard with the Washington Examiner here.
Isn’t it terrible that all of Andrew McCabe’s benefits, pensions, salary, etc., were just fully reinstated by the Justice Department? This is yet another mockery to our Country. Among other things, McCabe’s wife received hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from Hillary Clinton and the Democrats while Crooked Hillary was under investigation, which was quickly dropped, of course. What a bad chapter this has been for the once storied FBI—I hate to see it happening, so many GREAT people work there. Next thing you know the two lovers, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, will be getting awards for what they did, and Hunter Biden will be given a clean bill of health on everything done by him, with everyone to receive as payment a beautiful Hunter Biden inspired painting selling at your local art gallery for $500,000. While I have never painted before, Hunter has inspired me to immediately begin painting because I’ve always felt I have a talent at that, and could surely get at least $2 million dollars per canvas—and probably a lot more. I will begin immediately. Our Country is crooked as hell!
Working hard to get very popular and capable Former Congressman Sean Duffy of Wisconsin to run for Governor. He would be fantastic! A champion athlete, Sean loves the people of Wisconsin, and would be virtually unbeatable. His wife, Rachel, is likewise an incredible person. They are both doing very well, so this would be a big sacrifice, but hopefully it will be a sacrifice that will be made for the Great State of Wisconsin and its wonderful, hardworking people. Run Sean, Run! (A little spin-off on the great Herschel Walker.) 
“The Klu Klux Klan dressed protester case should have never been brought as the plaintiffs have no one to blame but themselves. Rather than protest peacefully, the plaintiffs intentionally sought to rile up a crowd by blocking the entrance to Trump Tower on 5th Avenue, in the middle of the day, wearing Klu Klux Klan robes and hoods. When security tried to deescalate the situation, they were unfortunately met with taunts and violence from the plaintiffs themselves. Seeing this for what it is, prior to my deposition today, the Court dismissed almost all of the plaintiffs’ claims—except for a baseless claim for injuries they never suffered, and the temporary loss of a worthless cardboard sign which was soon thereafter returned to them.  After years of litigation, I was pleased to have had the opportunity to tell my side of this ridiculous story—Just one more example of baseless harassment of your favorite President.” — Donald J. Trump