🇺🇿 Bugun, 21-dekabr, yurtimizdagi ta’lim muassasalari talaba-o'quvchilarini kitob mutolaasiga jalb etish, vatanimiz kelajagiga daxldorlik ruhida tarbiyalashga qaratilgan “Ma’rifat ulashib” loyihasini amalga oshirish maqsadida atoqli adiblarimiz Aziz Said, Orif To'xtash, Isomiddin Po'latovlar hamda Toshkent shahridagi Vebster universiteti mutasaddilari Parkent tumanidagi maktablarda mehmon bo'ldilar.
Ushbu tadbirlar davomida shoir va yozuvchilar so'zga chiqishdi va o'zlarining hayot yo'li, qiziqarli tajribalari, shuningdek insoniylik, shijoat, muammolarga befarq bo'lmaslik hamda yurt ravnaqi uchun dastak bo'ladigan shaxsga aylanish kabi dolzarb mavzularda tavsiya, maslahatlarni tinglashdi. Bundan tashqari, tadbirda o'zlarining bilim va zukkoliklarini ko'rsatgan o'quvchilar esdalik sovg'alar bilan taqdirlanishdi.
🇺🇸 Today, December 21, as part of the "Spreading Enlightenment" project aimed at engaging students in reading and instilling a sense of responsibility for the future of our nation, prominent writers Aziz Said, Orif Tukhtash, Isomiddin Pulatov, and representatives from Webster University in Tashkent visited schools in the Parkent district.
During these events, poets and writers delivered speeches, sharing their life journeys, fascinating experiences, and offering advice on significant topics such as humanity, determination, attentiveness to challenges, and becoming individuals who contribute to the prosperity of the country. Additionally, students who demonstrated their knowledge and intelligence were rewarded with memorable gifts.
Ushbu tadbirlar davomida shoir va yozuvchilar so'zga chiqishdi va o'zlarining hayot yo'li, qiziqarli tajribalari, shuningdek insoniylik, shijoat, muammolarga befarq bo'lmaslik hamda yurt ravnaqi uchun dastak bo'ladigan shaxsga aylanish kabi dolzarb mavzularda tavsiya, maslahatlarni tinglashdi. Bundan tashqari, tadbirda o'zlarining bilim va zukkoliklarini ko'rsatgan o'quvchilar esdalik sovg'alar bilan taqdirlanishdi.
🇺🇸 Today, December 21, as part of the "Spreading Enlightenment" project aimed at engaging students in reading and instilling a sense of responsibility for the future of our nation, prominent writers Aziz Said, Orif Tukhtash, Isomiddin Pulatov, and representatives from Webster University in Tashkent visited schools in the Parkent district.
During these events, poets and writers delivered speeches, sharing their life journeys, fascinating experiences, and offering advice on significant topics such as humanity, determination, attentiveness to challenges, and becoming individuals who contribute to the prosperity of the country. Additionally, students who demonstrated their knowledge and intelligence were rewarded with memorable gifts.
Barchaga yangi yilda xush kayfiyat tilab qolamiz!
We wish everyone a joyful New Year!
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🇺🇿 26-dekabr kuni, Toshkent shahrida Vebster universitetining taʼlim dasturlarini amalga oshirish markazida 2024 yil yakunlari bo‘yicha xodimlarni taqdirlash marosimi bo‘lib o‘tdi. Unda Markazning yil yakunlariga ko‘ra, 30 nafar xodimlar faxriy yorliqlar, tashakkurnomalar va esdalik sovg‘alari bilan taqdirlanishdi.
🇺🇸 On December 26, at the Center for the Implementation of Educational Programs of Webster University in Tashkent, an awards ceremony was held to honor the employees of 2024. By the end of the year, 30 employees of the Center were awarded with certificates of honor, certificates of appreciation, and special gifts.
🇺🇸 On December 26, at the Center for the Implementation of Educational Programs of Webster University in Tashkent, an awards ceremony was held to honor the employees of 2024. By the end of the year, 30 employees of the Center were awarded with certificates of honor, certificates of appreciation, and special gifts.
🇺🇿 26 dekabr kuni, Toshkent shahrida Vebster universitetining taʼlim dasturlarini amalga oshirish markazida bolajonlar uchun yangi yil bayrami nishonlandi. Unda bolajonlarga Qorbobo va Qorqiz chiqishlari, musiqiy sahna ko‘rinishlari va albatta Yangi yil sovg‘alari - bir olam quvonch ulashdi.
🇺🇸 On December 26, the Center for the Implementation of Educational Programs of Webster University in Tashkent celebrated a New Year's holiday for children. The festivities featured performances by Father Frost and Snow Maiden, musical shows, and New Year's gifts that delighted the children.
🇺🇸 On December 26, the Center for the Implementation of Educational Programs of Webster University in Tashkent celebrated a New Year's holiday for children. The festivities featured performances by Father Frost and Snow Maiden, musical shows, and New Year's gifts that delighted the children.