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Forwarded from The Anfaal
We are in times where people want concessions to commit kufr.

Sahabah would seek means to stay far away from haram even under tortures and other forms of oppression.

We seek means and excuses to commit kufr and say, our intentions are good.
Forwarded from The Anfaal
Just like our father Adam عليه السلام was tempted by Iblees to eat fruit from the tree in Jannah which Allah had clearly made haram for him we are also eating fruits from the trees of this Dunya which Allah has clearly made haram/kufr.

Iblees will never come to us and say, let's commit kufr. He will make it appear good/beneficial for you or even Islam. He will make it seem like it is halal. He will say, your intentions are good that is all that matters.

Then unlike Adam عليه السلام we don't refrain from it. We, like stubborn Iblees, justify ourselves and say we had good intentions etc.

Adam عليه السلام had good intentions too. He didn't want to rebel against Allah yet Allah didn't accept that excuse. He repented for so long for what apparently seems a small sin/disobedience.

So who are we?

We are sons of Adam عليه السلام but we are arrogant like Iblees.

Iblees was asked to make Sujood to Adam عليه السلام but he arrogantly refused and argued against Allah's command to make the Sujood. Today we do the same.

We choose haram/kufr over halal because we want easy ways to get something. We don't want any hardships.

We choose haram/kufr on easy path over halal on difficult path.

May Allah grant us patience upon hardships that come our way on halal path.
Forwarded from The Anfaal

Take for example these people who claim they will bring Shari’ah of Allah through elections.

Jihad is halal path to establish Shari’ah of Allah. The elections are haram path.

But they find Jihad is difficult and elections are easy so they take haram path and leave halal path.

Then they say, they have good intentions.
Forwarded from Fernweh
Posts like this highlight the overall Jahl amongst the Ummah with regard to the Mas’alah of الأسماء والأحكام — that, or additional attention is warranted to make clear the following necessary distinction.

The “preventatives” of applying the LABEL of Kafir on someone performing Kufr Bawāh, generally do not apply when the Kufr is re: مسائل ظاهرة — rather it only applies for مسائل خفية.

On the flip side, the preventatives of applying the HUKM of Takfir, apply on matters of Kufr re: مسائل ظاهرة, and that’s to check if the person knows the reality of his action/statement, if he was drunk, insane, etc — and these “preventatives” are enacted at the time of Istitābah by the Qadi. Often times, people conflate between these two, and apply the preventatives of مسائل خفية, and apply them on مسائل ظاهرة.

The mere fact that this person highlights the Kufr to be Kufr Bawāh [with whom we have Burhān (proof) from Allah], necessitates the matter is with respect to مسائل ظاهرة, since by necessity if the proof is clear and known to the masses, it is not considered from مسائل الخفية. He is correct, in that the Kufr of the modern day Tawagheet is indeed Kufr Bawāh, and once the reality is known of their actions/statements, then the one who fails to give the LABEL of a Kafir to these Tawagheet, has not fulfilled a condition of their Shahādah — of which is Al-Kufr Bi-Taghūt.

Insha’Allah this person can make this necessary clarification, or perhaps use more precise language if this is what he intended in the first place.

Forwarded from Digital library
I asked a student of knowledge (of Shaykh Ahmad Jibril) this, his reply:

“Wa Aleykum Salaam wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakathu

If a person is serious and willing to travel abroad to study in Ksa/Khaleej best Nasheeha would be to put your head down serious and take a year or two to learn intensive Arabic, after that the world is your oyster, there dozens upon dozens of videos and audios of Rabbani Mashaykh on EVERY Shari subject available, not to mention the thousands of books of classical and contemporary Uleema and then on top of the there are a few beneficial Mashaykh who are available in the Arab to contact for Nasheeha in studies and guidance in becoming a Talab Al-Ilim

Applying to these Tawagheet supported universities is dangerous for a persons Aqeedah and Manhaj, unless it is to study the Arabic language and Hifz Quran etc

Wallahu ta'alaa Alaam”
Forwarded from Light of the Truth ©
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Forwarded from Know Your Rabb
"What's the worst kind of missing?"

"Feeling distant from ﷲ ".

Forwarded from Matters of the Qalb
Ramblings of Souls
"What's the worst kind of missing?" "Feeling distant from ﷲ ". #KnowYourRabb #KnowYourPurpose
And being able to miss or acknowledge the distance are great blessings which not all of us have, and we need to strive harder.
Forwarded from The Anfaal
Your fall isn't your death.

Don't lose roots and you shall find the life
Forwarded from Fading Shadow

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَىٰ مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَىٰ آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ كَمَا صَلَّيْتَ عَلَىٰ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَعَلَىٰ آلِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ إِنَّكَ حَمِيدٌ مَجِيدٌ ❁ اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ عَلَىٰ مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَىٰ آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ كَمَا بَارَكْتَ عَلَىٰ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَعَلَىٰ آلِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ إِنَّكَ حَمِيدٌ مَجِيدٌ

#Friday #Sunnah #Reminder #Salawat #HaveABlessedFriday

Al Hasan Al Basri said;

The reciters of the Qur’an are of three types:

1-Those who take it as merchandise with which they ply their trade.

2-Those who recite its words but fail to comply with its
injunctions, they use it to lord over the people of their land and
rely on it to ascend to positions of authority. There are many
who fall into this category, may Allah make their number small!

3-Those who treat the Qur’an as a cure and apply it to heal the
ailments of the hearts. They recite it in their places of devotion and attain tranquility, they weep in their hooded cloaks, and they are overcome with fear and somberness. It is for their sake that Allah sends down the rain and it is through them that Allah confers victory against the enemy. By Allah this category is rarer than red gold.

-[Ibn Abi al-Dunya, al-Hamm wa'l-Huzn #152 / Bayhaqi, Shu'ab #2621]
Forwarded from Lanterns of Tawheed
A Litmus Test from the Trustee of RasūlAllāh ﷺ

This Manhaj is the Haqq, without a sliver of a doubt, and as a result, it is one in which Allāh سبحانه وتعالى tests the adherents severely. Brothers and sisters need to be aware of the fact that nobody is above being tested, and nobody is above being misguided if Allāh had willed it upon them (ونعوذ بالله من ذلك) — no matter how knowledgeable, outspoken, or dedicated he/she had been to this Manhaj and ‘Aqīdah prior to their misguidance.

It’s important for us all to be aware that while Allāh tests individuals, their failure of the test becomes a test for others as well. We often see that when well-known Dā’īs, outspoken social media personalities, or close intimate friends turn their heels on the Manhaj, others are left confused and some even start to have doubts regarding their own beliefs. Some question, “Why would someone seemingly so staunch or well-versed in the Manhaj have changed unless they found out they were upon misguidance?” But this question only arises from a lack of understanding of the nature of Fitnah itself and how to recognize it. If Fitnah was easy to avoid and recognize, the masses wouldn’t fall prey to it. Only those who Allāh has mercy upon can see it for what it is and avoid it, نسأل الله السلامة والعافية. It’s sneaky, it’s crafty. It finds its way even to the most knowledgeable and seemingly firm of people and often disguises itself as truth. The only weapon one has against it is Allāh’s Mercy and Protection upon him, and we ask Allāh to have mercy upon us and protect our hearts from deviating after having been guided.

However, it’s certainly not impossible to recognize it. I would like to remind the brothers and sisters of the litmus test provided to us by the esteemed Sahābi Hudhayfah رضي الله عنه, which serves as a great source of clarity in the dark times we’re going through. One can use it to test and recognize the state of others, and more importantly, to test himself — if he’s sincere and truly desires to keep himself upon the Blessed Path. You’ll see that his description fits perfectly to many you see as of late, who fall prey to the same doubts they once refuted and clarified to others.

عن حذيفة رضي الله عنه: أنه قال: "إذا أحب أحدكم أن يعلم أصابته الفتنة أم لا؛ فلينظر، فإن كان رأى حلالا كان يراه حراما؛ فقد أصابته الفتنة، وإن كان يرى حراما كان يراه حلالا؛ فقد أصابته."

Hudhayfah رضي الله عنه said, “If one of you wants to know if he was hit with a Fitnah by Allāh (if Allāh misguided him) or not, then let him look: if he used to regard matters as Harām and now sees them as Halāl (he flipped it) or he made matters Harām which he used to deem Halāl, then he has been hit with a Fitnah.”
Forwarded from Lanterns of Tawheed
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Forwarded from The Anfaal
You know when a modest person exposes their awarah accidentally how they feel shame or shy? It makes them blush or nervous or sweat.

This is because they have known and lived the modesty. Immodesty feels like death to them.

Then you have people who expose even their private parts accidentally and they act as if nothing happened. This is because they haven't known modesty. They feel immodesty is their life. They lived immodesty.

Similarly we have people who have not known Haqq. Your exposing batil of some groups to them does not seem to be a big deal to them. They do not know value of haqq. They feel like batil is just normal thing and it doesn't need to be taken huge matter.

These fans of these misguided groups are such people. They haven't lived Haqq and haven't known Haqq. So the batil of their groups getting exposed to them is not a big deal.

Kufr bit Taghut and al wala wal bara to them is like dishes where they choice to have it or not.

Not a big deal that our groups lie even upon Allah in the name of Hikmah.

May Allah grant us understanding
Forwarded from The Anfaal

The sahabah had lived Tawheed and al wala wal bara. If they heard you as a Muslim showed affection to Tawagheet and their soldiers you would find their face turn red with to anger.

They were not lax when it came to Islam.

You could ask them for life and they would present it to you as a Muslim.

But they would take your life as well when it came to protecting Islam.

When it came to personal things they were soft. But when it came to preserving Islam they were harsh.

Today we see totally opposite of it even among so called Jihadi groups and their fans.
Forwarded from The Anfaal
Muwahid feels anger when he sees Shirik being committed.

Muwahid feels anger when he sees affection being shown to enemies of Allah.

Muwahid feels anger when he sees Murtadeen being raised to status of Muslims by declaring them Muslims.

Muwahid does not justify such things in the name of Hikmah and Siyasah.

May Allah make Tawheed our soul and al wala wal bara our senses.
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— Shaykh Musa Jibril حفظه الله
Forwarded from Ahlus-Sunnah
I asked Shaykh Abû ‘Abdillâh al-Hâshimî: Is it a condition to make up the fasts of Ramadân before fasting the 6 days of Shawwâl?

He said: This is correct, that you start with making up [the fasts of Ramadân] first.

I said: And [can we] fast the 6 days of any month, or only Shawwâl [to attain the reward]?

He said: From Shawwâl till Dhul-Hijjah.
Forwarded from Free The Captives
#VaanuvaaSeries : Mohamed Ameen's case - Episode 4

Breaking a Man: How Maldives Police Used Torture to Frame Mohamed Ameen


[In Dhivehi]

Forwarded from Free The Captives
Ramblings of Souls
#VaanuvaaSeries : Mohamed Ameen's case - Episode 4 Breaking a Man: How Maldives Police Used Torture to Frame Mohamed Ameen https://twitter.com/y4unitymv/status/1787502854552359202 [In Dhivehi] #FreeAmyne
Media is too big
"Ekaniverikan" a poem written by our imprisoned brother Amyne (may Allah keep him steadfast and hasten his release, and that of all our brothers and sisters across the globe)

Audio taken from Vaanuvaa Series Episode 4 by Youth For Unity
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