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Here's What Sinéad O’Connor Told Her Kids To Do If She Suddenly 'Drops Dead'

Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4nMdmwOx8I
US DOJ Looking Like Chumps Hung Out To Dry As Nuclear Bombs Keep Dropping On Their Integrity
The REAL STORY of what's happening with

[ DS] Operations
Attack on Russian Crimea Bridge explosion confirmed to be British Mini Drone sub with explosives and U.S. [ ds] military Guided operations.
_The mi6/cia deep (w/NATO UN WEF+++) ALL want to draw Russia into a War to intentionally, so RUSSIA would attack ODESSA< ( the deep state cia/mi6/ Ukraine have bombs already attached to the shipping ports and grain facilities near by and plan to blow thlem up when Russia attacks and WILL BLAME RUSSIA FOR THE EXPLOSIONS)..... In hopes Russia could take control of Odessa shipping ports and close off the worlds major shipping infrastructure of grain from Ukraine and Russia would be blamed for catastrophic food crises around the world that rely on Ukraines corn, wheat, barely ECT grains that support south American, African countries and runs Turkey's Multi-Billion milling industry that runs off Ukraine grain.

This reason the CIA ( MI6) DEEP STATE keep openly talking about attacking Russia and posting their war plans in MSM openly is they are trying desperately to draw Russian into attacking Odessa.. Kiev and shutting down the world supply food grain .. This huge collapse will affect the BRICS NATIONS AND NEW SYSTEM as South American has already contacted India and MODI and what will happen, ..
And Turkey is in Panic as it produces Mill for hundreds of companies and is dependent of The grain....... TRILLIONS of dollars connected to grain industry. Food industry, corporational trading and markets is dependent on the grain and effects BRICS SEVERALLY<

BUT....> Putin and the ALLIANCE had already known about these cia++nato+++ ECT to unfold
and sent counter measures in place months ago storing grain and China and india made the biggest purchases of grain in the past monthss and Russia just gave free grain to Africa and made huge deals with south American months ago for grain to be stored... This countries are loyal to India and Modi and Putin have all ready have strategies to keep BRICS nations from going hungry.

>The intentional attack on Russia and their bridge and trying to lure them into destroying Odessa is a deep state trap and Putin Xi. Modi. Trump Bin Salman know and they are all working to keep a major world crises from happening ...the key is taking control of the Black Sea and Turkey giving Russia full access ( behind the scenes Turkey is playing Nato and EU and EVENTually WILL side with Russia and china OPENLY< .... behind the scenes Turkey is preparing to reveal a massive corruption scandal that will rock their government out of the CIA hands and NATO )

_THE STORM IS BREWING in many countries as COUPS and COUNTER COUPS take place.... And the Food crises opens doors to government corruption.
( Others as white hats are using the Food Crisis as HAVE THEORY OPERATIONS and have always known these EVENTS COMING and counter measures in place)

Why is MI6 UK so deeply involved in creating war with Russia and helping the cia to create Colour revolutions Ukraine and trying now in Belarus<
EVERYTHING leads back to human trafficking. Child sex trade. .. World governments are deep inside a web of child trafficking operations and using pedophilia as blackmail network to control countries and common wealth countries controlled by the Crown of Britain Majesty
.... They are trying hard to cover up the money laundering networks connected to Barkley banking, Rothschild's and massive human trafficking networks connected to military ships. Shipping cargo and subs which all connect to Epstein. Jimmy savile mi6/mi5 [ ds] military intelligence including the majesty royals and King ( prince Charles was best friend with Savile and help fund him and have him access to children's hospitals , teenage prisons, mental facilities THE UK MI6/ MAJESTY CORRUPTION RUNS DEEP ....
ThIs was the true reason why princess Diana was killed ( not because she was pregnant and would embarrasse the crown that was MSM propaganda)and major musicians were killed as Avici. Chester Bennington. Chris Cornell Anthony Bourdain. .. They were all working on projects to EXPOSE Child sex trade industry connected to Hollywood+ cia ( mi6)+ music industry+ to British monarchy + world banks financing the sex trade. JP Morgan. ECT ECT ECT ECT..
Nothing is forgotten as Military operations are taking place and EXPOSURE IS HAPPENING on a massive level. MUSK, TRUMP. push the Sound Of Freedom and CONGRESS push for Biden family human trafficking exposure. / Virgin Island push for near 200 million from JP Morgan in EPSTEIN ,
Coming Hunter Biden to be charged with human trafficking.
> The military, white hats in fbi. Cia. Doj.DOD have all have copies of EPSTEIN computers and evidence.
Hunter Laptop. Hillary deleted emails. Weiner LAPTOP. > Vatican hard drives. McAfee data.

☝️ Please support our channel as we risk our lives across the world helping in the Great Awakening to bring important information to hundreds in countries.... We have been doing this since 2014 and WARNING all of the Pandemic. Vaccines. Military coups and all AGENDAs before Q was even broadcasted.... Now we need your help as years have gone by and we rely only on your contribution as we far from family and our U S. beloved home in Arizona... Thank you PATRIOTS///))) ... In time after the Storm we will be home ❤️ and are duty fulfilled..
Please consider a strong Donation. Thank you
Long ago in early 2021 i told you a War was being set up and countries were preparing ( nobody believed ) i said it would lead to NUCLEAR STANDOFF. .
> We are here now.
( Growing quickly)
but don't worry it's all STAGING for the STORM ARREST WARS

_I WARNED a MASSIVE WORLD COLLAPSE was going to happen that break banks and would escalate ( that happened as nations went into recession including EU countries and hundreds of thousands of small banks collapsed through the world in 3 years ..... And major banks were bailed out and wall street lied about yearly reports on behalf of their corrupted governments and banks)
_as people gave up after the Supposed Trump lost and Epstein supposed death... I gave you important information TRUMP Was COMING BACK EVEN MORE POWERFUL and the 2020 stolen Elections was military operations given purposefully to Biden to EXPOSE a U.S. corrupt captured system ( i told in 2021 BIDEN would be forced to act erratically and be removed before 2024 elections..... That's now happening ) ...... The EPSTEIN SAGA is only beginning and Congress has possession of Hunter Biden laptop.. Inside that laptop is [ ds] military coded sequence files that CONNECT cia. Epstein. ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT. Ukraine DECT exe ECT ECT
_in 2019 i warned everyone the Deep State was going to release the virus ( people thought was conspiracy)
_2020 I gave all the info digital iDs would be initiated through the fake pandemic and Force vaccinations and lockdowns would occur ( people thought was conspiracy)
_i gave so much information on military operations happening through the world in tunnels to earthquakes
_told you long before anyone MUSK was going to aquire Twitter and MUSK was receivimg funding from kask Patel. Ezra > Trump admin ( but a fake distancing was taking place between Musk and TRUMP).... And Musk ( Really the military )would use Twitter to RED PILL world.... Thats happening and continues
_BILLIONAIRS RISING ALLIANCE/ > Bin Salman was with TRUMP and would go against Biden
So many things from Real Story of Las Vegas shooting, Trump saved Bin Salman
_secret deals of Germany/ Turkey)/Italy/France/with China. / Russia to create new sub-brics system in EU
_so many things to mention
.i also stated Celebrities were going to start coming forward & white hats in Hollywood would EXPOse the pedophilia. Human/ Child trafficking agenda and grow
( Now behind the scenes> Mel Gibson is talking with Iron man Robert Downey jr .... as Mark Wahlberg it's already talking about the pedophilia ring)..
I also stated last year WHITE HATS were going to go after the music industry and hip hop and Rappers would EXPOSE The Satanic industry on a growning massive level that would connect back to CIA/fbi control... Corruption....

*BEHIND THE SCENES;>]; P DIDDY connected to pedophilia. > Raping Justin Bieber> blackmailing teenagers for sex> run gay hip hop rap escorts to Elites WILL be brought to light and>>>>>>
>>>> IT ALL BEGINS with the EXPOSURE and reopening investigation case into TUPACs DEATH
WORD IS DIDDY paid killers 1 million to have Tupac killed and then had the hired killer Orlando Anderson killed... But his uncle Keefe D kept the original bullets from the shooting of Tupac ( keefe d was also part of the shooting but has immunity in California from prosecution).... and Keefe D has records of Payments and recordimg.....

_The new investigation is in NEVADA and currently KEEFE D's house was Searched and evidence was seized.

What going to happen?
_from inside sources say the case WILL EVENTUALLY FALL APART in first 2023 STAGGING< ... but this is PLANNED
as lawyers,/ DOJ/fbi corruption WILL be uncovered in COVER-UPS and P Diddys own friendsWILL FLIP as more evidence comes in the second round of EXPOSURE IN 2024 .....>>>. THE TUPAC KILLING AND BIGGIE SMALL KILLING were both placed by P DIDDY and this will unravel a maze of money laundering, music industry blackmail system connected CIA FBI CORRUPTION...... And P Diddys pedophilia connection will evolve including some of hip hops most famous artists!!!!!!
Hmmmmmmmm 🤔 These white hats military operations are going after CIA. in Ukraine in .
in Russia .in China. in Hollywood and now the music industry.
Even RFKJR, TRUMP is publicly going After the cia
.... White hats going after Fake Alien Invasion connected to cia ops Pentagon ops .