Putinger's Cat / Кот Путингера
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Forwarded from Inessa S ️️
🇷🇺🇪🇷 Lavrov visits monument to Alexander Pushkin in Eritrea - Pushkin is widely regarded as the founder of Russian literature.

Abram Gannibal, Pushkin's great-grandfather, was kidnapped in Eritrea and enslaved as a child by the Ottomans. Later, he was traded, brought to Russia and presented as a gift to Peter the Great, where he was freed, adopted and raised in the Tsar's household as his godson.

Now you know 😜
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Canada sent the first Leopard 2 tank to Ukraine.

...All of this just to ship some future scrap metal...

Canadians, just keep your trash, please!
This was sent by a friend of the channel. It's from an actual advertisement of Russian events in Boston, MA, USA.

Another joke that wrote itself: "The Time Machine" band and this Oxxxymoron clown, who will no longer perform in Russia, because they are traitors, a lecture on "Why Ukraine Matters", and "The Last Trick" game show of all things in the same advertisement. The comments in red were added, they do not appear on the ad.

You just cannot make this stuff up!!
Forwarded from Masno
Guys, this is the bomb! On the English-language website, SouthFront received a message from a reader, James, from Ipswich, East Anglia. It participates in the UK Government's "Houses for Ukraine" initiative and hosts a young refugee couple from Ukraine who are approximately 25-30 years old.

On January 30, he received an official letter from the Department for Equality, Housing and Communities of the UK Government (the photo of the letter is published), which was initiated by the Ukrainian Embassy in London and in which he was required to provide the following information:
- Did he shelter Ukrainian refugees;
- Are there any males over the age of 18 among the refugees;
- If a male refugee has left his place of residence, report his possible whereabouts and other available information;
- Personal data of a male refugee over the age of 18;
In turn, refugees must visit the Ukrainian embassy in order to “clarify their personal data on an individual basis” (get a summons).

What does this mean? Most likely, Ukrainian male refugees over the age of 18 who are in Europe will be mobilized through the Ukrainian embassies in those countries, but not to be sent to Ukraine. At least for the next few months. Why spend money on logistics to transport Ukrainian mobilized for training to Europe, if Europe already has a sufficient number of Ukrainian men over the age of 18. So they will begin to be mobilized and sent to military bases for training in handling NATO equipment, which will then be transferred to Ukraine. A logical and cost-effective initiative.
Translated from Colonelcassad

“There’s a zero chance of survival for whoever is in the ammunition explosion zone.”

The Solntsepyok (TOS-1A, Sunshine) is, without a doubt, the deadliest weapon in this conflict. A single unit has more than once changed the outcome of an entire offensive.

The effect is terrible. It is not the fragments or even the temperature that kills, but the pressure, from which only a sealed bunker can save.

A tremendous pressure is created during the explosion. It is high enough to liquefy the internal organs of whoever is in the vicinity. Death is instant.
Forwarded from Inessa S ️️
Media is too big
❗️The US is about to fuck itself up like the USSR did

The problem with knowing you are the bigger fish (Empire) is that you are inclined to overlook the strengths of your opponent...
If you ever need a bunch of pictures of Ukrainian nazis (that don't exist, of course, as we all know that there are no nazis in Ukraine), for whatever purpose, our contributor Andras Horvath amassed an impressive collection of photos of those non-existent magical creatures in their natural habitat. Check it out.

Forwarded from InfoDefenseENGLISH
💥 ⚔️ The Italian newspaper Libero clearly sketched out what the war, that would later be called World War III, looked like.
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Австрийский полковник Маркус Райснер делится схемой отправки на Украину солдат НАТО, не отправляя на Украину солдат НАТО.

Austrian colonel Markus Reisner shares a scheme on sending NATO soldiers to Ukraine without sending NATO soldiers to Ukraine.
Media is too big
Translated from #НЕ_ФОРМАТ


The world has frozen in anticipation of a decisive battle on the territory of Ukraine.

President Zelensky can stop the conflict and save thousands of lives of his citizens. To do this, he just needs to remember that he promised to end the war, and how ambiguously he started forgetting his promise.

We present a collection of cuts on this topic.
Люди русские! Пришел запрос на довольно крупное видео, много работы. Если хотите помочь, то очень ускорил бы процесс набор текста по-русски. Просто прослушать ролик и напечатать весь текст, а дальше уже проще.

Есть желающие помочь?
Media is too big
Nothing unusual, just the “Servant of the People” series in 2019. Zelensky became president owing largely due to his character in the series.

It seems as though the series were used to test out the psychological influence of various narratives prior to enacting the most effective.

Translated from https://t.me/begunini_blog/22448
...and they just cut off my watermark :)

PUTIN TG TEAM, really? You have 300+K subs and you feel the need to pretend you translated this? Shameful.

Oh, the irony of PUTIN TG TEAM stealing a video from Putinger's Cat.

Vladimir Vladimirovich! Your team are thieves! :)
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Mobilization... He is clearly just dying to die for Zelensky...

"F*** off!" screams the uniformed man, hitting the woman filming.
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"The enlistment office is chasing him. He's running away. Well done, well done!".

Odessa, Ukraine, 2023.
Forwarded from Russian Intelligence
❗️Пьяный мужчина задержан за попытку похитить тело Владимира Ленина из мавзолея в центре Москвы, сообщили агентству ТАСС в силовых структурах.

По словам их собеседника, на место происшествия вызвали наряд скорой помощи, медики выявили у задержанного психиатрическое расстройство на фоне опьянения.

❗️A drunken man has been detained for trying to steal Vladimir Lenin's body from the mausoleum in central Moscow, law enforcement agencies told TASS agency.

According to their interlocutor, an ambulance was called to the scene and medics diagnosed the detainee with a psychiatric disorder against a background of intoxication.
Hear that, Turks?... Hear that, Syrians?...