Putinger's Cat / Кот Путингера
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Translations of videos from Russian to English, sometimes from English to Russian, random thoughts, and cats.

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Forwarded from The Queen of the Copper Mountain
People in Ukraine-controlled Kherson have shown what they're given as humanitarian aid.

But so much money is being sent there from the entire Western world!

Another war crime was committed this morning by Ukrainian fascists. At precisely 7am, they subjected the center of Donetsk to the most massive strike since 2014.

40 rockets were fired at civilians in our city from BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launchers. The square at the intersection of B. Khmelnitsky Ave. and University St., School Blvd, Naberezhnaya St., Krity Market area.


Очередное военное преступление совершили сегодня утром украинские фашисты. Ровно в 7 часов утра они подвергли центр Донецка самому массированному удару начиная с 2014 года.

По мирным жителям нашего города выпущено 40 ракет из реактивных установок залпового огня БМ-21 «Град». Под обстрелами оказался квадрат пересечения пр-та Б. Хмельницкого и ул. Университетской, бул. Школьный, ул. Набережная, район Крытого Рынка.

Снежное утро в Москве, храм Василия Блаженного

Фото: mazurevanasta

📍Координаты: Яндекс.Карты

Моя страна - Россия! 🇷🇺
Forwarded from Slavyangrad (Anya)
The first summons has been issued to Ukrainian schoolchildren trained at the Azovets children's camp. This picture shows a summons issued to a 16-year-old boy in Ternopil Region "asking him to come" to the military registration and enlistment office.
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Forwarded from DD Geopolitics
🇷🇸At the airport in Belgrade, Kiev is Russia. And of course Kosovo is Serbia.

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Снежное утро в Москве, храм Василия Блаженного

Фото: mazurevanasta

📍Координаты: Яндекс.Карты

Моя страна - Россия! 🇷🇺
👆👆👆Accidentally posted the same picture twice, but it is so beautiful that I just cannot delete it.
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Russia has built more in Mariupol in a few months than Ukraine in 30 years.
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This is a song that everyone in the former USSR knows from the iconic movie “Guest from the Future” about a girl, who came to Moscow of the mid-1980s from the future. The name of the song doesn’t translate well, as it consists of an adjective, acting as an implied noun, and an adverb (yeah, good luck with Russian, ya’ll). My pick is “The Beautiful and Distant Future”.
Forwarded from PSYOPS (Kitty Lover ㅤ)
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🇷🇺🚀🇺🇦Results of rocket arrivals at energy facilities in Ukraine seen from the window of an airplane flying over Moldova.
Forwarded from Russian Intelligence
⚡️В Берлине лопнул самый большой в мире аквариум

В аквариуме высотой 25 метров находились 1,5 тысячи различных, в том числе и редких видов тропических рыб, все они погибли. Причина происшествия пока не установлена. По одной из версий аквариум треснул, а затем лопнул из-за понижения температуры воздуха.

⚡️The world's largest aquarium burst in Berlin

The 25-metre-high aquarium housed 1,500 different species of tropical fish, including some rare ones, and all of them died. The cause of the accident has not yet been determined. According to one version, the aquarium cracked and then burst due to low air temperatures.
Forwarded from 🇷🇺IL RUSSO🇷🇺 (EkaterinA)
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💥💥💥 A lecture on geopolitics from a Thai taxi driver. No Putin, no money, no people. Putin is number one. 💥💥💥
Forwarded from В Стране
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Если наши футболисты не попали в Катар, то мы отправим туда наших артистов

Команда барабанщиков The Noize Show из Челябинска выступила перед 60-тысячным стадионом Al Thumama на Чемпионате мира по футболу в Катаре. «Фишка» квартета — выступления в светящихся костюмах с мультимедийными барабанами. Свет в их шоу дополняет ритмы. Разработкой технического оснащения костюмов и барабанов занимаются сооснователи шоу, Александр Воронин и Марат Зульпухаров.

У парней был целый сольный пятиминутный номер, в то время как музыкальные коллективы рассматривались FIFA только для массовых выступлений.

Русский след😄

👍 Страна V. Подписаться
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Kino - Mama we all went crazy.

English subtitles.

Combat footage.

Follow: @UkraineHumanRightsAbuses
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This video was reportedly made by a local resident, who managed to escape from the war-torn city of Artyomovsk and shared it with the Russian military. According to the author of the video, the conflict broke out due to the unwillingness of the civilians to provide their home to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. As a result, the next day Ukrainian servicemen came back and killed the two man, likely after obtaining the permission of their commanders. The incident took place in late November.
