Project 7.10
1.21K subscribers
65 photos
40 videos
103 links
Project 7/10 was founded following the October 7 attacks. We're a Telegram-based collective dedicated to Israel’s narrative via media discovery, engagement, misinformation watch, and content innovation. Join our channels to act for Israel.
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Get ready to New Year Eve Party with Ashley Waxman Bakshi!
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What about the watermelon? We cannor decide if it's funny or cringe, but as always this is one more palestinian lie.

Have good 2024 and join us at @ProjectOctober7
💥Call to action💥

Each of us should try Invite 10 friends to this group. Activism is the most important work we can do from wherever we sit!!

🇮🇱1,389 subscribers, let’s help get to 2k

And what do you see?
Forwarded from MomToo
Media is too big
"Mom, it's Daria! Dad has been murdered, help!" | Reut Karp is #momtoo.

Here you can support with like&share ▶️
Please share as story or reels at your social accounts.
Urban dictionary has added the word ‘israeled’ and a disgusting definition.  I’m sending the link here. Pls go and click on the flag and then click that it’s hate speech etc and put in a complaint. Pls send round to everyone. PLEASE DO IT , IT WILL TAKE LESS THAN 5 SECONDS .

Join us at @ProjectOctober7
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°אנסטסיה לופיס, אחת הרופאות האנטישמיות בטוויטר (עם יותר ממיליון עוקבים) עם שלל התבטאויות מעוררות פלצות נגד ישראל, עושה כעת סקר האם ישראל היא מדינת טרור.

54% מתוך 30 אלף המצביעים ענו שכן- ישראל היא מדינת טרור.

אפשר להטות את הכף בקלות.
אנא הצביעו, נותרו עוד 8 שעות לסקר:
