Professor Patriot
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Forwarded from BrittRepublican
Happy Mother’s day to all the incredible moms out there!
Forwarded from OneStop
J.K. Rowling - did I stutter? 😂

This guy should be mocked relentlessly.


I have spent some considerable time in the past explaining why HAARP is not doing what you think it’s doing. Maybe this will help.

And for the love of all that is excellent 1980s pop music, stop puking just the term HAARP in the comments.
Forwarded from Catturd
I’ve never seen or heard anything like it in my life. Unreal.


ANTIFA and Palestinian protesters together? Ya don’t say?

The payroll is easier to keep up with when they work the same events.
Forwarded from Culture War Room
One for the ages. “When you stop telling me to lie, I’ll stop shouting the truth.” — JK Rowling
It is quite fascinating to see a massive number of people ignoring the laws of physics as if the suggestion of off-world technology or government secrets abolishes everything they can personally observe in the physical world.

I do believe that academic physics falls far short of providing a complete understanding of our universe, but what we know in practical physics is rock solid. If it were not, then engineers would have no tools to make anything that worked. Everything would in some observable way, defy physics and fail.

And yet… brainwashing can convince people it’s all fantasy.

Make no mistake: there are just as many people on the right who thrive on loose argument and implication to convince an audience to believe in things that defy both logic and physics as there are liars on the other side.

If your belief structures are based on falsehood, the intent does not make the falsehoods into truth. You are simply trading the Dark State Matrix for an alternative one that makes you feel better.

The truth is the truth. That’s what makes it unassailable. Never be afraid to question your beliefs. If you are on solid ground, the answers to those questions will confirm your belief.
Forwarded from We The Media (Angel)
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Yes they are. Yes the fuck they absolutely are. And it’s going to utterly fail.

We began pointing towards this a couple weeks back on Eye Of The Storm - especially when it somehow jumped from a bird to a cow to a cat and then somehow bleeding eyes entered the picture 🤣😂🤣.

Does anyone remember a few months back when the FDA approved Ivermectin and HCQ for the treatment of Covid and the Flu?

I can see this taking the following path: H1N1 is gonna hit. And it’ll be treated with Ivermectin and HCQ, thus becoming a short lived “pandemic” and yet another embarrassing failure for the deep state.

In the process - Society will be forced to take a gigantic red pill suppository in regard to Covid, and the lies we were all told about Ivermectin and HCQ.

Why, exactly, did the Cuomos pipe up about IVM outta nowhere, and why did RFK Jr talk about a dead brain worm?

Could it be to prime the public conscious for what’s about to happen?

Let’s see what happens.

BioClandestine Tweet
So, yes there is an H5N1 bird flu pandemic narrative being worked on feverishly by the machine.

They already have the vaccines on the shelf.
The machine is already reporting a mortality rate of 40%.

This is a virus that even by their own numbers has jumped from animals to humans less than 500 times, and is not currently transmissible from human to human.

Read that again. On the obscenely small chance that you contract the virus you won’t give it to anyone else.

Of course there is a possibility that the story is being spun to lay the foundation for the release of a bioengineered H5N1 that is human to human transmissible.

But, last week Donald Trump, Jr made the unequivocal statement, “Whatever happens next, do not comply.”

The 24/7 bird flu panic narrative is what is happening next. If you trust Trump, Jr, then you have to conclude that the disease will be a hoax and that it is safe to remain non-compliant.

It is a strong likelihood that the new round of jabs will have a high mortality rate. It is also likely that there will be lockdowns. There will surely be mail-in voting appeals.

Keep your sleeve rolled down, insist on your personal freedom, ignore the ridiculous masking appeals and vote in person.

Whatever you do, do not comply.