Professor Patriot
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Perspective for the Information War
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I was thinking this morning about violent reprisal, or really the surprising lack.

Throughout history, humans have often buckled on swords, or the equivalent, and met violence with violence.

By comparison, the modern West is extraordinarily passive. France watched its cities burn for four nights before the citizens went on patrol. The government spent the same time conflicted over the right amount of counter force to apply. I think they may still be struggling in this regard.

Times long past the French King would have just called out his personal guard to turn the interlopers into thinly sliced prosciutto, or sent missives to his banner men to do the same in their provinces. How times change.

This has me wondering, are we as Westerners elevated in our passivity or ignorant. Is it cowardice that stays our hand or respect for the lives of people who would do us harm?

I realize there are greater ramifications in terms of international unrest, reputation and so on. France cannot just roll out the Musketeers on every occasion of unrest to ventilate the people. I get measured restraint.

What I don’t get is restraint past the point of logic. Once they realized there are crazy foreigners burning the cities, why didn’t they set up a belt fed machine gun nest at the end of each street and turn the obvious enemy into street spaghetti?

Is this righteous restraint or irresponsibility? I think it is a fair question.

I don’t have an answer, but I’m leaning toward righteous restraint, which seems to me a good thing in a way. Westerners, on the whole, have put up with an awful lot of crap and have not turned to violence on all but the rarest of occasions.

Calls for guns and swords in the street are rare, while the call for vocal protest is common.

There are times when I wish for a violent reaction. For instance, I’ve spent the last few days hoping that France would call out the military and crush the insurrection like a grape.

But in the end, it is the restraint that justifies the eventual rise to a violent solution; a chance to let other solutions succeed or fail. Somehow that is comforting.
Forwarded from WildandCrazy Famous Eddie of Munster
Good Morning
Muslims are destroying France faster than Russia is destroying Ukraine ....

France is burning ..
And no one is saying a word about it
So Sad

Forwarded from Resistance Radio Media (╰☆☆ 𝔸𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕝 ☆☆╮)
Forwarded from Amir Tsarfati
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Tonight the French intifada became really armed, and here the rioters launch a shoulder missile at a police station. Let there be no doubt, Western weapons for Ukraine flow to criminal and terrorist organizations all over the world, including in France.

(Guy Bechor)
There is a lot of confusion over what is happening at Twitter with the new, “temporary rules.”

Twitter has a problem with foreign entities using bots to create new accounts and scraping (copying) large scale data from user accounts.

The new rules don’t affect your browsing or posting features on Twitter. They simply limit how many posts you can access based on the age of your account and if you pay for a subscription.

New accounts are severely limited so they can only scrape a small amount of data, making it less worthwhile.

As soon as the coders have measures in place to stop bot scraping they will normalize access.
The weapons allocated to Ukraine showing up on the streets of France in the hands of non-native militant insurrectionists is going to make a crater in NATO.

If the French don’t know at this point that they have been betrayed and set up by their allies I’m not sure what it is going to take.

This is obviously on everyone’s mind. But let’s see how this plays out.

The French have bats and pipes. Americans are far better prepared to defend the homeland.

This should be no shock to anyone, least of all the good people of California and New York.

Businesses are closing or limping along while productive people who can leave are leaving.

Utopian experiments always end in dystopian living conditions.
There is a HUGE need for an altitude adjustment in the Anoniverse.

I’ve said over and again, it’s going to get loud. Loud like hugging an amplifier at a KISS concert loud.

Desperation on the part of the machine is causing them to go full tilt, firing all weapons. They are down to their last salvo.

Did you expect the ugliest, most perverse globalist criminal syndicate that ever existed to beg for quarter? They don’t give up, they have to be crushed up.

You’ve been sitting on the edge of your seat for over six years, waiting for the precipice, waiting for the ultimate scare event. “Bring it on,” you screamed.

Well, folks this is what that looks like. And because you are here you know this; you have known this.

Trust and faith are hardest when the sky starts to fall. This is not a game. The turd twiddlers are going to burn off the very last round if they have to duct tape their finger to the trigger so they can keep it pulled in their death throes.

Keep looking to God and those who serve his purposes to defeat what is surely coming. If you can see it, He can see it. His soldiers can see it.

Expect the noise and embrace it.

Stay comfy.
Watch this video ⬆️. These cops have had enough. They are getting their licks in. Glad to see them getting all patriotically pissed off.

REPORT: ABC/IPSOS poll finds majority of Americans approve of SCOTUS affirmative action ruling by a 52-32 margin.

You are not alone and the country is not owned by lunatics.

You are the majority and the dark state will say anything to convince you otherwise.
How long do you think it takes for the MSM to find the one school in Oklahoma teaching kids to become transpronoun and publish a story that implies it is in every school across the nation?

Not long.

The dark state is a lying machine. It is built specifically to make you feel alone, afraid and dependent on the system via social messaging. In just a moment it can create a lie and disseminate it to millions. And it does this 24/7.

You are not alone. Your world is not owned by lunatics.
The world according to Prof:

Option A: There is a plan. This is it. We are safe. It works out.

Option B: There is no plan. But we are resilient and we love one another and will bloody well fix it ourselves.

Option C: This was all for a LARP. The globalists are invincible. We are all doomed.

Everyone needs to choose which one they believe. Once you choose, keep your choice.

I’m an option A person. Filmed, edited and in the can. This means that all habbenings fall within the framework of eventual success and the end of dark state rule over much of humanity.

I see too many people doing the alphabet dance the moment things get chippy. It’s a storm. I’m here to ride it out with the wind in my face and the waves crashing over the railings.

I hope you’ll join me.
Furthermore, we caused the storm. Not the dark state. We did this along with Trump and others.

They were happy to just slowly dick along, stealing elections, manipulating us, moving us closer and closer to the whirlpool while we enjoyed to view of the water from the other side of the boat.

We shoved them forward. We exposed them and in so doing gave them no choice but to speed the process up. We created the storm.

This is the way it can be fixed. It had to be this way. We made it this way.

Patricia, one of our intrepid Scribblers on the Chalkboard, posted this. I haven’t been able to corroborate or chat with her, but she is very careful about what she shares.

To our French followers, get prepared.

Everyone pray for France.
The information on France has been corroborated with a doc published by the French government. It is posted on the Chalkboard.
The offending Greek one year old video of non-French cops beating non-Muslim agitators has been removed. The channel apologizes for the cranial-rectal inversionary moment.

Carry on.
Forwarded from Goto: @zoomerwaffen08
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Diversity has just started a major fire in Vaulx-en-Velin near Lyon. Looks like France will be facing yet another night of cultural enrichment

new chan: @zoomerwaffen07