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Exodus for Android: Finds trackers embedded in all your apps
Android: Simple, open-source apps without ads, tracking and unnecessary permissions
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The world and its borders are slowly opening up again after strict Covid lockdowns, and people are looking forward to travelling again. While this is great and fun, keep in mind that you might be subject to random searches and highly invasive and traumatic experiences.

"All my devices are completely encrypted, I don't need to read this article." I wish a statement like this would be true, dear reader. In reality, and depending on your location, you can get forced to submit your devices including passwords. This privacy travel guide offers you practical and realistic solutions on how to get past customs with your digital privacy intact.
The fact that Firefox includes a unique download token for telemetry reasons made us recommend LibreWolf, Brave and Tor Browser as first choices instead. They come already hardened as out of the box solutions.
Bookmark this, if you ever need a profile picture but don't want to use your own. They're generated:
Open-source tests of web browser privacy if you want to gown a rabbit hole for browser privacy features:
New Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Tool for Android and iOS: ente Authenticator.
Are you ready to dive into a rabbit hole over the weekend? Check out our new Decentralized VPN category:
If you're looking for a Gmail or Google Workspace alternative, then Skiff products might catch your interest. They offer email, cloud storage, notes and calendar. Everything stored is private and encrypted by default. Users can even opt-in for decentralized data storage with IPFS.
Let me introduce you to Internxt, a great alternative to Google Drive, Dropbox, WeTransfer and Google Photos. The services launched in 2020 and are based in Spain (EU). If you're looking for a secure space to host your files and photos, look no further.
Custom domains and aliases now for free with Skiff.

How to setup:

Skiff can easily replace your Google Workspace experience, with better privacy, encryption and user-friendly interface.