Praying Medic
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Forwarded from Enoch's News Blast 🍊💥🍊 (ENoCH elENoCHle)
Let me walk you through a bit more of the history to lead me to believe yesterday was a big day for those of us that were following Q posts in the past.

First a little back story to show that I am using verified ways to 'decode' the Trump post, and the Assange post.

A) Back when Q was first posting Assange was still on the internet and in charge of Wikileaks. During that time Wikileaks leaked a copy of the book 'Fire and Fury, Inside the Trump White House' but they changed the chapters 'GOLDMAN' and 'HOME' to 'GQLDMAN' and 'HQME' in their leaked version. Anons at the time made the connection that the reference was to Trump since the book was about his White House, and Trump had gold toilets and faucets in some of his homes.

B) When Assange was dragged out of the embassy he held up a book to the cameras which us anons also thought was a way he could use to send a coded messages to someone.

So with those 2 examples we can conclude Assange uses books to send coded messages.
(also keep in mind Assange and Q sent messages to each other with 'chess' code)

Second, this is a bit more strait forward, Trump used his posts on social media (Twitter at the time) to send coded messages. Think COVFEFE. Q used [Deltas] to decode some of Trumps posts. 1yr/2yr/3yr/4yr [Deltas] etc. This is confirmed.

So that brings us to yesterday when Trump posted on Truth Social the COVFEFE, and the image of him standing on a croquet field (a game).

There is a 4yr [Delta] (April 28th, 2018) to a Q post which include the line 'Shall we play a game'
(which sometimes when Q said that were in posts related to the chess game)

After Trump made that post, Stella Assange made this post
Note the chess board floor and the highlighting of the book.

I do not claim to know what the coded messages mean, but it is very clear to me that they are indeed coded messages.
And it is exciting.

p.s. In Alice and Wonderland the trial was called for during the croquet game...
edit: Croquet is a game created in England, also where Assange is...
Uh, guys

Trump's Truth Social timestamp hit another Q+ post.

This time it had a 2-second delta.

H/T: @ChaseMatthews17
Listener Testimony

At church today as I was talking with some people at my table I said I wasn’t always a Christian. That brought tears into my eyes so as I was driving home I asked God what that was about & started sobbing. It was about my past before Christianity but I said I knew I was forgiven, gave it to Him & asked to replace it but the tears would not stop. I had been through some emotional healing as a result of listening to you with immediate results. I said so what is this? I had also been through forgiving myself because that had been a giant problem. So I couldn’t quite figure out why the torrential rain of tears. He brought to mind that as a result of things happening to me as a child, in which I had no control over I was vulnerable to the sins I committed as a young person & was actually preyed upon as a result of it all. I had been used & abused & I needed healing from that. Long ago I’d forgiven my abuser so I didn’t exactly understand what was going on in my emotions so I thought I might have demons as a result. So I told the demons to leave me. I didn’t feel them leave or anything however I immediately stopped crying as though I hadn’t been crying at all. It was almost funny. I went back to the place before I was a Christian & yep I was healed. Sweet sweet God.
Forwarded from Rose Smith
I was fortunate enough to meet Praying Medic, Dave, at Threadfest. I was less than 2 weeks out from having a bad fall which broke my ankle, and the ligament pulled so far that it tore the bone off of the bottom of my bone, which left me in terrible pain. The pain was especially bad at night & with lots of medication, I still couldn’t sleep. When I met him last Friday night, I was so excited to meet him to thank him for all that he is doing that I completely forgot about my ankle. He immediately prayed for me. I had a buzzing feeling in my leg as he prayed and my big toe twitched side to side uncontrollable...(never saw that sort of movement in all my life) the leg immediately started feeling much better. I’m happy to say that I’ve had to work the past 3 long days with very little swelling and zero pain. I’ve even walked on it without crutches. God is good! The power of healing is amazing, and Praying Medic...well there aren’t any words to describe how grateful I am for your gift of healing and teachings on prayer. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Much love to all here in this chat and God bless! Threadfest was amazing. I met my new + extended family there!
Email Testimony

Blessings Dave!

I have been following you since covid started, in what I call the beginning of the Great Awakening. You have been my go-to for Q, and then you became a spiritual guide for me. I'm a newbie to the Courts of Heaven, and I'd like to tell you about my first experience.

Background info: Long story short, I was diagnosed (falsely) with MS 19 years ago, with a secondary movement disorder called dystonia. A functional medicine doctor discovered the root cause of illness stemming from heavy metal toxicity. A lot has improved, but dystonia is still there, and continues to get worse. I also have a 10 year old boy with a genetic disorder who was born premature.

To say the least, I had a lot of emotional trauma to clear out. But unfortunately, that wasn't the quick fix I was hoping for. I used my power of authority again, and again, and again. It's exhausting, and it feels like I was literally kicking out demons and evil spirits all day long! And then I came across your video on the Court of Accusations, and I gave it a try.

I called on Father God to open a court session for me. It was much like a courtroom in that God was on the bench, and I was sitting on the stand with my guilty head hung low. Jesus was at the table in front of me, and the accusing demon at the table to the right. It was absolutely hilarious...the demon was black and red, and he wore a tie (hahaha)! Gotta keep up a good appearance I guess. He read off the accusations in a language I didn't understand. I said I was absolutely guilty of everything. I also said I had already been forgiven of some of those things, but some things I had turned around and done again. But I admit to it all.

I took that moment to also say that I made quite a few binding promises that I didn't mean to make, or keep, and I renounced all those things that had me bound. I said that I accepted Jesus into my heart a long time ago, and His blood has washed away everything that I'm accused of. Then, I made MY accusations against the demon, and said it was just as guilty as I was, except it didn't have Jesus. I do! I asked for forgiveness and mercy from the court. I wasn't necessarily declared innocent, though. God just looked at me and smiled and said "I love you so much", and I said "I love you, too". And then His glowing figure sounded off the gavel. I asked for written documentation to keep with my soul. So Jesus took a feather and glowing ink, and wrote it on my heart. He then put his hand on my head and said " I'm proud of you."

I actually don't expect to get my healing from this, or anything else I do, though. With my interactions with the Hoy Spirit, I feel that my healing will come in the form of a the end of May. And I was told that there is going to be a mass healing globally at the same time. I'm not much of a catalyst for prophesy. That's more of your area of expertise, so I guess we'll see what happens. My hope is that these dystonia symptoms will subside until that day, and I also hope the demons will be kept at bay, as I'm exhausted from the constant battle. Hope you enjoyed reading my experience!

God bless,
Email Testimony - Ringing in the Ears

I have off and on ringing in my right ear. One night I woke up to find my right ear was not only ringing but two spirits were screaming at me with the most foul screams. I felt so symthetic that they would scream like that and thought their screams were shouts of their own pain to be free. I commanded them to leave in Jesus name and the screams settled down to faint ringing to being gone. I went back to sleep.
The ringing comes back off and on, the screams never came back.
After listening to your video from threadfest, yesterday
, you blessed everyone for peace, I felt the healing presence of Jesus. This morning I asked what to do about all this. And I got this that I need to learn the distinction of sympathy and its application. And not to fall in the trickery of Satan in regards to court of heaven, and do not compromise on sympathy that which is not God^s Will. I should not be sad for what is to fall on the wicked, it is God's Will. Dealing with a repeated condition and asked God how to handle.
I prayed to renounce all judgements, vows and thoughts that I made against myself knowingly or unknowingly that allowed me to be tricked by Satan in the name of sympathy. The ringing disappeared this morning, after I commanded it to leave in Jesus name and after I Said this prayer. Received silence and peace.
God's kindness, and Love is so great. And I hold Strong to the energies of light, the energies of light are fast and true and the movement is God's Will,.
Thank You for all that you do. God Bless You and Denise with so much Love, and God's Grace.
Listener Testimony

Thank you for this wonderful video PM. I had no idea that there was still negative emotion to one of my childhood experiences because I’ve done work around it before, but it came up and was released. This is a powerful process.. I could feel the presence of Jesus and I felt the energy in my body shift with that and some other things that came up as well. God bless you for the work you’re doing. I’ll keep you posted on the results once they become apparent, which I’m sure they will.
Forwarded from Rick Uren
Oh, my gosh!





Dave, at around the 57 minute mark of your talk, you went through the three steps of emotional healing in your book (I’ve read your book 9 times, so you’d think I understand it by now!) Then you said as an optional step, you can ask Jesus to give you the opposite emotion.

A few moments later you said that every time, for the rest of your life, that you think about that event, that you’re going to feel that opposite emotion instead of the original negative one.

So I paused the video and asked Jesus to take away all ungodly stress in my life. I asked Him to heal the wound in my soul. I asked Him to “give me the opposite emotion” of stress.

And before I could say, “I receive Your healing,” I began laughing.


I laughed for at least 2 or three minutes straight before I finally decided I REALLY needed to type up this post and send it to all of you.

I’m still laughing as I’m writing this.

I missed the simple nuance of this step completely. Ask Him to give you the opposite emotion.


Apparently, you don’t even have to know what “the opposite emotion” is! He does!!!

Hallelujah! God is so great, sometimes it simply blows my mind!!!

and see if it works for you! 😁
Forwarded from Red.Pill.Pharmacist
Anyone else sitting here in awe as I am?

You were born for this VERY moment in time. God chose you to be here to participate and look at you now. You’re here despite all the struggles and trials you’ve faced, some of you doing it alone and for years.

Please know I am proud and humbled to stand here with each and everyone one of you today. Also know it’s going to get a whole lot harder but never forget — we continue to grow in numbers, we are ready and we fight alongside God himself.

Let’s finish this, Patriots. For God and country.

Email Testimony - Multiple Sclerosis Healed

From: Elaine

Hello, Dave-PM,

I started listening to your healing video for the nervous system in January of 2022 every day. I was diagnosed in November of 2012 with multiple sclerosis. I have been under neurological care ever since. My current neurologist ordered an MRI which occurred Tuesday of this week. Today at my follow-up visit my neuro advised I can stop taking MS medication. My MRI showed no active MS whatsoever.
I think not.
God is so good. I thank you and bless you from the bottom of my heart for posting your healing video. I’m not going to stop listening to this particular video, however, as I still need healing for degenerative discs in my spine. Richest blessings for you and your dear wife. Thank you and praise God!!!
President Trump made one post on Truth Social yesterday.

It came 23 seconds after a @q post.
Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts orders an investigation of Roe v. Wade leak, says the draft document is authentic, but "does not represent" the court's final position.
Email Testimony

From: Jamie

I'm on your Telegram channel and that is where I learned about your books. I also followed you when you were doing Q stuff too!
I bought your Emotional Healing book and just read it tonight. I'm 55 years old and know that certain events in my life have effected me. When I read your book, it made a lot of sense. I didn't quite know where to start with the healing. But one of the things that has caused me problems throughout most of my life is facial and body tics. Mostly my face and neck and making a sort of clicking sound in my throat. It's been weird and I've never quite understood it. I've had various success in ridding myself of it. But it's never gone away.
I went through your steps. I thought about how this seemed to start when I was a teenager. But my body is a temple. God certainly doesn't want these weird involuntary actions in his temple. I repented from being anxious about things, that God is in control and I need not worry or feel these things in my body. I went through your steps. I thought about what Jesus might replace it with. I thought about the poise of Jesus. He didn't fret or worry, I picture him laughing and feeling joy for those around him. So that is what I asked for as He took away all that awful stuff.
I just want to say THANK YOU!!! I am more relaxed than I've been in a long, long time. That terrible stuff is gone. If it tries to come back, I will pray more. But this feeling is profound and I have been healed!!! Thank you Praying Medic and praise Jesus!!! Thank you!
Forwarded from Kari Lake
Grab your boots and join me for an All-American Country Party on May 16th!

RSVP today at:
Email Testimony - Spiritual Senses

Backstory, I’ve been following “Praying Medic”, his story and testimonies are amazing! In short, he shares his own testimonies and teaches people how he learned to pray for himself and others. He shares other people’s testimonies too.

About a month ago, I caught one of his threads on praying for God to awaken our SPIRITUAL senses. We have five natural senses - sight, sound, taste, touch, smell. We also have those same senses in the Spirit - I can attest to sight, sound and smell.

Yesterday, I spent most of my day just praising God - sitting with Him, praying, talking, basking … at one point He led me to pray for Him to EXPAND my senses in His Spirit. To help me SEE more, HEAR more, TASTE more, SMELL more, TOUCH more …

I prayed it. Nothing happened, immediately anyways.

Then today!

I went to run some errands tonight. My fav radio station is 80s/90s music. Not gonna lie! 😂

I never change it from that station.

5 mins after starting out, I heard the most BEAUTIFUL MUSIC I’ve EVER HEARD in my LIFE! The volume was way down on the radio so I turned it up to hear it louder. It wasn’t the same music!

I turned the radio down all the way and heard it again! I literally just LISTENED! It followed me the whole way of my journey - even after stopping at a gas station - and starting again!

I checked the volume several times. Every time proved it wasn’t my radio!

It was literally the worship of Heaven!!!

#EarstoHear 🥰♥️

From Catherine
Email Testimony - Follow Up

Hi Dave … I wanted to update you on the situation since last night when I messaged you I was struggling with confidence and faith.
I have emailed you before and don’t expect you to remember me but I know I’m here to help heal others but my biggest challenge yet is confidence and faith.
Last night after sending the email I went outside to talk to god as I do before I go to bed. I noticed a darkness hovering over me and as I demanded it to go away it came closer and closer but I remained strong.
This morning I was reminded to finish listening to your Threadfest talk. My kitty (Zoey) still refused food so I was preparing myself to syringe feed her again. You were speaking about commanding healing and I realized I wasn’t “commanding” healing I basically was still asking God to heal her out of lack and confidence and faith.
With your encouragement in the background (as I listened to you talk) I commanded healing in Zoey … she perked up and I could tell wanted to eat. I quickly prepared her a plate of food and while she ate I kept commanding healing so she could work through her issues and eat. She (on her own) ate more at this one sitting than she has in weeks.
I struggle with faith as I have felt let down often but keep coming back to god.
I will continue to command healing and hope progress with Zoey continues … but wanted you to know that I felt gods blessing and presence by listening to you (especially how many times you mentioned healing pets and specifically cats towards the end of your Threadfest message). I appreciate the work you do and once again the hope I receive from you lifted my spirits. I needed it today.
Thank you!