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From: Diana
Subject: Emotional Healing Testimony

Emotional healing prompted by a dream—I had a dream about a former pastor and realized I needed further emotional healing regarding him. I went through the simple but powerful steps PM has given us. Then Holy Spirit surprised me by having me add another step to this instance of healing, and that was to replace the negative emotion with God’s positive one. For example, I replaced rejection with acceptance in the Beloved. I am thinking this step was added in this healing because the wounds came from a spiritual authority in my life. Peace and fullness have been the result!! Thank You Jesus!!
Forwarded from Praying Medic Chat
Steps for Emotional Healing:
Think of an event that causes you to feel a negative emotion. Identify the emotion you feel. Ask Jesus to take the emotion from you. Ask him to heal the wound in your soul. Tell him you receive his healing.

Recall the same event and see if a negative emotion is present. If there is one, repeat the steps. Ask Jesus to take the emotion and heal the wound in your soul.

If you can't recall an event, ask Jesus to take the emotion you feel and heal the wound in your soul. Repeat as needed.
This is what it looks like to exercise authority and battle evil spirits.

My personal testimony with this one are migraine headaches. I just read this article today, just now, but it is what Holy Spirit has been directing me to do for the past month.

I removed the bottle of ExcedrineMigraine from my bedside where it has lived for years. I have taken none for a month. I have had a number of headaches of varying strengths and duration.

With not great results at first, I have been persistent and adamant that these headaches will submit to the Healing of Holy Spirit and to my legal right to take authority over them in the Resurrected Power and Authority of KingYeshua. I have commanded any spirits of pain or harassment to be bound in KingYeshua’s Name and leave my body according to God’s Word that declares “by His stripes I AM healed”… and whatever else Holy Spirit instructs at the time.

I started having more success the more I exerted my authority in KingYeshua’s Name and declared various scriptures regarding health/healing, embracing them as Truth and declarations of faith. (Suspect it was a matter of not backing down, exercising/strengthening my faith and embracing the reality of my authority in Him.)

I’ve had no headache at all for almost two weeks now. The few I had the week prior didn’t last long and were quite weak, with one exception.

One of the last few I had was pretty bad. I had the sense a different spirit was taking on the task of “showing me who’s boss.” 😆 It just didn’t feel the same as the others since I’d started fighting back in the Spirit.

It was a battle, took quite some time to get relief that stayed, several hours. It was finally reduced to a mild throb. I refused to stop until ALL discomfort was gone.

I have woken up with 3-4 very mild headaches that have submitted and surrendered in less than a half hour since the last big battle.

I’m thinking they may have finally given up… I haven’t. I am prepared to take them on again anytime they have the temerity to attack my temple of Holy Spirit!

I invite all of God’s Kids to take up the Truth of God’s Word and KingYeshua example in the Gospels and walk in the authority He gave YOU, too!

Dated: 1/6/2022 Star, aka, StarshineMartin/Elianastar
Forwarded from Jesusfreak
Love this testimony. Years ago when I discovered the scriptures that say by his stripes we were healed, I started resisting the migraines I typically had, and refused to passively accept them anymore. I believe it took about 6 weeks of commanding them to leave and refusing to back down from the healing Jesus had provided. The attacks became milder and milder and eventually I had no more migraines. There was one big encore attack several years later, which I refused to accept and commanded to leave. That was my last migraine attack and it has been many years ago. Thank you Dave for all your teaching, and to the body of Christ…don’t accept sickness and disease anymore. Jesus paid I high price so we could be healed. Enforce the victory, he made us more than conquerors!!
"And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
Forwarded from OhIforgot Already
I would like to share a piece of my own story, if you will indulge me please. Jesus has been my friend for as long as I remember, and I’ve had more healing than anyone deserves to receive. We are flawed people at best, and sometimes our healing reveals truths about ourselves. Sometimes those truths are weaknesses we need to work on, other times they are strengths that give us confidence in our faith. Perhaps the most miraculous thing to me is God’s love when we have absolutely no control over things. He is there, literally with us. It feels like a dream, but it’s not. He literally shows up and comforts us through our struggles and pain. In March 2019, I had a stroke. Jesus was there with me in the ICU. He was there with me through months of recovery, and He is there with me now. I’m nearly back 100% now, but I still have a few issues to continue working through, and I’ve made a few (permanent?) adjustments to my life. I didn’t ask for healing. I was too focused on doing the work God needed me to do. I didn’t really pray much after my stroke. There was too much brain fog and brain noise to focus on things like prayer. The spiritual element was always there, but it wasn’t the same. It wasn’t me calling out to God in my distress. It was Jesus loving me on my journey, making His presence known and being my strength in my healing. It was His love that sustained me, and continues to sustain me through this day. He’s there whether we know it or not, and His love is the most powerful thing in the world. Please don’t beat yourself up for “not doing it right,” or for not getting the answers you want to your prayers in the timeframe you would have it. God knows what He is doing, and it is only for your benefit. Trust. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. I pray this every morning when I wake up. I give my day to God, and ask it to be for His glory. Sometimes it humbles me in my weakness. Sometimes it surprises me in my strength. Most of the time is calms me in the normalness of living day to day. And I am very grateful for ordinary days.
Forwarded from Mrs B Jesus Lover
Ha! My daughter came home from work with a migraine about 30 minutes ago and I started praying and commanding healing over her while she was upstairs. She literally just came down and told me her headache is gone and she didn’t even know I was praying!! Here is the kicker: her name is Eliana. (See name of testifier)! 👏🏻 Yay Jesus!!
From: Ashlyn

I just wanted to share an experience of mine from last night. I fell asleep praying as I normally do. So much to pray for! I'm a when I do have them they're significant and have profound meaning so I pay attention presently in my dream. My prayers before falling asleep were of praise and forgiveness. I've been doing this knowing the things I need to heal for and my loved ones will follow after given your teachings. Before praying my husband and I were also speaking about our gratitude to our creator and not imagining life at all especially in today's day without the relationship we have with him. So my dream- I was on a ship drifting on open sea and it was in the night. The winds were crazy and the waves were nasty.. there was this large snake that appeared and it wouldn't let up. Coming after me.. trying to bite me constantly. For whatever reason I knew I had to jump into the ocean waters as unsafe as it appeared. While doing so the snake followed and jumped in after me. I prayed to God for his protection and the full armor of him. Well, he gave it to me! I remember I was suddenly fully coated while underwater with this outline of myself of a golden light and the snake took notice of this..quit trying to bite and swam off. The light was so beautiful and I was in awe of the miracle I was provided in that moment of need knowing I was heard. I took notice myself that the water was significant of a holy body and protection in itself. I trusted our father and he granted me safety. God is collecting his people everyone. I've had so many dreams and almost all have come to pass in fruition.. this one has hit me the hardest by far. I have nothing to fear anymore. I am blessed in the armor of our father and his merciful protection. As are so many... we've got to give it to him with all we've got. He loves us and he is letting us know the time is near. Do not submit and let fear take over. He'll always provide a way. God bless us all 🙏

The sudden change of focus in this channel was not my idea. It was at God's request that I changed the emphasis of my posts. God has an agenda He wants to accomplish and I'm trying to follow His lead. I'm not certain of His end game yet. What I have at present, are a few subjects for which He's asked me to provide teaching materials and a platform for discussion. Initially, the focus will be supernatural healing, deliverance, and prophecy. I suspect other topics will follow but I do not have details on future subjects yet.

The internet is filled with prayer groups. This channel is not a prayer group. It's a virtual classroom. The main objective here is not to pray for as many people as possible. My objective (for now) is teaching people to release the power and exercise the authority God has given us and learn how to hear God's voice more accurately. The emphasis of this channel is training and equipping (Eph 4:11-12).

If you're looking for a prayer group, you have come to the wrong channel. If you want to grow into a mature child of God, you're in the right place. The focus here is teaching and mentoring. If you're inexperienced in the subjects being taught, you'll be given time to grow in them. Sincere questions are always welcome as are prayer requests.

Baby birds must depend on mature birds for their care. But at some point, they must leave the nest and fend for themselves. Because the focus of this group is training and equipping, members will be expected to apply the things taught here in their own lives. If you seek prophetic words, you will be expected to learn how to give them. If you ask for prayer, you will be expected to pray for others. I will also expect you to learn how to safeguard your own body with wisdom and maturity. I'll encourage you to command evil spirits to leave and to stand against them when they attack you before asking for someone else to fix the problem. My intent is not to discourage prayer, but to encourage spiritual growth. I'm not interested in enabling baby birds who want to remain immature. My goal is to train an army of spiritual soldiers who can take the battle to the enemy's strongholds and be victorious.

Because this is a virtual classroom, I expect the etiquette of a classroom to be observed. Certain topics will be emphasized. Discussion of those topics is encouraged. Off-topic discussions will be ignored. If you're not interested in discussing the topics we're focusing on here, please take your discussions to another channel.

In order for us to grow, we must be transparent about our private lives. I must provide a safe environment for the discussion of issues that cause people embarrassment. While I'm not opposed the well intended use of humor, please be aware that when people share their private stories, attempts at humor can be taken as personal attacks. Please keep this in mind.

This channel has a zero tolerance policy for trolls. If you act like a troll, even if your intentions are sincere, you may be banned from the chat.

I have a low tolerance for scribes and Pharisees. If your favorite pastime is engaging in pointless theological debates, or bashing people who have less knowledge you, please self deport at your earliest convenience.

Members of the chat are not expected to agree with the admins of this channel. Disagreements are welcome, but when you disagree with someone, please do it respectfully.

Praying Medic
I have not given up on reporting news. I'm observing current events and in my opinion, nothing is happening presently that needs my commentary. When Durham unseals indictments or when Trump appears poised to return, I will share my thoughts on those matters. If and when Q returns, I'll post more decodes. For now, this is the assignment the boss has given me and I'm committed to doing it to the best of my ability.
There is a specific reason I'm posting primarily testimonies from other people. These testimonies are evidence that God will do miracles through untrained people with no special gifting.

This is not about a man who is gifted. I have no more gifting than anyone else. This is about God showing his love to the world through average people.

For that reason, I would ask that you not address your prayer requests to me. Many people in this channel are adept at healing and deliverance and they will gladly respond to your prayer requests.
Forwarded from Becky Hatch
God healed my knee during an interview you did with that guy the other night. The pain came back while I was telling my daughter about it . But I told it to leave. It did! I’m loving all that you and Brian are teaching! Some is new but some is confirmation of what God has been telling me for a while. He has also delivered me of food addictions in the past week. I feel more love and freedom, peace and joy than I have in a long time!This morning He brought up old emotional pain I thought I had already dealt with. He healed that too of course. He has been telling me I am His beloved for several years but when I listened to Brian teaching on the meaning I just melted, then cried.
Forwarded from Sherri Parker
I'm pretty sure I am healed of Bursitis in my hips and sciatica. I watched your 2 healing videos over and over and now no more hip pain!
I'm also being set free from food addiction!
Thank you so much and Praise God!
Forwarded from Grandma Patriot ⭐️⭐️⭐️
God is Good! "Emotional Healing" for my doggo! Led to share this: My 90+lb GSD Ransom is very afraid of fireworks/big booms. On New Years Eve, I gave him his vet prescribed meds which do nothing more then to take the edge of and stop him from trembling. We kept to or normal bed time for him and the booms started early. When he hears them he jumps up and tries to find somewhere "new" to hide. I made a bed for both of us on the floor but he kept leaving it so I got in bed - and God led me to pray for him. He was on the floor on my side of the bed, God told me to hold my left hand over where he lay (which meant I had to lay on my right side where I have chronic hip and sciatica pain). I prayed God would remove his fear and replace it with calm, praised Gods name, and thank him. It was 11:45 when I started and each time I would try to rest my arm God said no. I thought of Moses and Aaron - used my right hand to hold up my left arm. I prayed non stop for 45 minutes through the worse "war zone" I think we have ever had. Ransom slept - through the entire thing!!!!!! He did not stir. Praise the Lord!! Since then there has been a couple of orchard canons go off at night, I hear him startle, say a prayer and he doesn't get out of his bed! He's not afraid!! And if that isn't a miracle in itself - I noticed that my hip pain is mostly gone and I have slept through the night since then, with barely any pain during the day. Maybe God healed me for healing my doggo? Honestly I think it is because I finally obeyed Him. I've been closer to Him since that night. 🙂 God is Good!
Forwarded from Stacy and Jerry Kramer
I have a healing testimony! So Andrew came over to install some cabinets and Phillip came with him. I was washing dishes while Phillip and Andrew and another friend Ibra were at the kitchen table. Phillip began to talk about a tumor or cyst on his brain from a head injury and how one doc said brain surgery and one doc said leave it be. Overhearing the convo I asked “ok if I pray for you to be healed?” He said sure I’d love prayer. So I asked Ibra (a MBB we’re discipling) to pray with me. I asked Holy Spirit to come and He gave me the word LIGHT. I released my faith and said “Jesus you are the LIGHT of the world, in Your Name I release light to shrink this cyst.” My hand became VERY HOT and my index finger super hot. I asked him if he felt anything and he said yes, heat. I thanked Jesus and again commanded the cyst/tumor to shrink and leave his body causing no further harm. I commanded the headaches to stop and all confusion to stop (Phillip didn’t tell me this, HS did). Phillip said also blurred vision, so I blessed the eye and commanded the vision to be restored and optic nerve to be healed. Ibra added some prayers too. On the way home Phillip said to Andrew “I believe I am healed, I am going to throw away these meds from the doctor.” (I believe this was his act of faith!!!) Ok here’s the good part! The next morning Phillip wakes up and liquid is oozing from his ear, the side that had the cyst/tumor!! He has not had a headache or blurred vision since! I give all the glory to God! Saints, Jesus loves to heal!

Thank you PM! I have been in the healing ministry for 10 years and I come to this channel daily for encouragement, tips, faith infusion. I come to hear others healings and what is healed because He is the same God yesterday today and tomorrow. If these healings can happen here then I leave with FAITH that it will happen with those I pray for. I’m in Iraq and we use healing to lead to the gospel. Here’s an encouraging stat: 80% of the time the bridge to the Gospel is HEALING! After they are healed we share the Gospel. Their hearts are open and they see Jesus is real and He has power. Then we begin discipling them. Glory.
From: Jim
Subject: Testimony

I've written you a few times thus far; but this is for a testimony.

I had a bad episode 1/2/22; which prompted us to call 911.

Fire & paramedics showed up and checked vitals & did an EKG. The paramedic noted that there was an oddity in the EKG. I got transported to the ER; they did a workup then came back and did another workup. The NP or whoever she was; said that my blood and test results came back OK; but she was concerned about my aortas because I told her about them. So she wanted to do a CT. I said OK. They did the CT and after about an hour or more a DR finally came in the room.

The DR was baffled at the CT results. She questioned me about my aorta and I told her that they found the aneurisms in NY and I just had a stress test and echo a few months ago and they had found that it went from a 3.9 to a 4.1. She said well; the CT does not show any aneurisms.
I said Glory be to God; I prayed that my aortas to be healed and she looked at me like I was crazy. I said I’ll take a healing miracle all day long. She said my cardiologist might be interested in the reports. So she went and got the reports so I can give them to the cardiologist. Guess we’ll see how the cardiologist explains this?

Either way the heart is fine and the aortas both in the chest & stomach are apparently fine as well. GLORY BE TO GOD!!!!

Now I just need to work on this intestinal issue that does this to me. I prayed today when I knew for a fact the Holy Spirit was in my presence. Today after running errands I had a pocket full of change and decided to try the coin thing again. You told me to invite the Holy Spirit so I did; and coin after coin stuck to the wall. I got 3 in total to hang there for a good time span; then two fell and I removed the third and decided as long as the I know for a fact the Holy Spirit is here with me I needed to pray for my intestinal issue or whatever is causing this. God Bless you & your family. Thank you so very much for your videos & the books you've written.
Healing and teaching update :)
My husband, Dale's Bells Palsy symptoms are almost completely gone (I would say 90%) thank you and praise God!
I saw the penny object lesson and success posts a few days ago. My first thoughts were actually "well I can't try that....what if I am the only one who can't get the penny to stick?" I didn't even watch your short video at the time concerned I wouldn't be able to do it.

I honestly am working very hard at giving my fear to God and replacing it with faith, I promise! Anyway, a couple of days later I decided to jump in. Tried 3 times or so with a penny and it couldn't have fallen faster if I had pushed it down the wall. Decided to take a break before too much discouragement set in.
3 of your books arrived in the mail shortly after. I read all of Emotional healing in 3 Easy Steps and had started on Hearing God's Voice. I had to stop reading to do my nightly routine, went into the bathroom to put my hair up and told myself "I'm an emotional wreck" and I immediately heard/sensed "that's okay, I use wrecks." It caught my breath a little, but I knew it could have been me finishing the sentence since I know that is true based on many biblical examples of who God used to do mighty things :), or it could have been God's voice.
I got on my treadmill after that. I try to spend a lot of time praying and praising God during that time. As I am walking I heard/sensed a barely discernable voice say "go get a penny and try it now" (there was also an o-so-slight nudge and again it caught my breath). Of course I rationed that it could be my own thought, but I decided if it really was God I should not ignore it. I ran to the kitchen to get a penny and then back to the treadmill room and sure enough it hung for a brief moment! I tried a couple of more times with more hang time with the most about 6 seconds. I yelled at my husband to come see and we both were able to get some to stay up with the Holy Spirit's presence :). What encouragement for my soul! I praised God and got back on my treadmill....a little bit later I heard/sensed/felt "get a quarter and try it". So I did...and yay success! Got back on the treadmill and heard "now try the quarter on the ceiling". I said "but I can't reach the ceiling" as I am walking on my treadmill, and the voice says "get on a chair and try it". There is a chair in the room, so I climbed on the chair and put the quarter to the ceiling and it stayed for about 3 seconds before falling. I yelled again for my husband to come in there and tried it again and it stayed another 3 seconds! Not as long as many others have seen, but I am super amped for the 3 second blessing and huge faith boost! He was pretty awed by it too!

Forwarded from Roberta Wearefree
I have a story for you about my bowel problem. I’ve been suffering with it for about nine months, tried everything I could think of.

Been following PM for quite awhile. I tried the penny thing. First half dozen times it fell right away. Then, it stuck. My jaw was literally hanging open (physics training ya know). It stayed for three days!

This bowel problem was bad. Obstruction. Maybe caused by parasites, maybe something worse. Had been fasting for days (today is day seven) and not better. Serious cramps. Two days ago PM posted his video on healing prayer for females.

It’s not just female problems, covers the gamut (not obvious from the title). I listened to the whole thing that evening. Was surprised at how many things he mentioned that I have. Would’ve been glad to just resolve the bowel issue, but figured what the heck, go for the whole enchilada.

So, didn’t feel much, went to bed. Got woke up middle of night with horrible bowel cramps. Another podcast PM has is about emotional healing. You go to the traumatic event, identify the primary emotion, offer it up to Jesus, ask him to heal the wound in your soul and accept the healing. I had already identified the root emotional causes of my problem so I spent the rest of the night doing this (couldn’t sleep anyway).

Got up and experienced the most horrible bowel cramps ever. I swear, haven’t had pain like this since giving birth. Not kidding. But I pooped out some red, stringy mass, drank tea and listened to first 25 minutes of that podcast again (he loops it so it just repeats after that). Nothing interesting happened.

Last night, before I went to bed, I listened to it again. If that damned penny can stick to the wall for three days, then I can do this!
This time, while I was listening, I couldn’t stop yawning for the first five minutes or so. Then my eyes started to water like crazy. (?) Then I saw (eyes closed) beautiful golden light swirling around me in a purple background. Didn’t last through the rest of podcast, but quite awhile. Afterward I felt very peaceful.
Went to bed, slept all night. Woke up, pooped out some more of that stuff, no cramps.
Feel good.

I’m gonna keep listening to this podcast and clear up some stuff. Enough is enough.
Have shared the video and my experience with two people so far. Spread the word and THANK YOU PM!