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#NPXS will be #PUNDIX 😎
👉 You can swap 1,000 NPXS tokens for 1 PUNDIX token. There is no change in the value of the new tokens a user holds after token redenomination compared to the total value of the old tokens.
🌐 https://medium.com/pundix/npxs-will-be-pundix-894c0bde4275
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#ORION #OrionProtocol "40 hours until #MainNet" 🚀
👉 40 of the most popular tokens will be available across $ETH and BSC chains, including #BTC, #ETH, #LINK, #DOT, #ADA, #YFI, #UNI, #OMG, #GRT, #BNB, and #XRP.
👉 Via complex swap, #OrionTerminal will have 1,500+ pairs via unique cross-pair functionality.
🌐 https://www.orionprotocol.io
#HavenXHV #XHV #xUSD #NoMore1984" 🚀
👉 Private #YUAN only on #Haven.
👉 Gives access for 1.5 billion people to transact in their native currency
#Bitcoin -$3,000/1hr. $590 millions de pertes. #CZ is again the Big Winner!
🇫🇷 Ce matin le #BTC a subi une chute surprise de -3,081 dollars en 1 heure (après le rejet des 60k), provoquant une vague de liquidation sur l’ensemble du marché, avec plus de 590 millions de dollars de positions à effet de levier anéanti. (long & short).
👉 #Binance en ressort, une fois de plus, le grand vainqueur, grâce à ses "Futures" et ses clients non expérimentés qui se sont fait déglinguer leurs positions pour 318 millions de dollars !!!
🇬🇧 $600 million liquidated as Bitcoin price drops $3,000 in minutes, rejecting the $60K resistance. #Binance is the big winner!!!
🇬🇧 👉 Full article: https://cryptonews.net/en/506852/
Christine Lagarde: Le développement de CBDC (l’euro numérique) pourrait prendre “ encore quatre ans ”
(Screenshot de la VDO #NoMore1984 #HavenProtocol)
👉 Lagarde a noté que l’euro numérique, s’il était finalement lancé, serait un équivalent des billets physiques avec le même niveau de sécurité. Elle a également ajouté que la banque devra s’assurer que le lancement d’une CBDC ne briserait aucun système existant mais continuerait à améliorer ces systèmes.😂 En 2 mots, tout le contraire de ce pourquoi le Bitcoin a été crée....
👉 Article complet, cliquez ici
#HavenXHV #XHV #xEUR #NoMore1984" 🚀
👉 Private #EURO only on #Haven.
👉 Financial choice and freedom for 440 million people in 27 countries.
👉 Can be used on any computer, smartphone or tablet.
☢️🇫🇷 Un Bitcoiner a perdu 17,1 BTC (1,05 million de dollars) via une fausse application Trezor qu’il a téléchargée sur l’App Store d’Apple. 😭
👉 On ne le répétera jamais assez, Il est fortement déconseillé d'utiliser un téléphone portable pour trader sur vos comptes online (via les connexions API des exchanges), car un mobile est bien plus vulnérable aux hackings qu'un ordinateur bien protégé.
Source: https://cryptoloupe.com/un-utilisateur-perd-17-1-bitcoins-via-une-fausse-application-trezor-sur-lapp-store/
☢️🇬🇧 A Bitcoiner lost 17.1 BTC ($ 1.05 million) via a fake Trezor app he downloaded from Apple's App Store. 😱
👉 We cannot repeat it enough, It is strongly recommended TO DO NOT USE a mobile phone to trade on your online accounts (via API connections from exchanges), because a mobile is much more vulnerable to hackings than a well-protected computer.
🚩Décrypter les analyses techniques, sécuriser vos assets, ouvrir un compte de trading & autres infos pour débutants.
🚩Decoding the technical analysis, secure your assets, open a trading account, & other info for beginners.
It’s amazing to see an ever-expanding # of projects, partners, and exchanges that are building with #IoTeX #IOTX
🌐 http://ecosystem.iotex.io has been freshly updated with more additions coming soon!
#Litentry Integrates Injective to Enable Optimized On-Chain Data. #DeFi #DID #DApps
👉 Litentry is thrilled to announce our strategic integration with Injective Protocol to unleash the full capacity of borderless DeFi by bringing in decentralised identity (DID) aggregation, which is a process of integrating a wide range of digital identities from multiple networks.
🌐 Source: https://litentry.medium.com/litentry-integrates-injective-to-enable-optimized-on-chain-data-b9c94eba4e70
Automate your trading. The #hummingbot_io and #IDEX integration is live! 🤗
👉 #IDEX #idexio is the fastest, most secure DEX to multiple high-performance blockchains. IDEX is currently available on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain, with Polkadot and others to follow. Stake to earn 50% of trading fees.
🌐 Exchange: www.idex.market
🌐 Source: www.blog.idex.io/all-posts/idex-20-gets-more-liquid-hummingbot-integration
#Holochain #Holo team announced that #HoloFuel is coming earlier than expected!
👉 "Moving HoloFuel up on the Roadmap".
👉 Yes, you read that right! We are actually ahead of where we expected to be in some ways. While it is taking a while to complete infrastructure testing because that is one of the most complex aspects of our work, we have been able to move many other activities forward...
🌐 Source: www.medium.com/h-o-l-o/monthly-roundup-for-holo-holochain-dcf829362860
#IoTeX, Burn-Drop v2 Tokenomics, Mainnet v1.2 release, new "Proof of Anything" concept
👉 Building the Internet of Trusted Things, the first decentralized network where users exclusively own and control their devices and data.
🌐 www.iotex.io
#VeChain & #Mastercard Back Australia-China Supply Chain!
👉 VeChain and Mastercard show support for the Asia Pacific Provenance project. The council has received millions of funds to support financing pilots. It will also track the exports between the two regions. 🤠
🌐 Source: www.interactivecrypto.com/vechain-and-mastercard-back-australia-china-supply-chain
#GravityDEX Bringing #DeFi to #Cosmos ⚡️#ATOM 🚀
👉 The prize pool for the Gravity DEX #Testnet competition totals more than $200,000 in ATOMs and 10 other
@cosmos sponsored tokens including: #LUNA, #XRN, #BTSG, #DVPN, #XPRT, #AKT, #NGM, #GCYB, #IRIS & #BLD
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👉 #Binance will list the Coinbase Stock Token #COIN on 2021-04-14 (UTC), during which the COIN/BUSD trading pair will be open.
👉 www.binance.com/en/support/announcement/0e553c69c6ab4265bf97aca31be6fbe7
#Coinbase brings cryptocurrencies to Wall Street.
👉 The arrival Wednesday of cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase on #Nasdaq is one of the most anticipated events of the year on Wall Street, where enthusiasm for record-breaking #Bitcoin is in full swing, despite questions about the sustainability of the market.
👉 Coinbase's IPO is also a gigantic slap in the face that reminds Europe of everything it missed since the arrival of the internet.
Un ancien directeur de la CIA qui approuve le Bitcoin...
👉 "Les cryptomonnaies ne sont pas truffées d’activités illicites. En réalité, il y a probablement moins d’activités illicites dans l’écosystème Bitcoin qu’il n’y en a dans le système bancaire traditionnel."
🌐 Source: www.cryptoast.fr/ancien-directeur-cia-bitcoin-btc