የአቡነ ሽኖዳ ትምህርቶች Pope Shenouda III teachings
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In this channel his Holiness Pope Shenouda III teachings will be shared.
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"The more the value of eternal life is elevated in your mind and in your heart, the less the value of the world becomes in your sight"

+ Pope Shenouda +
"If you do good to your enemy, you will be more righteous than if you had done so with your friend or relative"

+ Pope Shenouda +
"Three persons stood on the Mount of Transfiguration, each gloriously illumined. Each had excelled in fasting; each had fasted forty days and forty nights. They were Christ the Lord, glory be to Him, Moses and Elijah. Does this glorious scene conceal behind it an important notion- that in subduing the body through fasting, the spirit transfigures, and the body transfigures? Did Christ the Lord choose two of those who fasted to appear with Him on the Mount of Transfiguration, to show us that the nature which will be transfigured in eternity will be that which, through fasting, subdued the body?"

+ Pope Shenouda +

[Taken from 'Sanctify a Fast']
"And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My names sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first"

+ Matthew 19:30 +
"Do not look to the problem, but to the One who will solve it. Your feeling that God is standing with you in your problem gives you hope and strength"

+ Pope Shenouda +
"With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible."

+ Mark 10:27 +
"Tears have a voice that God hears even without prayer; they have a response from God's tender Heart"

+ Pope Shenouda +
"Satan's game is to find something that will make a person happy other than God"

+ Pope Shenouda +
"Indeed, God has many solutions. We think of our problems with our human mind, and our mind is limited; as for God, His knowledge and His wisdom have no limits. When matters become difficult, the difficulty is relative, that is, for us human beings. As for God, there is nothing difficult. Everything is easy and the solutions are numerous"

+ Pope Shenouda +
"You reigned upon the Cross...
You reigned over the world which Satan had taken through sin,
and You purchased it upon the Cross by Your Blood
so You became a King upon the Cross...
Your Blood suffices to purchase the whole world
from every race and from every colour..."

+ Pope Shenouda +
"During Holy Week, do not be a source of suffering to anyone. If Christ in this Holy Week bore the sins of the world, say, 'I, too, will bear the sins of others' "
+ Pope Shenouda +
"It is better for a person to force himself than to be forced by events and trials. The difference between the saints and ordinary people is that the saints forced themselves to practice virtue from the beginning until they got used to it and loved it"

+ Pope Shenouda +
"Do not respond to the love of ease nor to the call of desire. Do not spoil yourselves but know that self-coercion will continue with you until you find pleasure in the life of virtue and then it will leave you spontaneously and the life of love will start"
+ Pope Shenouda +
"Self-coercion is undoubtedly a rebellion against pampering the soul, or it is a war waged against the ego. We all know that if a person gives way to his desires and passions, enjoying slothfulness and indolence, he will no doubt lose his soul"

+ Pope Shenouda +

[From 'The Fear of God and Self-Coercion']
"Along every path man walks, he needs to ask himself with precision and honesty: where does this path lead to?"

+ Pope Shenouda +
"The body which sins is the body which rebels against the spirit, or it is the body which controls the spirit and subjects her to its pleasures. The spirit is consequently defiled with the body and loses her Divine image, falling with the body under condemnation in that fearful Day"

+ Pope Shenouda +
"The most important thing that you must leave for God is your self, your ego. For many, their self is their centre; their ego is everything to them; it is the centre of their thoughts and the pivot of their thinking"
+ Pope Shenouda +
"The spiritual man does not only put God first and before all, but his relationship with God is all and everything to him in life, and he says with the apostle, 'For to me, to live is Christ' (Phil.1:21), and also, ''It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me' (Gal.2:20)"
+ Pope Shenouda +
"Through prayer, you feel that you are not alone"

+ Pope Shenouda +