This user have a device with the original keybox banned, Google revoked it. He didn't touch persist neither reprogrammed the TEE:

Now, using stock rom with locked bootloader, he can only pass BASIC verdict, no DEVICE neither STRONG.

What is the solution? Replacing motherboard? No, the keybox is the original one, you will need to buy a new phone.

Welcome to 1984! Google now decides what device is secure or not.
Play Integrity Fix
That device keyboxes are leaked...
That OEM really likes to leak keyboxes holy sh*t
All pubic keyboxes are banned now, including mine. RIP 💀
Forwarded from Ksench
It looks like Lava mistakenly put kkb_pri (decryption key) files next to mtk's EncSW binary keybox in some of their ROM packages. This is most likely why the keys became compromised.

abount EncSW keyboxes on mtk see (in Chinese)

As an OEM you should not put kkb_pri, etc... files next to the bin keybox in your ROM packages, otherwise you will compromise your keys.

in other words: kkb_pri + kb.bin = key compromise
Forwarded from HUBERTHUB
People were saying that you can pass Strong only with KSU / APatch and not Magisk because DroidGuard detects it's patched boot.img....

looks like it isn't true?

I tried a few versions (way more than on screenshots) and they all can pass Strong
Play Integrity Fix
DroidGuard will ignore some checks if you use old fingerprints, like Magisk one. That's why he's passing Strong with Magisk (and unbanned keybox)
1.5 MB
Key Attestation Demo app updated!

Now it includes Secret Mode! Certificate serial numbers and dates will be hidden when it's enabled.

Also I disabled (by default) attest device ids, strongbox...

Stop asking me about an unbanned keybox, Google banned all my working keyboxes few days ago. No more Strong for me 🥲

It's difficult to find one, also, don't buy them, it's 99% a scam.
v16.6 stable release!

- Change fingerprint to fix RCS
- Misc improvements
Play Integrity Fix pinned «v16.6 stable release! Changelog: - Change fingerprint to fix RCS - Misc improvements»
v16.7 released!

- Unsigned custom ROMs (signed with test keys) should pass Device verdict. Thanks to @uid_6193534835
- Fix bootloops on PixelOS custom ROM
Play Integrity Fix pinned «v16.7 released! Changelog: - Unsigned custom ROMs (signed with test keys) should pass Device verdict. Thanks to @uid_6193534835 - Fix bootloops on PixelOS custom ROM»
v16.9 released!

New fingerprint to pass Device 👍
I think Google banned husky fingerprint for RCS (same issue like sailfish)

If you want RCS -> search a private fingerprint