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Stop using setters
In this article, I want to focus your attention on the problem with setters. Let’s talk about the problems:
​​Why we should avoid null in software development
In software development, null is a term that is often used to represent a lack of value or an unknown state. It’s a concept that has been around for a long time and has been a source of confusion and bugs in software development. In this article, we will explore why we should avoid null in software development and what we can do instead.
​​Avoiding the pitfalls of abstract and common services
In the ever-evolving world of software engineering, creating robust and maintainable applications is a constant challenge. One common mistake that engineers often make is creating overly common or abstract services. While the idea of reusability and abstraction is appealing, it can lead to a host of problems, including violations of the single responsibility principle and the open/closed principle. In this article, we will delve into the issues that engineers may encounter when creating generic services and highlight the importance of embracing specificity.
​​Unveiling the secret power of encapsulation
In the world of software development, encapsulation is a fundamental concept that plays a crucial role in building robust, maintainable, and scalable applications. Encapsulation is one of the four pillars of object-oriented programming (OOP), along with inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction. It provides a mechanism to bundle related data and methods into a single unit, known as a class, and restricts direct access to the internal state of an object.
​​5 Books You Must Read as a Developer
In this article, we present a handpicked selection of five books that every developer should read to enrich their professional journey. These literary gems go beyond mere technical instruction manuals, offering profound insights, practical wisdom, and inspiring stories that can shape and elevate your approach to software development. Whether you’re a seasoned programmer looking to expand your horizons or a budding coder seeking guidance, these books will provide valuable perspectives, ignite creativity, and help you navigate the challenges of the ever-evolving tech landscape.
​​An Internet of PHP
PHP is big. The trolls can proclaim its all-but-certain β€œdeath” until the cows come home, but no amount of heckling changes that the Internet runs on PHP. The evidence is overwhelming. What follows is a loosely organised collection of precisely that evidence.