Amazing PHP
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Welcome to the Amazing PHP Channel! Here you can find a lot of interesting articles/news about PHP, frameworks, tools and development.

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My Modern PHP Development Setup
With this combination of formatters, linters and build tools I am able to create a fully testable, completely portable solution with adheres to PSR coding standards.
Polishing your code
While preparing content for my upcoming PHP Package Development video course I discovered that over the last couple of years I spend more and more time polishing my code before shipping it.
And I believe that this is something that is just as important as the actual coding itself.
Let me talk you through some of the adjustments that I try to make, while working on my codebase and how this can hopefully affect your way of writing good and readable code.
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11 Awesome Laravel Helper Functions (that aren't in Laravel)
Let’s just jump right in and introduce the helper functions I included in the package and find uber-duber useful.
We’ll go in ascending order of awesome-ness, so you’re not overwhelmed with too much πŸ”₯out of the gate.
Moving from Go to PHP again
Well, after 2 years on Go, our shop applications are powered by PHP again.
Why?! You already said it was probably a bad business decision, and then you spend even more time on it?! Well, yeah, several reasons actually.
PHP type hints: self and parent
In PHP we can type hint function arguments since version 5.0. Over the years and with newer versions of PHP the number of possible type hints have increased. Here’s an overview:
A quick introduction to web security
A web developer’s primer on CORS, CSP, HSTS, and all the web security acronyms!
How to turn Laravel from Static to Dependency Injection in one Day
A framework is just a tool. Each teaches you coding habits you need to use them effectively. Like Laravel gives you speed at prototyping with static "facades". But the applications grows, so does the team, so does your skill and you start to prefer constructor injection.
What then? Switch framework or rewrite? But what if all you need is to switch single pattern?
Please, stop talking about Repository pattern with Eloquent
I regularly see articles like "How to use Repository pattern with Eloquent". The usual contents of them: let's create PostRepositoryInterface interface, EloquentPostRepository class, bind them nicely in DI container and use them instead of the standard Eloquent save and find methods.
Kubernetes: deploy Laravel the easy way
Laravel is an excellent framework for developing PHP applications. Whether you need to prototype a new idea, develop an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) or release a full-fledged enterprise system, Laravel facilitates all of the development tasks and workflows.
Migrating Legacy Web Applications to Laravel
There are two possible approaches to migrating your application to Laravel: a flag-day or an in-place/side-by-side migration.
Serverless case study: PrettyCI and Laravel Queues
The idea is that anytime you push a commit to your GitHub repository, PrettyCI will analyze that commit using PHP CodeSniffer or PHP-CS-Fixer. Since PrettyCI integrates in GitHub's checks tab you can see the build result directly in your repository without having to leave your work.
Hand-written service containers
Dependency injection is very important. Dependency injection containers are too. The trouble is with the tools, that let us define services in a meta-language, and rely on conventions to work well. This extra layer requires the "ambient information" Paul speaks about in his tweet, and easily lets us make mistakes that we wouldn't make if we'd just write out the code for instantiating our services.
A Smart Programmer Understands The Problems Worth Fixing
This is the story of Peter. Peter is a programmer that can do anything. He can create software as good as any of his other peers. However, there's a difference between a programmer with experience from a programmer without experience, even though both have the same technical skills.
SOLID Principles every Developer Should Know
Object-Oriented type of programming brought a new design to software development.
This enables developers to combine data with the same purpose/functionality in one class to deal with the sole purpose there, regardless of the entire application.
But, this Object-oriented programming doesn’t prevent confusing or unmaintainable programs.
10 PHP functions you must know
In this post, you will find 10 PHP functions that are really powerful and will enrich your PHP knowledge.
PHP Interview Exercises
A number of exercises to practice whiteboard interview questions in PHP.
10 OOP Design Principles Every Programmer Should Know
The Object-Oriented Design Principlesare the core of OOP programming, but I have seen most of the Java programmers chasing design patterns like Singleton pattern, Decorator pattern, or Observer pattern, and not putting enough attention on learning Object-oriented analysis and design.
The Definitive 2019 Guide to Cryptographic Key Sizes and Algorithm Recommendations
A lot has been written about cryptography key lengths from academics (e.g. Lenstra's equation) and various standard committees (ECRYPT-CSA, Germany's BSI, America's NIST, etc.) over the years.
Despite the abundance of coverage on this material on the Internet, these resources lack the clarity that we look for when drafting recommendations for software developers and system administrators. Additionally, many of them are showing their age and desperately need to be brought up to speed with a modern understanding of real-world cryptography.