ፊኒክስ ስጦታ!
✨በቅርብ ቀን✨
ፊኒክስ በቅርቡ አዲስ ነገር ይዞሎት ሊመጣ ነዉ።
በቅርብ ቀን!!
#comingsoon #staytuned #phenixevents #completepromotion #addisababa #ethiopia
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✨በቅርብ ቀን✨
ፊኒክስ በቅርቡ አዲስ ነገር ይዞሎት ሊመጣ ነዉ።
በቅርብ ቀን!!
#comingsoon #staytuned #phenixevents #completepromotion #addisababa #ethiopia
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Hello Everyone this is phenix Our channel is a multi platform sales company working online shopping and event organizing we can help you to get money online by posting and selling products that are posted here. You can add your own price and most of all you will get commission on every sell. We will be posting some products today so stay tuned.
phénix events and online shopping
phenix events are a privetly owned company. working on events and digtal marketing in ethiopia. Contact @phenixCustomerCare +251996436264
Working with us
✅Will help you make money with out any capital
✅ You will have the time freedom
✅We will give gift for top sellers every week
✅Work where ever you want
Register now
@phenixCustomerCare @phoenix_online
✅Will help you make money with out any capital
✅ You will have the time freedom
✅We will give gift for top sellers every week
✅Work where ever you want
Register now
@phenixCustomerCare @phoenix_online
phénix events and online shopping pinned «✨We will post our first product 2:00LT stay tuned ✨»
Commission 30birr Paid per Qasil sold and 15birr paid per turmeric sold
⭐️ (You can earn more by adding an extra cash on the price )
✨The more you post the more you sale ✨
⭐️ (You can earn more by adding an extra cash on the price )
✨The more you post the more you sale ✨
Here are some of the answers for the most questions we've been asked
- you can sale all of the products from this channel
- If an item is sold it will be removed from here
- your payment will be made through bank.
Thank you.
- you can sale all of the products from this channel
- If an item is sold it will be removed from here
- your payment will be made through bank.
Thank you.
✨New arrival men and women hand bracelets✨አዳዲስ የእጅ የሴት እና የወንድ ብራስሌቶች
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Commission 50birr Paid per bracelet sold
⭐️ (You can earn more by adding an extra cash on the price )
✨The more you post the more you sale ✨
⭐️ (You can earn more by adding an extra cash on the price )
✨The more you post the more you sale ✨
Subscribers of the phenix channel ,
🚀 Most of you haven't even started hustling online, and many of you blame it on the fact that you don't have capital. Here is my question: would you do anything for that capital? Would you work hard for it? Well, I am going to take that "I don't have capital" excuse away from you. Since I have this opportunity,If you are serious about this, subscribe our channel and text me /start.
Don't miss this opportunity! 🌟
🚀 Most of you haven't even started hustling online, and many of you blame it on the fact that you don't have capital. Here is my question: would you do anything for that capital? Would you work hard for it? Well, I am going to take that "I don't have capital" excuse away from you. Since I have this opportunity,If you are serious about this, subscribe our channel and text me /start.
Don't miss this opportunity! 🌟
☄️ለአዲስ ሻጮች በዚህ መንገድ ከእኛ ጋር አብሮ መስራት ይችላሉ ።
✅እዚህ ቻናል ውስጥ ያሉትን ዕቃዎች ፖስት እያረጉ ያስተዋውቃሉ
✅ደንበኞችን ያግኙ
✅ከዚያ ደንበኛው የፈለገውን የዕቃውን ፎቶ ፣የደንበኛውን ስልክ ቁጥር፣ዕቃውን የመላኪያ ቦታ እና ዋጋ ወደ @phenixCustomerCare ይላኩልን።
✅ዕቃውን ለደንበኛ አድርሰንለት ከገዛ በኋላ
✅የኮሚሽን ክፍያ ያገኛሉ
✨ከእኛ ጋር ገንዘብ ለማግኘት ይህን ያህል ቀላል ነው✨
✅እዚህ ቻናል ውስጥ ያሉትን ዕቃዎች ፖስት እያረጉ ያስተዋውቃሉ
✅ደንበኞችን ያግኙ
✅ከዚያ ደንበኛው የፈለገውን የዕቃውን ፎቶ ፣የደንበኛውን ስልክ ቁጥር፣ዕቃውን የመላኪያ ቦታ እና ዋጋ ወደ @phenixCustomerCare ይላኩልን።
✅ዕቃውን ለደንበኛ አድርሰንለት ከገዛ በኋላ
✅የኮሚሽን ክፍያ ያገኛሉ
✨ከእኛ ጋር ገንዘብ ለማግኘት ይህን ያህል ቀላል ነው✨
✨Crafted earrings with unique designs✨አዳዲስ የጆሮ ጌጦችን አስገብተናል ⚡️ይፍጠኑ⚡️ በተመጣጣኝ ዋጋ ይደዉሉ ይዘዙ ካሉበት እናደርሳለን
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