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A few things I've noticed that come up frequently in the astrological charts of right-wing men:

-Strong Sagittarius placements: Sagittarius needs a mission, a higher ideal to aim for. Many of these men really crave that, but when they don't have that, they are especially prone to hedonism and nihilism. The placement and condition of Jupiter is usually telling as to which way the person will naturally lean.

-Mars in Cancer: On the plus side, it speaks to a desire to protect home, family, and tribe. Among prominent activists, finding this in the 6th or 10th house is most common. On the negative side, Mars is in its fall here, frustrating its ability to act and can lead to a really unhealthy view of "winners and losers", victim mentalities, and passive-aggressiveness. Other aspects to Mars and the condition of the Moon will tell the rest of the story.

-Problems with Saturn: Saturn broadly represents our relationship to the word "should", and likes to judge what is right or wrong. In many charts of these young men, Saturn is either afflicted itself in some way or is maltreating another planet in a significant way. This results in a tendency of harsh judgments of others and a preoccupation with what they think others should be doing, as well as a very critical inner voice, or an inability to motivate themselves to live up to their own standards.
Kate Middleton is a great example of female regal dignity. I have no idea what kind of a person she is privately, but the way she presents herself publicly is pretty close to archetypal perfection.

Classic beauty and grace, exudes kindness and patience, emotionally controlled while still coming across as warm, takes her role and duties seriously, a great asset to the family.

She derives her strength and stature from her quiet femininity, much like the Disney princesses of old, like Cinderella and Snow White. You don’t encounter many women like this anymore.
Regardless of what one might think of the modern corrupted form of the monarchy or the individual people involved in it, it is still the remnant of a Traditional institution that once claimed a divine mandate.

While what remains is something of an empty husk, to destroy it completely would 1) cut us off from one of the oldest traditions of our people, 2) cut us off from one of the last remaining structures of imperium and regality, and 3) renders impossible the revival of these traditions via the remaining structures, thus reducing the odds of any such revival ever occurring.

The phrase “don’t do what you can’t undo until you know what you can’t do once you’ve done it” comes to mind.

We should never be eager to demolish what we have inherited from the past, for we can never get it back once it is gone.
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The Traditionalist viewpoint as described by Julius Evola is, in a nutshell:

1) Accept that the downward trajectory cannot be stopped or reversed. It must play out.

2) Build yourself up spiritually, become a master of yourself, cultivate non-attachment. Do not allow the happenings of the world to destabilize you.

3) Work to serve Justice and Truth, regardless of whether you win or lose. Fight because it's the right thing to do, because you are the kind of person who cannot do any less, no matter the cost or reward.

This question about what do we DO, practically, always seems to assume a change to be made, an outcome to be achieved. How do we force the external world to shift from point A to point B?

Traditional man doesn't try to figure out how to get to a certain outcome. Traditional man focuses on what he must do to live with honour and integrity, regardless of circumstances. Traditional man is focused on creating the Golden Age within himself because he knows that people with Kali Yuga souls can never manifest a Golden Age.

The only real prescription for the malaise is the transcendent quest. But this is not the answer that people attached to outcomes like to hear. First, break the attachment.
This doesn't mean you withdraw from action and let the world burn. But it does mean that your actions are motivated by doing what's right, not because you hope to get what you want.

It means you work to secure dharma in the world, to be an instrument of God's will.

Sometimes it means losing on the material plane in order to gain a Victory on a higher plane. This is often a bitter pill to swallow and those who are still attached to outcomes will choke on it.

But this is what allows you to take on the most black-pilled situations, the most hopeless causes, and still fight with everything you have. And when people can do that, then we have a real chance for a miracle. Why?

Because that's when people will have created Golden Ages within their souls and then we will have the Menschenmaterial from which a better world can be born.

That is the ONLY path to lasting Victory. If you are content to win ground only to lose it and fight for it again with each generation, then continue focusing on material outcomes, but know that you are only passing the fight on to your children.
Many people, desperate for a drop of spiritual nourishment, turn to the East, either seeking it in the rich dharmic religions or through cultural sampling of hidden tribes. But the spiritual destiny of Western Man does not lie in the East.

The more we find in the East, the more it makes us inwardly divided, homeless in our own lands. We simply become cultural hitchhikers and spiritual beggars. The solutions we find there may offer us useful tools on our quest, but do not provide the ultimate and fundamental answers to our existential predicament.

Westernkind chose a Faustian path for itself. We left the path of the eternal Sun and so our destiny is to chase the setting Sun beyond the western horizon.

And this is at the core of the spiritual tradition that lies buried at the very roots of Western civilisation. Not Christianity, not even the folkish paganism of Europe, nor the solar traditions of Egypt, but even further back- a primordial Ur-religion. And it laid the foundations for all of the disciplines that made the West remarkable: chemistry, biology, astronomy, physics, rhetoric, logic, etc.

At the heart of it is the art of dying. Because we all die, in this realm of Becoming where death is both master and the only way off this ride. And this is what it means to follow the path of the setting Sun. To go into underworld and be resurrected. To be twice-born. To be TRANSFORMED.

And for this task, ultimately the East cannot help us with it. It is not their path or destiny. If we are to heal our spiritual malaise, we must make contact with this ancient tradition again. There is no other way forward. We don’t need to look outside ourselves- everything we need is lying dormant at our own roots, just waiting to be awakened.

But there is a price to paid for that contact with our roots and it’s because for so many generations people were not willing to pay that price that we now find ourselves in a spiritual wasteland. And that price is what it has always been: ourselves and our willingness to be transformed.

This was Odin’s “sacrifice of himself to himself”, in order to gain the wisdom of the runes. It is Purusha’s eternal sacrifice to create the universe. It is the sacrifice of one’s lower nature to their higher, an alchemical transformation. Nothing less will pay the bill that has come due.

This tradition didn’t exist merely to enlighten or amuse or even to inspire. It existed to call us home. It is the path of our RETVRN, for we cannot go back the way we came. Lost Hyperborea sings the Minnelied in our blood and we must listen.
For those who got their panties in a twist about my post yesterday, you are cordially invited to attend a livestream discussion tomorrow in which my guest and I will be exploring the path of the setting sun in great detail. Hopefully we can clear up some your confusion and assuage your irrational anger. 😉
BEYOND LEFT AND RIGHT: The Quest for Truth in a Temporal World

Tired of the same old 'left vs right'? What if there's something more to politics, something that goes beyond power games and taps into a universal truth?

New article on Substack:
New Substack article: THE POWER OF DUTY

Basically, what to do when don’t know what to do with your life