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Bridging the gap between young talent entering life sciences job market and industry's ever-increasing challenges to find this talent. We regularly post entry-level job opportunities, career advice and more. We are Pharmadelic, we are your #OneStepLess
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πŸ“Ί Welcome to Pharmadelic IGTV

⏩ Starting a career isn’t easy, especially not in the current situation. There are still plenty of opportunities out there, but how to conquer them?

πŸŽ₯ We decided to start an IGTV channel to connect with you and start a discussion - What are you struggling with and how can we help you overcome that? In every episode, we will be discussing topics that are important to you

πŸ’­ Let us know in the comments what you think about the current topic and what you would like us to focus on next!

πŸ“± Watch the IGTV episode here

#CareerAdvice #IGTV
🦠 Covid-19 has made a significant impact on so many things, including recruitment.

⏩ Some companies are reacting well and their recruitment is on-going while some others are struggling. In any case, it made us realise that we need to digitalise and embrace the modern tools.

This situation is a good opportunity for you to explore the companies and connect with them. There are so many things you can do to develop your network as well as the skills needed for the jobs you want to apply for.

The important thing is to go out there and talk to people - It is the best way to learn about them, learn about yourself and to make yourself noticeable.

πŸ“± More on this topic in our latest #IGTV episode here

πŸ’­ Let us know in the comments what you think about the current topic and what you would like us to focus on next!

πŸ’Ό Small, medium vs. large companies - Where should you be applying?

⏩ I thought my only way to success was going up a corporate ladder in a large pharmaceutical company, so all my efforts were aimed at applying for the Graduate Schemes.

I failed every single application. More often than not, I haven't even heard from the recruiters, I got disqualified by an algorithm. When I did get through the algorithm, I had to compete with 1000 other people for 4 positions, so that didn't help either.

I did eventually end up working for a large company and didn't like it. So I tried the other side, a small company and that propelled my career.

πŸ“± More on this topic in our latest #IGTV episode here

πŸ’­ Let us know in the comments what you think about the current topic and what you would like us to focus on next!

πŸŽ₯ New episodes every Tuesday at 18:00 (CEST)

πŸ“ Perfect your CV and Motivational Letter

⏩ Your CV is a ticket to a job interview. If you get to that next stage, they think you have the experience and skills for the job and are then looking for the best fit for that role

The whole job application process is unfair and you cannot control most of the factors. What you can fully control though, is your CV and motivational letter

So let's get cracking and make it as perfect as possible to catch the attention of the Recruiters

Don't miss the end of the video where I recommend a book that has helped me enormously

πŸ“± More on this topic in our latest #IGTV episode here

πŸ’­ Let us know in the comments what you think about the current topic and what you would like us to focus on next!

Smash your next interview to win a job

⏩ Following the previous IGTV you have made a great CV and got invited to an interview - Congratulations!

Now is the time to make a lasting impression at your interview and get that job offer πŸ’Ό

First impression counts! It only takes the interviewer 10 seconds to form an opinion of you (good or bad) and then spends the rest of the interview confirming his/her bias ‼️

So let's get you ready for your next interview πŸ’ͺ

πŸ“± More on this topic in our latest #IGTV episode here

πŸ’­ Let us know in the comments what you think about the current topic and what you would like us to focus on next!

Start building your professional relationships today

A wise man once said:

"I have not found it risky in my career to bet on a high potential, high energy, smart person that I know well by putting them into a job they have not done before. However, I have found it risky to depend on a resume or a 90 minute interview and put somebody into a job they have not done before."

What does that tell you about the job market?


πŸ“± More on this topic in our latest #IGTV episode here

πŸ’­ Let us know in the comments what you think about the current topic and what you would like us to focus on next!

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

⏩ For most of you, the real answer might be: "I don't know" πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ

And that is absolutely fine!

If you asked me 10 years ago, I would have said Clinical Pharmacist. But then I failed my MPharm degree.

So after Graduation I ended up in Quality Management not because I wanted to, but because it was the first job offer I got, so if you asked me 5 years ago, I would have said Qualified Person.

A lot of things have changed since, so if you ask me "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" today, I would answer "I don't know, but I live by the principle of try different things and experiment".

πŸ“± More on this topic in our latest #IGTV episode here

πŸ’­ Let us know in the comments what you think about the current topic and what you would like us to focus on next!

Failure = Opportunity

⏩ What is your biggest failure?

Mine? Failing a Clinical Practice exam twice and being told I wasn't going to graduate with an MPharm

All I heard was: "You are not good enough"

But what it really meant was: "It is not your cup of tea, try something else"

Today, I treat this failure as one of my greatest successes.

πŸ“± More on this topic in our latest #IGTV episode here

πŸ’­ Let us know in the comments what you think about the current topic and what you would like us to focus on next!

Soft skills are more important than you might think

For some reason, the schooling system doesn’t focus on developing your soft skills even though they are a clear indicator of your success.

You have to take a proactive approach and start developing them today!

πŸ“± More on this topic in our latest #IGTV episode here

πŸ’­ Let us know in the comments what you think about the current topic and what you would like us to focus on next!

Learn something new from each interview

⏩ Some interview will be successful, some not. Either way, you should treat them as learning opportunities.

Here are the things you should be doing during the interview process:

1️⃣ Ask questions and try to learn something new

2️⃣ Ask for clarifications in assessments centres

3️⃣ Ask for feedback post-interview

πŸ’‘ Interviewing is a skill that you can develop - You get better at it.

πŸ“± More on this topic in our latest #IGTV episode here

πŸ’­ Let us know in the comments what you think about the current topic and what you would like us to focus on next!
