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Pethereum is a Play-to-Earn metaverse where players can play lots of exciting games with their adorable pet friends!

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Dear Pethereum Community,

We are aware that we have been silent for a while and have left your questions unanswered. We did not want to make a statement without achieving tangible success and create empty excitement. However, due to the challenges we have faced in the development process of Pethereum and the unfounded rumors circulating in the community recently, we felt the need to clarify the current status of the project.

Since the inception of Pethereum, you know that we aimed to create a different and sustainable economy as an alternative to the economically unsustainable models like paywalls implemented by other projects. Throughout this journey, we have observed together how games with such unsustainable economic infrastructures fail. The ones who suffered the most in these games were the players who invested money into the game and tokens. We, on the other hand, believed in creating a revenue-sharing model without taking money from players, by pooling revenues generated from the ads they watch and distributing these revenues to players based on the rarity rate of the pets they obtain. We believed that we could create a revenue-sharing model without taking money from players. In line with this plan and with your support, we developed and launched our game. We cannot thank you enough for the support you showed us when we launched. However, in our analysis, we found that ad revenues were too low (averaging $0.50-$1.00 per month) to motivate users. During this silent period where we focused entirely on how to solve this problem, we conducted numerous tests and developments in our game and marketing strategies, but we did not achieve the desired results. At this point, we have not been successful with the advertising revenue-sharing economic model we originally designed. Since a sustainable economy is one of the fundamental principles of this project, we have decided to change our strategy.

We did not completely shut down the project because we still believe that we can establish a sustainable 'Play & Earn' economy. In this new phase, we are working on a different structure while maintaining the fundamental principles and sustainability of our project. We are working on new approaches and features to provide a better experience to our users and to grow our community. Overall, we are saddened to see that your support is not as it used to be; however, we kindly request you to understand that the main reason for not fully launching the game is to prevent you from suffering financial losses.

Additionally, we are aware of some individuals within our community making allegations that the Pethereum team has malicious intent, and this deeply saddens our team. Therefore, we feel the need to make a statement: The advertising revenue generated from active games within Pethereum is very limited, contrary to what you may think. This revenue is not even a tenth of the expenses we have incurred for the development and marketing of Pethereum. So far, neither have we personally gained any financial benefit nor have we caused any financial harm to any community member. No NFT or token sales have been conducted for the reputation of the project; all the financing of the project has been provided by the Pethereum team. While we have not caused you financial harm, we acknowledge the effort put in by each one of you for this project. Even if any changes are made, we want you to know that your whitelist rights are preserved, and if our project succeeds, we will all benefit together.

We expect support and understanding from you during this process. We will keep you constantly informed about the future of our project and developments. Please continue to follow us and stay with us on this journey.

Best regards,
Pethereum Team