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from A-Z, it's look like AlcatraZ.
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Poul-Henning Kamp (a.k.a phk) is one of the most well-known software engineers in the world, known for developing many parts of the FreeBSD kernel and Varnish Cache.

This is one of his notes titled 'Notes from the Architect' on the Varnish Cache website.

"Well, today computers really only have one kind of storage, and it is usually some sort of disk, the operating system and the virtual memory management hardware has converted the RAM to a cache for the disk storage.

So what happens with squids elaborate memory management is that it gets into fights with the kernels elaborate memory management, and like any civil war, that never gets anything done.

Multi-CPU systems is nothing new, but writing programs that use more than one CPU at a time has always been tricky and it still is.
Do not forget these two rules:

Everything in software architecture is a trade off,
and always why is more important than how.
Anderson's law:
I have yet to see any problem, however complicated, which, when you looked at it in the right way, did not become still more complicated.

so when initially examining a problem, it's common to find that it becomes more complex as you go deeper into it. This complexity often requires a deeper level of investigation to determine the best solution.

human interaction could be a bottleneck in most software projects, and should be managed very carefully.
there is a law around it that says "Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later."
it called Brooks's law

Whenever you find yourself implementing distributed transactions within a system, keep the meaning of saga word in your mind.

a long story of heroic achievement;
a story of quasi-legendary events; colloquially, a long tale.
- Oxford English Dictionary
The Unanimous 2PC (U2PC) protocol introduced in this paper is a fault-tolerant variant of the traditional Two-Phase Commit (2PC) designed to combine efficiency, simplicity, and fault tolerance in distributed transactional systems.

When it comes to protecting against credentials theft on Windows, enabling LSA Protection (a.k.a. RunAsPPL) on LSASS may be considered as the very first recommendation to implement. But do you really know what a PPL is? https://itm4n.github.io/lsass-runasp
anonymous poll

No, it's the first time I've ever heard about that. – 3
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Yes, I was familiar with that.
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πŸ‘₯ 3 people voted so far.
Atomic DDL is not transactional DDL

"Atomic DDL is not transactional DDL. DDL statements, atomic or otherwise, implicitly end any transaction that is active in the current session, as if you had done a COMMIT before executing the statement. This means that DDL statements cannot be performed within another transaction, within transaction control statements such as START TRANSACTION ... COMMIT, or combined with other statements within the same transaction."

What is Implicit Commit in MySQL?
The implicit commit occurs within a session.
So for instance you start a transaction, do some updates and then forget to close the transaction and start a new one. Then the first transaction will implicitely committed.
