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Neodgovorni, sebični i zatucani antivakser Ako vas zanima naša chat grupa na telegramu, uđite https://t.me/PernarChat Ako me želite osobno kontaktirati ovo je moj profil t.me/ipernar
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Ludovic Clerc
Moderna 22nd July 2021
Died 24th July 2021
Age: 39 Years Old

Ludo's Story Told by his Father Jean Francois

My son received his second Moderna injection on Thursday, July 22nd at around 5pm. The next morning he informed me of pain in the arm where the injection had been done.

The next day Saturday 24th around 12noon we he tried to wake him and my son wasn't moving and blood had spilled his nostrils!
Despite the response of the firemen I urgently contacted, they could only see his death 😩

I lost a huge part of myself this terrible day in July and will hold a great place in my heart for this beloved son.

For my grandson Melvin (Ludo's Son) who is only 13 years old, yet I have to keep living in honour my Ludo

Rest in peace my baby
Sputnik V 💉💀

On August 2, a 24-year-old boy, Mikhail Kharchev, died in Kholuy, Russia.
“He was forced to get vaccinated at work (he worked as a senior investigator in the Ministry of Internal Affairs)” - his mother told. “After the second 💉 he felt bad, but he went to work. He came home for the weekend and on Sunday night he became very sick. When the ambulance arrived, he could not walk well and could not talk, only moaned. Doctors pumped his air for several hours manually, as he could not breathe. At 3 A.M. he was gone...”
26 yrs old from Fort McMurray, Alberta

Dead after her 2 dose 💉
Korumpirani zubari su upropastili generacije našeg naroda trujući nas živom, ta sebična govna i dan danas truju naše narod s tim otrovom i zato me srce boli kada vidim da ima među vama onih koji drže taj otrov u čeljusti i ponašaju se kao da je sve u redu i kao da to nije problem.
Razgovarao sam s majkom i ona mi je ispričala da je ona kao dijete bila željna čokolade jer toga nije bilo. Na to se gledalo kao luksuzan proizvod. Nažalost, taj otrov dolazi u lijepom pakiranju i ukusan je zato ga ljudi jedu nesavjesni posljedica toga za njih i njihovu djecu.

👉🏻 Last Saturday, more than 500,000 people demonstrated in France to denounce the policy of compulsory vaccination and vaccine passports.

⁉️ During one of these demonstrations, a young woman was walking with a sign on which were written the names of political figures promoting the vaccine. In red was written a big question: "Qui?!" meaning "Who [wants to hurt us] ?"

🗣️ The LICRA (French ADL) immediately mobilised and called for the woman to be jailed. As a result of this pressure, the prosecutor opened an investigation.

👨🏻‍⚖️ The Minister of the Interior, himself Jewish, announced that all available means were mobilised.

👩🏼 The young girl was arrested and is risking a prison sentence

🔎 Indeed, for the past 2 weeks, the word "Qui" has been considered anti-Semitic.

📌 Asking "Qui/who" is running the health policy in France has become de facto anti-Semitic. The word "Who" has become a hate symbol.

🔗 Source : BFMTV (MSM)
Danas sam gledao nećaka i nećakinju kako se svađaju oko bombona, tužno je gledati kako se spore oko nečega što je samo po sebi štetno i nepotrebno čovjeku. Nažalost djeca nemaju svijest o opasnosti šećera, a ni roditelji u pravilu nisu svjesni
Upravo sam pričao s mladim Englezom na plaži koji ima savršene trbušnjake, većina ljudi koja nije svjesna problematike bi ga pitala koliko vježba, ali mene je zaintrigirala njegova ishrana. Jako malo slatkog jede, i dosta piletine, tako kaže.
Media is too big
Images of an African Samurai, hitting cars with a metal object in broad daylight, in Lisbon.

🙉 Several residents ask the Black man to stop his vandalism, but he ignores their warnings and gives them the middle finger in response.

🛑 In the end, the Black man is immobilized by the people on the street.

🔈 @invictus_portucale
Have you heard from abroad about the priest killed in France a few days ago ?

Maybe you have, but you need to fully understand the situation in order to realise the catastrophic state of our country in which criminals have all the rights, and where good people are treated as sub-citizens.

A year ago, this black man, who came from Rwanda, already burned down a cathedral classified as French heritage, and which dated from the 15th century. Considered mentally unfit and therefore not dangerous (as if burning a beautiful monument was not the mark of a dangerous personality), he was quickly released. The "préfet" (chief administrative officer) of the department nevertheless asked for his deportation - it should be recalled that this man is not even a French citizen. He simply has nothing to do on French soil.

But the Catholic Church higher-ups of the region insisted to the prefet that the Black guy stay in France, and they helped the man who had destroyed one of our most beautiful cathedrals, to stay in another church, in the Vendée department nearby.
It was there that he committed his crime by killing the priest who was housing him.

If this were the scenario of a movie, you would not find it credible. Yet this is life in France today. Welcome to hell. Welcome to this beautiful country that has gone mad.